New blog on the kid
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Et pour tous ceux qui voient ceci sur les ordis - que Sainte Claire prie pour vous!
- Home
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- Fatima - Bad News and Good News - the latter provi...
- Panthéisme ? Non. Trinité ? Oui.
- Do not support World Childhood Foundation!
- Hans-Georg Gadamer was of the "Frankfurter Schule"? - get Inklings for me please!
- A Relevant Quote from J. R. R. Tolkien
- Sur le concept de l'ésotérique et sur les sociétés secrètes
- In Case Someone Thinks I am Preaching ...
- Would Gay Marriage Allow them an Authentic Life?
- Malfaisance de "Sécurité"
- Have I Done Ill Speaking Against the Real Pope a F...
- Drodzy Polacy - i Rosjanie itd.
- Vatican in Exile : Calendar and Marian Anthems
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- Code ASCII et James Bond
- Presentation
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Links on Halloween and "Reformation Day"
The Mad Monarchist : Confessions of a Creepy Christian
While being creepy, I think he will be sober at time for Holy Mass tomorrow.
Supremacy and Survival : Belloc on Henry VIII's First Two Wives
While recalling Reformation, it doesn't paint it as a reform./HGL
PS, here is an important one:
A Catholic Life : Indulgenced Acts for the Poor Souls November 1st thru 8th
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Bonum Festum Christi Regis
Christifidelibus exopto./HGL
Quas Primas ENG Quas Primas FR et praesertim Quas Primas LAT. Vide et ESP et IT.
Saturday, 28 October 2017
Welcome South Korea!
168 page views last 24 hours. That is 8*21, so you might know of the "21 club" if I am right that exists ... some countries are smaller in viewers but are welcome too, Kenya and Seychelles, Lithuania and Estonia and Hungary is of course welcome back - as is Poland, where I seem to have faithful readers. Blessed Feast of Sts Simon and Jude Thaddaeus./HGL
Bonum Festum Sanctorum Simonis et Thaddaei Apostolorum
Christifidelibus exopto/HGL
In Perside natalis beatorum Apostolorum Simonis Chananaei, et Thaddaei, qui et Judas dicitur. Ex ipsis autem Simon in Aegypto, Thaddaeus in Mesopotamia Evangelium praedicavit; deinde, in Persidem simul ingressi, ibi, cum innumeram gentis illius multitudinem Christo subdidissent, martyrium consummarunt.
Friday, 27 October 2017
Il y a aussi une dame, si elle est chrétienne
alors je lui souhaite une bonne fête de Sts Simon et Jude, et sinon, de passer une très bonne journée, tandis que nous Chrétiens fêtons les apôtres. Elle parlait sinhalais, très peu d'anglais, elle a compris que j'ai voulu a manger, et elle m'a procuré une petite fête hier soir, après que j'avais quitté l'homme inhospitable et décourtois./HGL
Ah bon, j'avais mal lu le martyrologe hier, la fête est demain./HGL
Avant de souhaiter bonne fête aux lecteurs Chrétiens
Il y a, pour la vérité, un homme à qui je ne souhaite pas bonne fête. Après avoir dégagé mon bagage, comme il avait demandé, j'aurais voulu lui passer un gifle avant qu'il rentre. Il a été très habile pour l'éviter, mais ça aurait été encore plus habile de lui de ne pas provoquer ma colère, de plutôt m'avoir permis de rester la nuit./HGL
Ah bon, le Jour de ces Apôtres est demain. J'avais mal lu le martyrologe, hier, à part la possibilité théorique que le site était momentanément hacké, c'est au moins correct aujourd'hui.
Ceci me donne le droit de me prononcer un peu davantage sur cet homme. C'est à cause des inhospitalités comme les siens, que je suis souvent surfatigué. Il était dans ses droits, juridiquement, de me demander de partir. Mais il a utilisé ce droit d'une manière méprisable.
Dans le cas qu'il est en complicité avec d'autres (ce qui est probable, mais ce que je ne suis pas en position de prouver, ça serait à faire par ceux qui savent ce qui se passe en mon absence sur ma réputation) qui se sont donné un mot pour que je sois chassé d'un endroit à autre, ceci est, par contre, criminel. S'il est en complicité avec des gens qui enregistrent des bavures de fatique, comme d'avoir hier cru que c'était déjà la veille des Saints Jude et Simon, alors, s'ils abusent ces bavures observées pour me tamponner comme malade mental et encore augmenter les illibertés et inhospitalités et fatigues, ceci serait un crime.
Après de l'avoir quitté, et avant d'avoir rencontré la dame (voir le message prochain), j'ai passé un quart d'heure ou cinq minutes d'imaginer comme je pourrait le maltraiter, et, devant un juge dire que ce n'était quand même pas très douteux qu'il était dans une telle intrigue, vu la routine avec laquelle il se faisait dégueulasse sans se faire prendre. Il y a une élite de positions certes modestes mais clés (je le considérerais comme professeur, médecin, psychiatre, aide-soignant psychiatrique ou des choses comme ça) qui, en abusant leurs positions pour la calomnie des gens et leur propriété pour l'inhospitalité, dégradent les vies des gens. Des gens des positions encore plus modestes, comme la mienne comme écrivain sous-payé, ou des gens des non-positions.
Dans le cas d'une révolution - ce que je ne souhaite pas, en soi - et dans le cas qu'il y avait davantage que juste l'inhospitalité visible et indubitable, plutôt aussi une position comme psychiatre, si je le voyais pendu dans une lanterne ou sa tête sur une pique, avec le bouche pleine d'herbe, comme celle de Foulon (à qui on attribuait, à raison ou a tort "qu'ils broutent de l'herbe"), ce n'est pas pour lui que je pleurerais.
Ceci dit, je n'ai pas fait une quelle-conque révolution, ni pendu qui que ce soit dans une lanterne, ni même maltraité ce mec, même pas la baffe, que j'avais intentionné juste avant de partir.
Hans Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterre
La Veille de Sts Simon et Jude*
* La vraie, cette fois.
Over 1000 views
Russia Led My Blog Readers One Week · Latest Posts (33?) · Over 1000 views
- A 5000 - up
- (all three in this group also exceeding 10 000)
- I
- HGL's F.B. writings : I am not sure you know Artur Sebastian Rosman
25 Jul 2014, 1 comment
[Dialogue, copyright of other participants could be relevant.]
- II
- New blog on the kid : Guest Book Back Up / Livre d'Or de Réserve
18 Mar 2015, 1 comment
- Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : Asked to leave my Guestbook alone:
9 Feb 2012, 17 comments
[Please note, the one who are asked to leave my GB alone are not everybody, but certain IP's I could detect back then. They were giving spam, not comments to my person or to my text content!]
- B 4000 - 4999
- IV
- Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Answering Steve Rudd
31 Mar 2014
- V
- HGL's F.B. writings : Three links related to dating questions (with some discussion)
24 Nov 2013
- VI
- HGL's F.B. writings : Attacked on "Evolution of Languages Disproves Tower of Babel" Subject Again
12 May 2014
[Attacked : not assaulted, but like by metaphor of military action for debate.]
- Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : Father Filippo Anfossi was right against Giuseppe Settele
20 Feb 2013, 6 comments
- C 3000 - 3999
- Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : A thread from Catholic.com (more may be added)
28 Jun 2014
[Linking to dialogues, copyright of other participants could be relevant.]
- IX
- Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Sects, Historical Critical Method, Post-Confessional Christianity
19 Feb 2011, 3 comments
- X
- deretour : Ordo Missae of Paul VI per se valid, probably
9 May 2017
- D 2500 - 2999
- XI
- ELL: deretour : Παιδόφιλος; Ἐγώ;
4 Apr 2008, 8 comments
[For those who don't know Greek, the semicolon ";" stands for question, a bit related to the Spanish inverted question mark.]
- E 2000 - 2499
- HGL's F.B. writings : Our Lady of the Rosary to today, debate between a geocentric thomist and some heliocentrics
12 Oct 2010
[Dialogue, copyright of other participants could be relevant.]
- Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : "filolohika"?
8 Jan 2013
- Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Misunderstanding Begging (Some Cultural History of, Blog Theme Obliging) and This Beggar
9 Oct 2014
- XV
- HGL's F.B. writings : Be my Unwin or Hooper if you like.
23 Sep 2011
- HGL's F.B. writings : St Luke concludes five more days of debate with same person
18 Oct 2010
[Dialogue, copyright of other participants could be relevant.]
- musicalia : Sonata Nemetodurica
30 Jun 2010, 3 comments
- Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Answering a Muslim who asked "If Jesus was [=is] GOD ..."
