Saturday 16 September 2017

I do Differ from the Alt Right on Issues

I am not sure if you know of a cuss word among them for certain other non-leftists, "cuckservatives". I am not using it, and for a reason.

Here is Mark Shea on the matter:


Someone left the Church - or the Novus Ordo Sect - due to its stance on immigration.

Note, supporting mass immigration may be wrong for other reasons, but not for these two, the ones I put in bold, quoting what Mark Shea quoted himself, before answering it:

Today, however, Catholic leaders act like cuckolds and support the invasions of their own lands. You see this ranging from Pope Francis all the way to Cardinal Dolan, who openly supports the Third World invasion of the USA.

This is not a healthy church. It is a war upon Western Civilization, and I cannot be a part of it. The Catholic Church today is an enemy of Western Civilization.

Reason 1, "cuckolds" : if an immigrant marries a previously unwed maid or woman of our lands, either both baptised or neither baptised, that is not any one actually suffering cuckoldry, per se.

It does probably happen that Muslim men do think this or that Western man is a loser and his wife needs someone better, and they are sometimes in a position to call him and treat him as a loser. The problem in such a case is not so much in their geographical position as in their social one, and even more, in how much more social position has come to mean than marriage.

It is marriage we must defend, not whiteness, if we do not want to suffer cuckoldry.

It could come to immigrants being too much against a defense of Christian marriage, too much for women divorcing "losers" and remarrying, but the mere fact of an immigrant being here is not cuckoldry, and the fact of an immigrant marrying here, including a Western woman, according to both being or lacking Baptism, is also not cuckoldry. A Persian cultural Muslim of atheist convictions marries a woman raised atheist and never baptised, she is not committing adultery, and a Congolese Catholic coming here marrying a Catholic, she is not committing adultery because he is Congolese. Learn what words mean!

Calling that "cuckoldry" is like saying that all white women in general are married to all white men in general, even before marriage. Ku Klux Klan seems to have historically supported that kind of thing, but it was founded by an anti-Christian mystagogue named Albert Pike, among others. It is Plato at his worst (i e book VI of The State / The Republic). If even that.

Reason 2, "third world" vs "Western Civilisation" : the Third World is part of Western Civilisation.

The Muslim world is not part if Western Civilisation. The Confucian and Shinto and Buddhist world is not part of it, neither is the Hindoo world : because they are not parts of Christendom, because their tradition is not Christian.

In the West, Christianity has a worse enemy than immigrant Confucians or Muslims, even if these on occasion do support this enemy : Marxist Socialism. But note, if Alt Right takes on too much of the tone of Ku Klux, there may come a day when Alt Right too is an enemy.

And Mark Shea replied on the same lines, urging the man to return to the Faith of Charles Martel.

Shall we check with history of the Christendom of Charles Martel did on occasion accept immigrants?

Sagen aus Österreich : Der Purbacher Türke

Now, this was Burgendland, an area with some Calvinistic influence, which was up to World War I not Archduchy of Austria, or (except some decades) Empire of Austria, but Kingdom of Hungary. In a more purely Catholic area of Austria, he might even been free and married, that Turk, once he had been baptised.

And of course, we have the cases of Fraxinet:

Here, the Moors actually had an enclave, up to the provocation of detaining Saint Majolus of Cluny. Next year, Moors were down in the Var, battle of Tourtour liberated the area. But the problem was not that the Moors were living in France. The problem is they tried to play lords here. That they had committed acts of piracy before this deed and now cronwed them by a sacrilege.

I don't know if the man cited above really ceaed to be Catholic totally, or if he profited from too much tolerance of Ku Klux positions in his non-Vatican II surroundings, at least more tolerance than he would have had from me, especially on as great an occasion as getting out of Novus Ordo, had I been a priest receiving him to a parish resisting Novus Ordo (SSPX, Sede Vacante or - as my allegiance - under Pope Michael).

I am not sure Mark Shea made the difference. I sometimes suspected he may be considering me as a National Socialist, which I am not. His words to the Alt Righter deserve some quoting:

You are an Alt Right racist, not a conservative. And you are a heretic at war with Jesus Christ in grave danger of the everlasting fires of hell in your infatuation with white supremacist worship of power. You asked no question because you are a liar.

If you do not return to the Faith, the faith of Charles Martel, you stand in grave danger of burning for all eternity in hell.

Race worship has been done before. Holy Church condemns it as she always has. Christ alone, not your blood or soil or DNA, can save you.

Repent or you shall be damned.

Manly enough for you?

Well, I am not sure he is not committing hasty judgement. Invasion is on certain occasions a somewhat apt word for how certain immigrants have behaved. And some of them have also behaved so ill, that even cuckold is not totally off, namely by gang rapes, for those supporting these guys stay here after prison. And some seem to have been eager to decide who is a "loser" - in my own case this has not meant a divorce, but not getting married : BUT the immigrants who have been involved in that (and I think some have, considering I drink beer with my supper, when I can afford it and considering I have compared Moahmmed to Joseph Smith and supported the French taking of Algers in 1830) could have done nothing without ample backing or even abetting from non-immigrant Socialists and side help from some Conservatives who are Catholics, except a bit too fond of the Alt Right.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Cergy L'Astrolabe
St Edith

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