9 May 2017
- HGL's F.B. writings : Creationism and Geocentrism are sometimes used as metaphors for "outdated because disproven inexact science"
16 Apr 2011, 30 comments
- XX
- En lengua romance en Antimodernism y de mis caminaciones : Chronicle of Susan Pevensie
14 Dec 2011, 2 comments
[Other copyright relevant than mine on this fan fic! Estates of CSL, JRRT, Enid Blyton, at least!]
- F 1500 - 1999
- FR: deretour : M. Onfray et St. Thomas d' Aquin
9 May 2017
- FR: deretour : Cardinal Lustiger (RIP) - vraiment "apostat"?
29 Apr 2010
- HGL's F.B. writings : Was John Wesley charitable to Catholics?
11 May 2014
- Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Where Orthodox Canonists disagree with Catholic ones about Soldiers in War Communicating
9 May 2017, 3 comments
- HGL's F.B. writings : Situation of Yaqui children better again!
20 Apr 2012
- SV/ENG: Litaven : Litavens kulturhistoria, problem 2
5 Nov 2008
- Recipes from Home and Abroad : impressa in octavo
18 Nov 2008, 11 comments
- FR: deretour : Terre et Soleil - laquelle est stabile?
9 May 2017
- FR: deretour : Atapuerca - 80.000 (ou encore 800.000) ans de vieux?
9 May 2017
views 1659
[Hé, j'ai fais plus précis depuis!]
- Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Copyright issues on blogposts with shared copyright
7 May 2015
- FR: deretour : Conscience: cerveau-ordinateur ou âme?
9 May 2017
- FR: HGL's F.B. writings : Mes réponses à propos protestantisme
19 Apr 2012
- deretour : Sir George Darwin corrected Galileo Galilei on tides, you know ...
12 Nov 2012
- Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Have these dialogues taken place? Yes.
9 May 2017
- HGL's F.B. writings : Being argumentative with people who dislike that (East of Schism)
10 Dec 2010
- FR/ENG: deretour : FAQ Fr/Eng
9 May 2017
- FR: Creation vs. Evolution : Un blog a été donné à vos étudiants.
15 Jun 2011
- FR: deretour : Réponses à "aimerjesus" / "islam christianisme"
9 May 2017
- New blog on the kid : Hans-Georg Gadamer was of the "Frankfurter Schule" - get Inklings for me please!
26 May 2014
[I may have confused Gadamer with Adorno! Or considered him as similar to Derrida because they weren't. Either way, the interest in the article was taking my distance from Frankfurt school. And not being dependent on Gadamer.]
- XL
- FR: HGL's F.B. writings : Oui, l'âge moyen de la puberté reste un âge mûr pour le mariage
5 Dec 2010
- G 1250 - 1499
- New blog on the kid : Do not support World Childhood Foundation!
15 May 2014
- Creation vs. Evolution : Where You Looking For Something Else?
28 Aug 2012, 1 comment
- New blog on the kid : A Relevant Quote from J. R. R. Tolkien
7 Jun 2014
- somewhere else : So, Dionysus was a Copy of Moses, may One Presume?
7 Nov 2012, 3 comments
- LAT:En lengua romance en Antimodernism y de mis caminaciones : Index in stephani tempier condempnationes
11 Jan 2012, 9 comments
- New blog on the kid : Fatima - Bad News and Good News - the latter provided by Pope Michael
13 Feb 2015
- DE:Auf Deutsch (auf Antimodernism und später) : Aus Chromosome/Wiki/de
3 Nov 2008, 1 comment
- FR: New blog on the kid : Sur le concept de l'ésotérique et sur les sociétés secrètes
28 Jun 2014
- IL
- Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : I think I wrote a mistaken word somewhere on youtube - or perhaps not
9 May 2017
- L
- HGL's F.B. writings : Restoring a Christian society, fine but how?
12 Dec 2010
- LI
- New blog on the kid : Would Gay Marriage Allow them an Authentic Life?
26 Sep 2014
- LAT:Latinitatis morphologia simplificata : verba praeteriti imperfecti indicativus, futuri indicativus
11 Apr 2008
- SV: På Svenska og på Dansk på Antimodernism : ...
16 Dec 2008, 2 comments
[Dialogue, copyright of other participant(s) could be relevant.]
- Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : What is Expertise? Some Things It is Not.
11 May 2014
- H 1100 - 1249
- LV
- FR/ENG: musicalia : General index
13 Aug 2009, 3 comments
- somewhere else : A Case for Considering Western Atheism as Protestantism Losing Christianity
12 Oct 2016
- FR: New blog on the kid : Malfaisance de "Sécurité"
17 Oct 2014
- ESP:En lengua romance en Antimodernism y de mis caminaciones : Comentario carlista sobre abortamiento (enlace)
24 Sep 2009
[Si, yo sé, enlace a un artículo que no queda en el sitio carlista!]
- somewhere else : Ten Extra-Biblical Writers or Sources on Reign of Tiberius (Silent Historians Argument Revisited)
7 Apr 2016
- LX
- somewhere else : What did Early Christians Believe About Greek and Roman Gods?
19 Oct 2016
- somewhere else : Correcting Theodore Gracyk's analysis
8 Nov 2016
- New blog on the kid : St Augustine was - Literally - a Young Earth Creationist and Geocentric, and he was Right
26 Mar 2014
- Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : The City Lights Went Out, Did They?
24 Sep 2016
- somewhere else : Answering Barbara Smoker's Path from Rome
3 Mar 2016
- somewhere else : Kalam, Loftus & Lindsay
22 Mar 2016
- FR: New blog on the kid : Panthéisme ? Non. Trinité ? Oui.
21 Oct 2015
- somewhere else : Two rebuttals of Kalaam rebutted
9 Apr 2016
- Creation vs. Evolution : Weakness of CMI : Church History
5 Nov 2014
- Creation vs. Evolution : AronRa, did I mention you are worthless on history?
27 Feb 2012, 2 comments
- Creation vs. Evolution : Can we get this straight? I never said I was atheist up to becoming Catholic
9 May 2017
- I 1000 - 1099
- Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Answering TheOFloinn some more
21 Nov 2013
- somewhere else : Answering Three Points in a Paper by Carrier
2 Nov 2016
- Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : It Seems Apocalypse is Explained in a Very Relevant Part
9 May 2017, 1 comment
- HGL's F.B. writings : Debate with John Médaille on Geocentrism
13 Mar 2015, 2 comments
- DA: På Svenska og på Dansk på Antimodernism : BEVAR CHRISTIANIA
8 Nov 2008
- Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : 101 Popular Posts (as per 15-V-2013)
15 May 2013
- Creation vs. Evolution : A Catholic who will go unnamed
5 Mar 2015
- Great Bishop of Geneva! : Answers about "The Forbidden Book"
27 Jan 2013
[Extensive quotes, copyright of the one I refute should however not be too relevant, since refutation is fair use.]
- Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : Why do Some Christian People Find my Geocentric View of the Universe Heterodox?
8 Apr 2012, 10 comments
- New blog on the kid : In Case Someone Thinks I am Preaching ...
4 Mar 2016
Latest Posts (33?)
Russia Led My Blog Readers One Week · Latest Posts (33?) · Over 1000 views
Tuesday October 17 :
Il l'a dit : "pour moi, un blog est un problème sur l'ordinateur" · First check on C14 question, no answer · Me and Damien Mackey on Historicity of Iliad and Odyssey
Wednesday October 18 :
On Reality or Not of PIE - and is it "Conspiracy" or "Peer Pressure" in English? (quora)
Thursday October 19 :
Philo sur Quora, II bis, avec remise au niveau en culture générale · Europe en 400 av. J. Chr. · More on Latin (quora) · Tolkien a Catholic : Does it Show? Yes. (quora)
Friday October 20 :
Question sur la protection de propriété intellectuelle sur internet (quora) · Thirdeaglebooks on Apocalypse 7, me giving a few disagreements · Alternatives to my own Creationist C14 Model (quora) · Afrikaaners, Trudeau and what has BRICS got to do with it?
Saturday October 21 :
Question du plagiat sur internet (quora) · To some Africans it is so obvious I am no intellectual.
Sunday October 22 :
Hier, j'avais vu une citation un peu incomplète - avant la fin de séance internet
[La date automatique en haut résulte du fait que le blog est sur l'horaire de Californie, je n'ai pas réussie de le mettre sur l'horaire de Paris.]
Monday October 23 :
Highlands, Philippe Aymond · Ça vous gratte d'être édités à Éditions Sud, Série Noire? [Actes Sud, pardon!] · Numérologie (quora) · Races d'Europe · Recorded History of China Too Old For Us?
Tuesday October 24:
Does the "Christian Bible" say the "ground" of Satan is in Izmir? · Bernouilli - Les Dates de Vie d'une Famille · YEC Problem for Heliocentrics (quora) · Irish film reviews (link) · Missed this Yesterday : 61 Years ago (link)
Wednesday October 25 :
The Gospel Truth, by William P. Lazarus, part 1 · Mercator and Geert Groote (excursus)
Thursday October 26 :
Were Reformers Creationist Heros? No. · How was The Bible Written (Answering a Muslim on Quora) · Carbon 14 Production (Own Q on Quora) · Genesis and Creationism Related on Quora · 2 Horrifying Conditions and 3 Horrifying Myths · One of these myths is not like the other · Should Lazio Read Katarina Tajkon too?.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Should Lazio Read Katarina Tajkon too?
After looking at Guardian, about the "Antisemitism" in Lazio's banners, I am not sure whether Anne Frank's diary is quite as appropriate as Katitzi, by Katarina Tajkon.
a Lazio banner in the city derby nearly 20 years ago aimed at Roma supporters that read: “Auschwitz Is Your Homeland; The Ovens Are Your Homes.”
What if Roma (city) was being targetted for homonymity with Roma (European migrant people originating in India)? Gipsies too were sent to Auschwitz, at least for 17 months.
I propose, Lazio should start reading Katarina Tajkon, just in case it was anti-Tsiganism ... what is more, reading Katarina Tajkon is a pleasure, even if I only know the comic book version of the story./HGL
PS, funny, was going to link to an article on Katitzi on my comics blog, didn't find it. Hacked?
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Missed this Yesterday : 61 Years ago (link)
Yes, 61 years ago, the insurrection against Soviet and Communist occupation began.
Hat tip to Beiboot Petri blog: Heute vor 61 Jahren
Irish film reviews (link)
The Best Irish Movies
One little warning : Finian's Rainbow (1968) for some reason does not even mention the song How Are Things in Glocca Morra? In other words, music is not quite the reviewers best expressed sensibility./HGL
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Hier, j'avais vu une citation un peu incomplète - avant la fin de séance internet
Je ne suis donc pas sûr qu'elle était incomplète en elle-même. Mais elle était inquiétante. Pour moi.
En regardant aujourd'hui un article un peu plus complet que ce que j'avais eu le temps de lire de l'article hier, je suis soulagé sur certains points.
- A) Florence Parly a dit "des djihadistes", pas "les djihadistes".
- B) Elle n'a au moins pas confirmé que des troupes spéciaux français traques les djihadistes de France.
Ceci, bien entendu, par rapport à la nouvelle que je trouve aujourd'hui:
"S’il y a des djihadistes qui périssent dans ces combats, je dirais que c’est tant mieux", a-t-elle affirmé. "Nous ne pouvons rien faire pour empêcher leur retour. Nous pouvons poursuivre le combat pour neutraliser le maximum de djihadistes."
"Ce sont les forces syriennes qui seront en charge des djihadistes". Florence Parly a par ailleurs refusé de confirmer que les forces spéciales françaises étaient sur le terrain précisément pour traquer les djihadistes français. "Ce sont les forces au sol, syriennes, qui seront en charge de ces combattants si ceux-ci restent vivants, ce que l’histoire ne dit pas encore", a déclaré la ministre. "Et si des djihadistes tombent aux mains des forces syriennes, ils dépendront de la juridiction des forces syriennes."
Bon, je ne suis pas totalement soulagé non plus:
"S’il y a des djihadistes qui périssent dans ces combats, je dirais que c’est tant mieux", a-t-elle affirmé. "Nous ne pouvons rien faire pour empêcher leur retour. Nous pouvons poursuivre le combat pour neutraliser le maximum de djihadistes."
"Ce sont les forces syriennes qui seront en charge des djihadistes". Florence Parly a par ailleurs refusé de confirmer que les forces spéciales françaises étaient sur le terrain précisément pour traquer les djihadistes français. "Ce sont les forces au sol, syriennes, qui seront en charge de ces combattants si ceux-ci restent vivants, ce que l’histoire ne dit pas encore", a déclaré la ministre. "Et si des djihadistes tombent aux mains des forces syriennes, ils dépendront de la juridiction des forces syriennes."
Et je dirai pourquoi.
Neutraliser peut dire pas mal de choses, entre autre tuer, castrer, prendre captif.
Si c'est prendre captif, c'est un propos pas trop mauvais en soi (reste à savoir pour le futur : il y a des rancuniers qui pourront emmerder des vies des gens retournés par force en France).
Si c'est castrer, c'est une certaine barbarie que je ne crois pas qu'elle prônerait, ou au moins pas encore. Des Rifains l'ont commise à Badajoz, mais Franco leur a expliqué qu'ils ne pouvaient certainement pas continuer comme ça (quitte à qui le veut de soupçonner que son ami Yagüe avait un accord tacite pour le faire une fois, quitte à qui le préfère de considérer Yagüe hors cause, même s'il ne l'était pas pour les massacres et que son ami Franco ne fit pas enquête sur ceux-ci).
Si c'est tuer, là, je m'inquiète.
Il y a peut-être des gens qui ont été victimes d'une fusillade mais sans en mourir au Carillon, et parmi eux certains à qui ça gratte les doigts de remettre les comptes un peu plus à l'égal. Et d'autres qui n'étaient pas là, et dont les proches étaient victimes morts. Et encore d'autres dont les proches ont survécu et qui ne sont plus les mêmes, et eux-mêmes non plus, à qui aussi ça gratte. Et à d'autres endroits comme ça, et au stade de foot ... et au Bataclan.
Doivent-ils être encouragés, s'ils sont dans l'armée, de prendre cette occasion?
Tout d'abord : certains des djihadistes sont jeunes. Alessandro Serenelli était 18 quand il commit un meurtre, il n'a pas chopé la peine de mort, qui existait au Royaume d'Italie, mais juste trente ans.
Ensuite : il est probables que certains des jeunes djihadistes ont eu partie de leur jeunesse gâchée par certains services ou sévices de la République. On se souvient de tel Amedy Coulibaly, il y a deux ans? Sa femme est allée en Syrie. Et je considère probable, que le massacre qu'il perpétrait était au moins en partie parce que sa femme devait aller en Syrie pour ne pas périr sous les "soins" par exemple des DDASS, dont elle était victime pendant l'adolescence et même après.
Et encore un petit truc.
Il y a ici en France des gens qui disent "mon frère est allé en Syrie, quel connard, s'il se repentit je vais le pardonner, bien-sûr, mais il a des choses à apprendre". Serait-ce propice pour la paix sociale en France, entre Musulmans et population majoritaire, qu'ils se disent au lieu de ça "mon frère est allé en Syrie, le pauvre, et un soldat français l'a tué à Raqqa, ce connard"?
J'espère que les forces démocratiques syriennes, ceux qui sont en train de prendre Raqqa, prennent ceci en compte.
Encore une chose : l'article que j'avais lu en partie et très vite hier était sur mail . com, aujourd'hui je ne le retrouve plus. Était-ce le même propos de Florence Parly un peu truqué, qu'ils ont retiré parce que mal traduit? Ou était-ce un autre, plus sanguinaire, comme ça me semblait hier? Je ne le trouve pas, je ne suis pas en position de le vérifier.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Paris I
Dimanche avant Christ-Roi
Saturday, 21 October 2017
To some Africans it is so obvious I am no intellectual.
A school teacher with a salary is an intellectual. A writer with a publisher is an intellectual. I would even be intellectual in their eyes if I already had a publisher for what I write on my blogs - and since this is the case, and they are sure I am no intellectual (for previous reasons), they are NOT fans of the idea of my getting a publisher.
And most certainly not an upstart amateur publisher, who, not having already been established as intellectual (i e capable of generating money on intellectual types of products and services) is not a real judge of whether I am intellectual or not.
And if I try to make people concerned that the school teachers are misleading the youth (misleading themselves, if they are young, misleading junior family members if they are not), it is so obvious to these Africans that I am jealous. After all, the school teacher is an intellectual (earns money from an intellectual service), while I am not in their eyes (since not earning money from my services or derivable products of intellectual type). To such an African it is obvious I am jealous.
In an African climate, therefore, certain things cannot be discussed. If teachers (around them) are united in saying "millions of years occurred, evolution from microbe to man occurred" and I write "this is not so", the Africans won't be weighing my arguments against the arguments of the teachers, they will be weighing status of my person (known as beggar in the streets, often reputed as mad or alcoholic, suspected of being jealous) against the status of the teachers, and therefore will conclude that it is not worth bothering about my actual arguments.
Similarily, if their pastors say that moyboy and evolution are biblically OK, they will take my opposition to them as jealousy if not demonic possession (unless I could possibly be past that hurdle).
And if their pastors tell them that I am right in being against evolution, they will take that from their masters, sorry, pastors, and keep paying them for telling them what to think, and keep not paying me for writing down arguments, and actually not bother very much about an argument of mine, unless a pastor of theirs had become interested.
My problem is not necessarily with these Africans.
My problem is with Westerners who are not using their liberties, my liberties, our liberties, to make a mediatic and commercial success of certain of my Young Earth Creationist, or even Geocentric, pieces of argumentation.
And obviously, much less with those who don’t do so because they believe Big Bang, Stellar and Planetary Formation, Abiogenesis, Evolution, Gradual Humanisation and duly call themselves atheist. Their only motive for publishing me on paper, as I already published myself on internet, that I can conceive, is either personal pity, or arranging a collection of debate articles, between myself and an opponent. But they seem very unwilling to stand up as opponents too.
No, my problem is instead much more with Westerners calling themselves Christian who do not print my things, because this, that or other African minded collective has managed to intimidate them.
Some of these know I am often reading the work of CMI (despite them being Protestant and sometimes alas even showing so), and Robert B from US who wrote to CMI and was answered by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati could theoretically have been such a one.
He could have (in a very African way) imagined me as dupe of CMI. Now, Jonathan Sarfati, PhD, is a Protestant and on occasion shows it alas, but today was not that day. Today was a day when he showed some brilliant and compared to my rant charitable answering to the guys who want to stamp Creationists as « uneducated cavemen » or whatever.
Here is a little link :
Damaging Christianity by ignoring science?
Published: 21 October 2017 (GMT+10)
Robert B was, however interesting in a cultural sense not limited to Africa :
« Consider—the percentage of scientists who believe the Earth is young is smaller than the percentage of people who would be clinically insane in the same population. ALERT!! »
This is interesting, because while Africans are sometimes too keen on psychiatry (especially in the West, where they lack other means of African tribalism), they are not its most formative instigators. One could even argue, they have in some places a sore history of being its victims*. I’d say, Robert B is here exposing a tribal viewpoint which is NEITHER Western NOR African. Perhaps, in order not to sully all Jews, Talmudic ? Perhaps, in order not to sully just Jews, Judeo-Protestant ?
The remark shows a very interesting use of mental disease diagnoses : the higher percentage of any population has these, the bigger a minority can be and still be ignored. Because, Africans are not the only ones who will resort to investigating a person before his argument. And that is bad news for the West.
Want to save the West ? Don’t punch a Black Man. Punch (or other measure seeming adequate) a shrink.**
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibl. Parmentier
St. Ursula and Companions
PS, if it is true that more people among scientific élite are diagnosed as mentally ill than the ones who are Young Earth Creationist, this shows efficacity of a Communist brainwash type education, and its being very intense among those élites. Before a man has come out as a Young Earth Creationist, his pals may have come out as regarding him as a freak and as thinking psychiatry is the proper way of dealing with such./HGL
* Very dated example, unless they want to sue psychiatric institutions for it : the Antebellum Psychiatry of the South, in which a slave who fled could be « diagnosed » as drapetomaniac. No, not megalomanic, drapetomaniac. What does that mean ? Well, drapetes is Greek for a slave on the run. You can presumably guess the « medication time » given to a drapetomaniac : his master or rather master’s foreman played the role of Nurse Ratchett. Very recent example : a black woman in France had abandoned her daughter to the waves, the daughter died. She was condemned to twenty years, and now it’s fifteen. Except, now she is under « obligation des soins » and this also during ten years observation after the fifteen, so, she is facing twentyfive years without freedom, instead of twenty, because she was given the excuse of insanity, and this because she was convinced of having been victim of witchcraft. ** Actually, just punching a shrink may be very dangerous, since he could abuse his position to stamp you as mentally ill and therefore withdraw you from common law and due process – or at least from due process. Well, this may be a case for not doing worse things to him, or not, as you judge.
Friday, 20 October 2017
Afrikaaners, Trudeau and what has BRICS got to do with it?
Afrikaner family’s refugee application deemed “racist propaganda”
Rebel Media, added, 20.X.2017
Note very well : South Africa which is trying to hide its crime is very often targetting whites, Boers or Afrikaners more than English, is part of the new alliance NOT including US or Western Europe:
BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Originally the first four were grouped as "BRIC" (or "the BRICs"), before the induction of South Africa in 2010.
Some white nationalists may be looking up to Putin. Note, he is associated with South Africa.
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Il l'a dit : "pour moi, un blog est un problème sur l'ordinateur"
Avait-il réellement pas entendu la différence entre beug et blog?/HGL
Monday, 16 October 2017
School & RFID - Bad Combination
Two quotes of people a bit too caving in to school systems:
The first two issues, and several of the others that privacy advocates have broached, amount to concerns that schools will abuse the information provided by the RFID tags. That's possible, of course, but it's going to be difficult to convince school administrators of that, since it amounts to saying that they and their personnel aren't trustworthy.
Slate : Texas Schools Are Forcing Kids To Wear RFID Chips. Is That a Privacy Invasion?
By Will Oremus
Gonzalez, the school district's communications director, maintains that students have never had an expectation of privacy on campus. "By virtue of the fact that you are a student at a school, there is no privacy. ... It is our responsibility to know where every single one of those 3,000 students are while they are in our care during the school day." He has a point. A lot of things that would be rights violations if imposed on the population at large are perfectly acceptable in school settings.
RFID Chips Being Used to Track Students
Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger, added 12 Oct. 2017
Are they "perfectly acceptable in school settings"?
They would be so if the school represented free parents - a lot of them, but not the RFID chip. Nor leashes. We are men, not beasts, and that is something we have from day one of conception - not something we need to develop to.
So, if security cannot be guaranteed without these things, what about scrapping school compulsion?
Much of the vaunted benefits of having been to school (apart from knowledge which can be got elsewhere) is in fact only a herd mentality.
And as for convincing school boards, I recall something called the Cristeros, South of Rio Grande.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Hedwig of Poland

Russia Led My Blog Readers One Week
Russia Led My Blog Readers One Week · Latest Posts (33?) · Over 1000 views
We'll see if they get discrete after I post this.
First take a look at three pictures:

My experience with Orthodox sensibilities tells me there is a reason why Russia is leading reader on this blog, this week. Take a page like "being argumentative with people who dislike that" - well, I am insisting on being a scholastic, not unargumentative like a hesychast. Or top of the posts, I have not left Father Aristobule Adams victor in a debate. A huge no no, if I were his parishioner. Also, what I have written on Latin (in three of the posts, But I AM a Latinist, And a Controversial One at That, More on Post-Alcuinic Latin) disrupts the ecclesiastical smugness of people proud of Church Slavonic not being totally cut off from language of the people "as Latin" - according to the Protestant, Anglican and therefore Russian Orthodox understanding on what was going on in the West.
Now, for the stats:
Australia 2 Austria 1 Belarus 1 Brazil 21 2 1 1 Cambodia 1 Canada 1 80 China 3 6 6 France 60 9 9 1 7 811 1 21 (-1) 37 4 2 4 2 8 11 55 1 21 (+1) Germany 8 1 1 2 1 8 1 2 2 6 1 Greece 2 2 Hong Kong 1 Hungary 1 Indonesia 1 Ireland 5 Italy 72 80 1 145 215 Japan 7 1 1 6 2 1 Netherlands 2 New Zealand 1 Norway 1 11 1 1 1 1 5 5 Peru 6 Philippines 1 Poland 8 7 Portugal 1 1 3 4 Romania 4 Russia 429 12 105 (+1) 21 (+1) 170 587 234 28 48 168 (+1) 8 42 84 (+1) 326 18 21 21 21 21 21 63 (-1) 42 42 (+1) 685 168 105 (+1) 42 (+1) 231 189 (-1) 9 282 5 653 South Korea 1 1 Spain 2 4 2 2 7 3 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 5 3 4 2 1 Sweden 7 Switzerland 3 Ukraine 9 2 1 52 4 21 (-1) 4 112 2 2 23 8 1 12 2 1 11 65 1 United Arab Emirates 1 1 3 United Kingdom 2 3 6 1 2 1 1 7 2 6 363 1 1 United States 10 5 2 45 5 4 2 74 1 56 12 5 153 13 152 155 8 13 1 7 86 8 147 (-1) 3 6 15 11 9 7 11 15 67.
8640 in seven days, 1234 and some per day! But if Russians want to consider the readings as "sub rosa", "under the seal of confession" or whatever, no thanks!
My blog posts are PUBLISHED, not confided as to private only reading!
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Hedwig of Poland*
* Or of Silesia.
18 Oct 2017 18:00 – 19 Oct 2017 17:00, 1497 :
Italy 72 France 83 : 3 56 1 4 1 1 7 10 Russia 862 : 1 149 104 7 42 22 21 65 21 2 151 22 106 43 106 Spain 2 1 1 1 Rwanda 2 China 1 1 Germany 1 1 2 Hungary 1 2 Brazil 5 1 4 1 2 1 3 8 1 1 1 1 1 United States 187 : 79 2 2 1 1 6 24 1 7 1 6 1 2 4 1 1 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 9 2 1 United Kingdom 1 102 Australia 1 Ukraine 11 2 1 17 1 3 1 3 4 1 4 2 Belarus 2 4 Indonesia 1 South Korea 1 Japan 15 59 Chile 1 Netherlands 1 1 United Arab Emirates 5 Saudi Arabia 1 Poland 1 Senegal 1.
Other update, why not link to the ones I thought important:
Leif Eriksson's Predecessors in Americas · Being argumentative with people who dislike that (East of Schism) · But I AM a Latinist · And a Controversial One at That, Sometimes
Let's continue the Latin topic on another blog (Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere):
Latin Spoken to When? Quora · More on Latin (quora)
Back to first blog, the two titles "But I AM a Latinist" "And a Controversial One at That, Sometimes" start with a "but" which contrasts with what?
I am NOT a National Socialist, But Some Take me For That · I am Also NOT a Pagan, But Some Take me for That Too./St Ursula's day, HGL.
And two days later, Russia has disappeared, or nearly:
22 Oct 2017 12:00 – 23 Oct 2017 11:00
793-16 (minus Russia)=777
United States 70 3 27 31 42 1 1 2 12 1 1 1 1 1 6 3 4 21 11 1 2 3 3 3 88.
France 6 1 1 1 14 1 132 5 1 3 1 3 Ukraine 4 2 7 1 1 2 36 31 9 14 2 2 4 2 Spain 3 1 1 2 3 1 Canada 2 1 1 2 4 28.
Germany 2 3 1 7 Bangladesh 1 China 1 1 Estonia 1 (Russia 2 1 5 1 1 3 3 ) Hungary 1.
Brazil 1 2 3 1 1 2 4 2 1 2 Poland 19 Portugal 2 Denmark 1 Japan 3.
Taiwan 1 Italy 1 Philippines 1 Thailand 1 Vietnam 1 1.
Ireland 2 Australia 1 2 Pakistan 1 Sweden 2 United Kingdom 1 26.
Russia, week vs day:
16 Oct 2017 13:00 to 23 Oct 2017 12:00 - 22 Oct 2017 13:00 to 23 Oct 2017 12:00
Russia first:
Russia 12 - No stats yet, check again later.
Russia 21 - Brazil 1 (no Russia).
Russia 361 - Ukraine 31 ... Russia 1.
Russia 215 - United States 42 ... Russia 1.
Russia 28 - Ukraine 9 (no Russia).
Russia 69 - Russia 1.
Russia 189 - Ukraine 16 (no Russia).
Russia 8 - No stats yet, check again later.
Russia 23 - United States 2 (no Russia).
Russia 65 - No stats yet, check again later.
Russia 21 - No stats yet, check again later.
Russia 273 - United States 13 (no Russia).
Russia 42 - No stats yet, check again later.
Russia 21 - United States 1 (no Russia).
Russia 21 - No stats yet, check again later.
Russia 21 - United States 1 (no Russia).
Russia 23 - Ukraine 2 (no Russia).
Russia 26 - United States 6 (no Russia).
Russia 67 - United States 4 (no Russia).
Russia 413 - United States 25 ... Russia 5.
Russia 124 - United States 11 (no Russia).
Russia 126 - Ukraine 4 (no Russia).
Russia 22 - Brazil 2 (no Russia).
Russia 144 - France 3 (no Russia).
Russia 211 - United States 3 ... Russia 1.
Russia 198 - United States 4 Russia 2.
Russia 19 - Ukraine 2 (no Russia).
Russia 340 - United States 94 (no Russia).
Russia second:
Poland 132 Russia 86 - United States 2 United Kingdom 1 (no Russia).
Italy 222 Russia 128 - United States 27 Sweden 2 (no Russia).
Japan 19 Russia 18 - Ukraine 2 Russia 1.
United States 4 Russia 1 - No stats yet, check again later.
Russia third:
France 713 United Kingdom 414 Russia 299 - France 158 (no Russia).
United States 145 Poland 63 Russia 43 - United States 3 (no Russia).
No Russia all week:
United States 7 - United States 1.
United States 8 - United States 3.
One with no stats all week.
For most of the blogs, it seems Russia has retreated./HGL
Russia still absent on 26 October:
Overall, 626 :
United States 235 : 3 1 2 26 3 2 4 40 5 1 3 2 5 1 1 4 19 2 2 2 4 28 2 2 1 70 ;
Italy 79 : 1 5 1 72 ; United Kingdom 78 : 75 1 2 ; France 73 : 1 11 13 1 1 14 7 5 3 8 6 3 ; Ukraine 71 : 16 1 1 2 15 1 4 1 3 4 2 21 ;
Ireland : 20 ; Spain 15 : 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; Germany 9 : 1 2 1 1 4 ; Portugal 8 : 2 1 1 4 ; Russia 6 : 5 1 ;
Brazil 5 : 1 1 1 2 ; Greece 5 : 2 1 2 ; Netherlands 5 : 2 3 ;
Australia 4 : 1 3 ; Poland 3 : 1 2 ; Romania : 3 ; China 2 :1 1 ; Cambodia 2 : 1 1 ;
1 only : Japan, Qatar, Argentina.
St. Jude Thaddaeus, 28.X.2017, for last 24 h:
United States 217 : 7 1 5 1 16 48 36 3 4 3 2 3 2 4 8 1 18 2 2 4 9 9 29 ; South Korea 168 : 122 18 2 4 4 18 ;
France 97 : 2 16 27 34 1 1 2 2 2 5 5; Italy : 78 ; United Kingdom 56 : 3 52 1 ; Poland 34 : 1 1 32 ; Ireland 16 : 4 1 4 7 ; Spain 15 : 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 ; Australia 11 : 1 10 ;
Germany 8 : 4 1 2 1 ; Ukraine 8 : 3 4 1 ; Portugal 8 : 1 1 4 2 ; Brazil 6 : 2 4 ; Sweden 4 : 1 1 1 1 ; Indonesia 4 : 1 1 1 1 ; Belgium : 4 ; Russia 3 : 1 1 1 ; China 2 : 1 1 ;
1 only : Canada Romania Singapore Lithuania Seychelles Bulgaria Kenya Netherlands Bangladesh Estonia Hungary : 11.
752 in all, passing by 616 at UK, 666 at Ireland.
Friday, 13 October 2017
Bergoglio on Genesis 1
On quora I saw this link:
"'When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so,' Francis said."
USA Today : Pope says evolution, Big Bang are real
Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service Published 11:47 a.m. ET Oct. 28, 2014 | Updated 2:56 p.m. ET Oct. 28, 2014
Before we can use this as proof against Antipope Bergoglio, we need a better source, since the article is claiming erroneously:
"In 1950, Pope Pius XII proclaimed there was no opposition between evolution and Catholic doctrine."
He claimed the Catholic Church does not forbid that ... somewhat different from saying Catholic doctrine can endorse that.
Here is a better source:
"When we read the account of Creation in Genesis we risk imagining that God was a magician, complete with an all powerful magic wand. But that was not so."
Casina of Pius IV, Monday, 27 October 2014
Note, this is evasive. God is all powerful, but He does not need an all powerful wand to be so. The denial of the all powerful wand is orthodox. Whether God Himself is all powerful, you cannot deny it with retained orthodoxy.
The question is, does the reference to magician and wand mean anything apart from God Himself being all powerful? Linguistically, grammatically, yes. If there were any known sect who claimed God was not all powerful in Himself, but He had in some other universe learned magic and acquired a wand making Him all powerful over ours, the words would certainly be to the point, and merit a respect as perfectly orthodox expression of Catholic teaching.
But not only is there no sect with that conviction (Mormons might be an exception according to what I have heard said from others, I have not heard it from them). The reference to Genesis, the fact he starts the sentence with "When we read the account of Creation in Genesis we risk imagining," means he is referring to a normal reading by a normal reader, if not the best one.
And in such a normal reading by a normal reader, the real issue is, God comes off as being in fact all powerful - and as doing things which have no natural and preexistent root, like magic pretends to do, but ordinarily cannot achieve.
This means, the words are in fact an attack on the Traditional reading of Genesis.
A very polemic one.
Now, the actual words of Pius XII do allow (supposing he was Pope and had that authority) that a non-Traditional view be defended, by someone both experienced in science and in theology. Same as with someone defending the Traditional one.
There are two conditions attached:
- doing so with measure;
- being willing to submit to the judgement of the Church
"For these reasons the Teaching Authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter - for the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God. However, this must be done in such a way that the reasons for both opinions, that is, those favorable and those unfavorable to evolution, be weighed and judged with the necessary seriousness, moderation and measure, and provided that all are prepared to submit to the judgment of the Church, to whom Christ has given the mission of interpreting authentically the Sacred Scriptures and of defending the dogmas of faith"
[Given at Rome, at St. Peter's, 12 August 1950, the twelfth year of Our Pontificate.]
I am not only willing to submit to the Church's judgement, I am already doing so, that of the Council of Trent.
One can argue Pius XII had no right to formulate the words so that anyone might be tempted to think the condition necessarily meant a future judgement rather than the already existing one. But at least he did not claim directly to be referring to a future one.
As for doing so with measure, this cannot, given the already existing judgement by Trent on exegesis in general - with the implicatons this has for this matter - mean desisting from well merited rejection of ill thought through or not thought through or Atheist objections to the Traditional understanding.
It could mean ignoring an argument rather than dealing with it - and those who best know my work as a Creationist know I am not doing so.
In these recent days, I was printing and also scanning a booklet about how the evidence from carbon 14 present in a sample is consistent with Biblical chronology, and especially, on the outer limits or close to such supposing the Biblical chronology to be counted with St Jerome, as in the Traditional Christmas Liturgy.
However, the words of Bergoglio seem, unwilling to submit to the Council of Trent and therefore the Church Fathers, and lack of respect for a Creationist claiming God who is all mighty was very well equipped in Himself, not by any wand, to do exactly what the text says, and seems to say prima facie.
In other words Bergoglio seems to be not fulfilling the conditions as given by Humani Generis for defending one or other option.
But perhaps his words are "a judgement of the Church"?
Look again in Humani Generis:
"Nor must it be thought that what is expounded in Encyclical Letters does not of itself demand consent, since in writing such Letters the Popes do not exercise the supreme power of their Teaching Authority. For these matters are taught with the ordinary teaching authority, of which it is true to say: "He who heareth you, heareth me";[3] and generally what is expounded and inculcated in Encyclical Letters already for other reasons appertains to Catholic doctrine. But if the Supreme Pontiffs in their official documents purposely pass judgment on a matter up to that time under dispute, it is obvious that that matter, according to the mind and will of the Pontiffs, cannot be any longer considered a question open to discussion among theologians."
Pius XII, supposing he was Pope, named Encyclical Letters and the act of deliberately judging, as criteria of what constitutes a judgement by a Pope (supposing Bergoglio could by some still be considered such).
Now, the act of 27 October 2014 was not an Encyclical Letter, was not directed to Theologians but to Scientists, was not pretending to judge, but to bow down to their judgement "You are addressing the highly complex subject of the evolution of the concept of nature. I will not go into the scientific complexity, which you well understand, of this important and crucial question." It cannot remotely be construed as constituting even on his part any attempt to definitely judge in favour of Evolutionist over Traditional reading of Genesis.
In other words, as it was not valid as a debaing defense against a Traditional exegete of Evolutionary exegesis, since being without measure, it is also not valid as a judgement of the Church. Even to those who suppose Bergoglio is "Pope Francis" and supreme judge.
Since I do not so suppose, I cannot consider this as a Filial Correction. I am not Filial to the man I already since 2014 consider as Antipope Bergoglio.
Note, the occasion was uncovering of a bust of a still living predecessor. One possibility is, Ratzinger whose bust was uncovered is "the first beast" and Bergoglio, who honoured it, is the second one. If so, accepting his "God is not a magician with an all powerful wand" would be part of taking the mark "on the forehead" (that is, imbibing the ideology into one's thoughts).
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Edward the Confessor
Ps, my booklet is in French:
Publié en ligne, imprimable, à partir de ce blog ci, sur les limites de la récalibration de C14
Ce matin une dame m'a dit une chose
Après d'avoir demandé ce qui m'est arrivé pour être là, après aussi d'avoir entendu ma réponse "pour être encore là, ce n'est pas tellement ce qui m'est arrivé, mais ce qui ne m'est pas arrivé : d'avoir mes écrit imprimés et vendus", elle me lançait un petit mot quelque peu bidon.
"Avant de vivre de ton écriture, faut prendre des petits boulots".
Ce n'est pas ce que je pense. Je vais vous le dire pourquoi.
Avant de vivre de son écriture, il faut deux choses:
- avoir écrit suffisamment de texte pour que ça donne un ou plusieurs bouquins
- idéalement, l'avoir écrit bien, ce texte
Faire des petits boulots ne me permet ni à mieux accomplir l'une, ni l'autre:
- le temps pour les petits boulots prendrait de temps de l'écriture;
- c'est en écrivant, pas en faisant des petits boulots qu'on devient un bon écrivain.
Elle n'a pas voulu me croire que ça prendrait trop de temps. Mais oui : elle en faisant de petits boulots après sa retraite du salon de coiffure, elle coiffe encore, mais il s'agit de la coiffure bénévole à échelle limitée, il ne s'agit plus de coiffer des clients tous les jours.
Or, si j'arrive à écrire et à survivre, je n'ai pas à prendre des petits boulots pour survivre.
Alors, si j'ai déjà fait les deux choses qu'il faut pour vivre de son écriture, on se demande pourquoi ce n'est pas encore le cas.
Il y a une troisième chose qu'il faut. C'est pas donné qu'il la faut pour l'écrivain, ça peut être par une autre personne:
- il faut que les textes soient imprimés et stockés (les exemplaires) en vue de vente.
Là, je ne vois pas en quoi des petits boulots pourraient très bien m'aider. Si en faisant des petits boulots, j'arrivais à avoir un appartement, ça m'aiderais à stocker, en vue de vente.
Mais, le fait de vivre de mon écriture ne dépend normalement pas du fait d'être moi-même celui qui imprime et stocke et vent tout. Il y a une chose qu'on appelle en français "droits d'auteurs" et en anglais (et suédois) "royalties". Il me semble possible de vivre des gens qui vendent et qui m'envoient partie des revenus. Et je viens de mettre mes textes à la disposition de tout et chacun qui voudrait faire ça, en précisant que de mon point de vue, il ne s'agit pas d'un contrat de droits exclusifs pour un éditeur, et en revanche, les "royalties", les droits d'auteurs, seraient volontaires de la part de chaque éditeur.
Cest vrai, "voluntary royalties" sonne mieux que "droits d'auteurs volontaires" parce que en "droits d'auteur" on parle de "droit" ce qui normalement veut dire un droit opposable. Si je faisais un contrat exclusif, si l'éditeur vendait suffisamment, et s'il refusait de m'envoyer de l'argent, alors le droité étant opposable, je pourrais lui faire un procès, parce qu'il aura violé les termes du contrat.
Par contre, en faisant comme j'ai prévu, si un éditeur fait d'argent et ne m'envoie pas un centime, je ne peux pas lui faire un procès, mais lui non plus ne peut pas me faire un procès si je trouve un autre éditeur ou plusieurs et il ne peut pas leur faire le procès non plus, comme s'ils avaient violé une exclusivité lui appartenant.
Ceci je n'ai pas tout expliqué à la dame. Par contre, je vous l'explique, chers lecteurs.
Vous avez, tous et chacun, au moins par rapport aux textes qui relèvent de mes propres droits, ce droit ci:
- éditer commercialement et m'envoyer partie
- éditer commercialement et ne pas m'envoyer partie
- éditer plutôt domestiquement que vraiment artisanalement
- éditer idéellement et distribuer gratuitement
- éditer idéellement et charger vos coûtes des copies.
Je dis, pour ceux des textes qui relèvent de mes propres droits. Je suis bien-sûr conscient que pour un dialogue sur quora ou youtube, vous devriez avoir aussi l'accord de l'autre personne en dialogue.
Et pour un fanfic sur un roman ou une série ou autre publication pertinent à un auteur vivant ou récemment décédé vous avez aussi besoin de l'accord de l'auteur ou de ses ayant-droits. Ma "Chronicle of Susan Pevensie" fait figurer Father Brown et Doctor Watson, pour lesquelles les droits d'auteurs sont déjà expirés, mais aussi encore davantage Susan Pevensie (relève de C. S. Lewis), Audoin Errol (relève de J. R. R. Tolkien) et au moins George Kirrin (celle qui est Claude dans la traduction française, relève d'Enid Blyton). En plus, ce roman là n'est pas fini, peut-être encore autant de chapitres à écrire - et si oui, alors pas en me levant à six heures pour faire des petits boulots!
La plupart de mes 5000 ou davantage articles sur ces blogs (je n'exaggère pas) ne font pas partie des 70 à 80 chapitres déjà existants de Chronicle of Susan Pevensie et pas non plus des dialogues cités sur quelques-uns (idéalement la plupart) de ces blogs:
Correspondence de / of / van Hans Georg Lundahl, HGL's F.B. writings, Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere, Répliques Assorties.
Déjà, leur masse en messages ou articles est d'un ensemble de seulement 1052 messages, ensuite, pas mal des deux derniers ne cite pas extensivement d'autres personnes, mais renvoie juste à des youtube ou des questions quora faits par d'autres, et le texte à part ce renoie est de moi.
Donc, "5000"-80-1052 = 3868, vous avez au moins 3868 articles qui relèvent de mes propres droits. Première langue anglais, deuxième langue français, et d'autres langues, suédois, allemand, latin, même des langues que j'ai pas très bien apprises encore, comme espagnol ou italien.
Avec 3868 articles, on peut faire combien de bouquins, genre collections d'essais? Il y a des collections d'essais par Chesterton qui comprennent environ 20.
Mais vous voulez peut-être dire que Chesterton (dont les droits d'auteurs sont expirés, il mourut en 1936) est connu, moi non? Bon, avec des petits boulots on ne se fait pas connaître, à part peut-être par des réseaux, genre synagogues ou loges. Et ce n'est pas de ces gens là que j'ai un quelconque espoir réaliste d'être imprimé, de toute façon.
Je ne vois pas très bien pourquoi cette dame aurait eu l'intérêt de me dire "avant de vivre de ton écriture, faut prendre des petits boulots". À part le soupçon que quelque réseau sur cette localité là lui aurait déjà parlé de moi, et que la phrase "avant de vivre de ton écriture" était juste pour faire joli.
Il y a des métiers pour lesquels on doit commencer en amassant d'argent, souvent pendant des années. Vu que je suis déjà 49, je n'ai pas ce genre d'années à gaspiller pour des préparations, ni le droit (au moins pas prudentiellement) de brader ce que j'ai déjà fait contre une telle démarche.
Si un jour j'imprime commercialement, même à petite échelle, mes écrits, moi-même, ce ne sera pas parce que j'aurais amassée d'argent patiemment pendant des années par petits boulots. Ce sera alors, par contre, parce que quelqu'un d'autre aura commencé à imprimer mon œuvre, m'aura envoyé d'argent dessus, ayant bien-sûr gagné suffisamment lui-même, et alors j'aurais peut-être un jour la possibilité de faire mes propres impressions en plus grande échelle que quelques exemplaires une semaine, quelques exemplaires une autre. Sans de forcément pouvoir vendre, souvent des cadeaux aux amis et aux bienfaiteurs - ou aux gens qui m'intéressent par leur position.
Et quand aux réseaux qui ne voudraient pas que d'autres commencent à imprimer mes écrits, je les condamne. Y compris ceux qui semblent autrement être de l'Église catholique. C'est eux qui ont retardé le bon retournement de mes affaires.
Et si quelqu'un prétend que mes écrits ne sont pas bons, alors, lui-même sera peut-être pas mon éditeur, je lui demande juste de ne pas empêcher d'autres, y compris dans sa famille, de le devenir. Encore une chose : ceci était sur ma propre situation, mais je ne suis pas nombriliste, la plupart ne sont pas sur moi non plus.
Hans Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterre
100e Anniv. de Fatima
Thursday, 12 October 2017
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Angelic Movers of Celestial Bodies Revisited (Link)
Posted on January 15, 2016
It is almost too ridiculous to mention, but some Internet sites actually use this image, from the Serbian Vysoki Decani Monastery, as “proof” of early visitations by aliens from space. ... Anyone who knows the basics of Eastern Orthodox iconography, however, should recognize that those two images are just stylized representations of the sun (at left) and the moon (at right). ... At left is the sun, which is commonly personified by placing a face within it, or sometimes, as here, the body as well. You can see that aside from the rays emanating at left, the image of the sun has a round shape. ... Here is the moon, with another little figure within to personify it. It has the shape of the crescent moon. Two stars are added to show the connection with night.
The writer, looking back from the 20:th and 21:st Centuries, could be chosing the word "personify".
The iconographer could have been thinking of Angelic movers. We have other indications too, like the three young men in the oven speaking TO sun and moon and a few more, like, in this case of sun and moon, Joshua had done in chapter 10 and verse 12 of his book. We have - West of 1053 - St Francis of Assisi calling them "our brother, Mister Sun" and "our sister Moon". If it was just personification as rhetorical figure, it was at least a very pervasive one, those centuries.
But I'll remind you of an earlier post*, where I not only linked to but also quoted and translated a passage from Riccioli, in which he expressed that the position of heavenly bodies having in actual fact, not just in rhetoric figure of speech, movers of angelic nature was very common among learned men too. Here we have an indication from piety, as the poetry of St Francis and the icon of these Serbs are expressions of.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Maternity of the Blessed Virgin
* New blog on the kid : What Opinion did Riccioli call the Fourth and Most Common One?
This Blog is Not About Interior Locutions or Visions
I happened to see part of why Vassula Rydén was excommunicated by Ecumenical Patriarchate - supposing the man claiming the title can excommunicate anyone.
These leaflets were distributed in Orthodox Churches, and clearly give the impression that Vassula Ryden is an Orthodox Christian. But any educated Orthodox Christian reading this should immediately be put on their guard by terms like “locutions” and “interior visions”, because such things are prima facie evidence of what is called in Russian prelest and in Greek plani, that is, spiritual delusion. Such things should immediately be checked with an experienced spiritual elder (starets, geron, gerondissa) before proclaiming them to the world.
I do not know whether Vassula is or is not checking her visions with a spiritual director. I do know, her words are about what she claims to know from prophecy.
Anyone reading this blog should know, I am writing from natural knowledge : as a Christian, as a cultivated Westerner.
If Vassula hears a voice from God saying that Greek Orthodox are Christians, she should perhaps check that with a Roman Catholic priest. I don't mean one from Vatican II establishement.
If I am saying Greek Orthodox are Christians, I am not saying what they are before God and not claiming to know it. I am merely saying that, like the real Christian Church, the Roman Catholic one, they believe Jesus rose from the Dead, they have traditions about who the Four Gospellers were (I am not sure the tradition about St Luke being one of the seventy is right, it does not seem to be shared by the Roman Catholics, but I have also not seen any condemnation of it), and they have a claim of at least material Apostolic Succession (yes, using the distinction of a false Church having real succession in sacramental character, but not jurisdiction, of bishops), like the Eastern Schismatics or Heretics known as Jacobites or Copts, Armenians, and Nestorians, like at least some later Western schismatics, like Utrecht Jansenists, before union with OLd Catholics.
If I am saying Latin nouns and pronouns have, like Latin adjectives, six cases, I am also not comparable to Vassula Rydén, I am simply a student of Latin.
And if I say Latin was used in France like Church Slavonic is used in Serbia or Ukraine or Russia, i e with a pronunciation adapted to the popular language and how it pronounces the words which are the same as the learned one, I am saying this as one knowing what Alcuin meant for Carolingian renaissance.
Anyone who claims anything in this is plani or prelest should concentrate on my arguments, not on asking whether I have visions and am telling them to a spiritual director.
Why am I saying this? Because I have experience with certain shall we say pastoral tricks of certain of them : withholding criticism and "awaiting confession", judging before hearing what it is about (or so it seems from my side), playing around with excommunications.
You know, if I am sure the world was made not many hours before Adam and Eve, 7200 or 7500 years ago, I am also not having this from visions, but from Mark 10:6, from the Roman Catholic Latin Rite Christmas liturgy with chronology of St. Jerome, from - for the other number - the chronology of Georgius Syncellus.
Human knowledge and human logic does not need constant checkups from spiritual directors, and does also not need spiritual warnings, like the one involved in coincidence with previous post, where the first digits in first draft, those of the post ID, were three consecutive sixes. And by human, I do not mean human as in human against God, I mean human as in humanly normal recipient of Church doctrine, a human believer, not a prophet or a charismatic.
There is one thing about prophecy which makes it look very mean to me that anyone would dream of asking whether I am a real or a fake one. A real prophet must take no money for his prophecy. If my writing were prophecy, I would have no right to take one cent for it. It is not, and I do have this right.
And, in case someone thinks "oh, why did he make that association, we did not think such a thing at all about him", silence and turning the back is mental torture. It leaves one guessing what the other guy is really up to. I may have guessed wrong about this or that or other guy. Someone might think it is even superstitious of me to take a triple six coincidence as a spiritual warning from someone. But if I am guessing wrong about EVERYONE, how come those who could have talked to me about the arguments have persisted in engaging in silence, how come those who could have helped me make money from my learning and talent as debater and philosopher have instead engaged in ... not replying when I bring this up?
I could have been off the street years ago, as a writer and composer, if certain people had made commercial editions of selections of my writings.
I am instead faced with loneliness, "reassuring" faces but hardly any argument on topics I relish from those that do get around me (some exceptions, not many), and of course poverty. What I want is not someone showing "reassuring". What I want is ... socially ... discussions ... economically ... printing and selling my "blogs"* or playing for paying public my composition.
I also think this coming up of Vassula Rydén is significant, because I am a Swede. I am her countryman. I have been attacked by shrinks in our country. I have also been faced with one or two (among them perhaps, but my memory is not sure there) either one or two Orthodox or (more sure) at least someone knowing them, on helgon.net. I am not Vassula Rydén, I don't know what to think of her excommunication, I have no need of being compared to her in terms of what above quote**.
Similarily, if someone thinks I am wrong on any more controversial topic, like my identifying Göbekli Tepe with Nimrod's Babel, I want this person to talk to me, not to talk to God about "correcting me" without ever confronting me himself. There was a thing St. John Chrysostom said about excommunicating lightly. I would consider certain priests (not humanly totally sure who, but not much in doubt either) to be playing around with such games when they would in a more normal pastoral been arguing instead.
I know that Russian Orthodox Church was psychiatry friendly before the Revolution, and now consider this to be an error of Russia, among the ones which Our Lady prophecied at Fatima, hundred years ago. I also know both Trad Catholic priests and simply diocesan but Vatican II ones are, not just more psychiatry friendly statistically than they should be, but also more ecumenic with Russian Orthodox than they would normally have been 100 years ago. I therefore think it is possible for shrinks to persecute me socially via Russian Orthodox, and for Russian Orthodox to do so via Catholic clergy here. There are also Catholic clergy here who have taken to a nutty idea from some War veterans of Afghanistan : the idea that Fundamentalism in general, as approach to religious texts, including the Bible, is what is behind the terrorist threat. And yes, I recently approached one or two of them with a YEC material, the one given in previous post, in French. So, if excommunication as a toy and an insincere menace is their game, well, they would have a motive.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Maternity of the Blessed Virgin
Here is this previous post, its post ID has no three sixes now any more, I made a new draft:
New blog on the kid : Publié en ligne, imprimable, à partir de ce blog ci, sur les limites de la récalibration de C14
* Technically wrong. Blogposts, not blogs. No one blog, except perhaps some few very short ones, could as such be a book : several blogposts from several different ones would certainly be able to be several books. ** From this blog : and this blogpost here:
Khanya : Bad theology: Vassula Ryden and Benny Hinn
19 March 2011
Publié en ligne, imprimable, à partir de ce blog ci, sur les limites de la récalibration de C14
Lien vers la première page: C14, limites, devant – 16
October 11, 2017 ~ antimodernista
Après, suivre les autres pages avec les autres scans, dans les commentaires.
Titre : C14, limites de la récalibration / par rapport à la chronologie de St. Jérôme.
Davantage de livres en français:
Livres en Français
September 2, 2016 ~ antimodernista
Pour chaque nouveau, j'ajoute un lien vers la page principale dans les commentaires./HGL
Monday, 9 October 2017
Why I Have Not Signed Correctio Filialis
One reason: I am not adressing a fairly clear Antipope as "father".
As to content, I consider anyone who has not rejected Bergoglio yet should at least study Correctio Filialis.
Here is Bishop Fellay on the matter:
SSPX news & events : Bishop Fellay: Why I Signed the Correctio Filialis
September 26, 2017
And, if you do not find it in your heart to reject Bergoglio straight away, you should consider signing the Correctio./HGL
Saturday, 7 October 2017
If the Quotes are Genuine, I am Glad I did NOT Directly Recommend Trump in Primaries
I can perhaps live with having been wrong on who was worst between him and La Clinton, if it should be the case.
I can not be blamed Hilary's main opponent was Trump : I recommended other Republicans (Santorum and Rubio). I did not know about a certain third party candidate until it was over. And, as I am not a US citizen, I did not cast any ballot for Trump or anyone else.
WARNING: Trump Is The Antichrist! Testimonies From MANY Christians!
Brother James Key | Ajoutée le 18 janv. 2017
That said, I hope he - James Key - could be wrong about Trump being that bad. I even more hope that there is no RFID chip plan.
Snopes : Chip on Your Shoulder
'Obamacare' health care legislation does not require that anyone be implanted with RFID microchips.
Oct 3rd, Mark of the Beast: Antichrist Trump Ordered Bio-ID to Replace SSN ID
Brother James Key | Ajoutée le 4 oct. 2017
We so far have the words of Trump. Biometric. Could mean photo and finger print./HGL
Friday, 6 October 2017
Islam has a Problem, in Common with Pharisees, Sorry, Sadducees : Christ has the Solution
Source : FB : Islam Exposed - The Original
10 juin ·/ Heaven of Islam, are you interested?
Screen shots of video:

Islam allows a woman who is divorced by her husband saying "I divorce you" to marry another man. Islam, like Christianity, also allows a widow to marry another man. In the Old Testament, a widow without male children was, first option, supposed to marry the brother (in practise could be another kinsman if no brother was available or brother didn't want her), so the new husband's first son would legally count as his nephew, as son of the old husband.
This means, a woman can legally have more than one husband, successively. However, this is about this life. In Resurrection of the Body, all live eternally thereafter, and obviously a woman cannot in eternity be having sex with several different men. Still, it is possible that she is resurrected among the blessed, and so are all of her successive, real, husbands.
So, the Jews who thought (without support in any text of the Old Testament, you cannot find that thought supported by a direct proof text i n their own Biblica Hebraica, even if they might consider this or that as an indirect proof text), you get to have sex if you are judged worthy of eternal bliss, they had a problem. Who would a woman be married to in eternity? No, actually, when I look, the guys who were posing the problem were not Pharisees, the sect we call Jews today, they were Sadducees, a sect among Kohanim, though not all Kohanim were Sadducees. They were not what we call Orthodox Jews.
They used this problem to deny the Resurrection.
Here is how Our Lord Jesus Christ dealt with them: Mark 12, 24-25.
And He did not tell them "you fake the Tawra", He asked them "do you not know the Scriptures?"
He did not say their scribes were writing what they had not read, he said their exegetes were imagining things contrary to what they had read and were continuing to read.
It is possible that Pharisees - the ones we call Jews today - agree with Our Lord on this one. I don't know what their successor Maimonides says about it. If so, everyone there was a bit wiser than the Mollah we just saw, and probably also the texts he is using.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Bruno
PS : it is also the 13th anniversary of my arrival to St James in Galicia, Compostela. And, no, it was not in order to be a monk, though I admire St Bruno, that I did the pilgrimage, and it was not monasticism, though I admire it, which I prayed for as a Christian pilgrim (no reason to confuse this with Hajj of Muslims, I am not hoping for any seventy virgins in paradise!)/HGL
PS 2 : someone on a FB group mentioned the video from which the two screenshots are has been edited. It could be - they said - he was only mentioning a position he did not share, he could have been ironic about it, and the clues about that could have been edited out. Does anyone have the original video conference by him?/HGL
PS 3, next day : here is same cleric saying same thing, first, then another clip:
Same clip as part of above video:
Saudi Cleric: Muslim Men to Enjoy upto 19604 Women in Paradise
TheGreenPastures | Ajoutée le 18 sept. 2013
Other clip, reflecting, their attitude to lying and to psychiatry:
Muslim Cleric How to Lie about Islam
RadioFreeLondon | Ajoutée le 30 oct. 2013
and of course to beer and wine, not directly my grandfather or Gilbert Keith Chesterton!/HGL

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