Thursday 26 October 2017

Should Lazio Read Katarina Tajkon too?

After looking at Guardian, about the "Antisemitism" in Lazio's banners, I am not sure whether Anne Frank's diary is quite as appropriate as Katitzi, by Katarina Tajkon.

a Lazio banner in the city derby nearly 20 years ago aimed at Roma supporters that read: “Auschwitz Is Your Homeland; The Ovens Are Your Homes.”

What if Roma (city) was being targetted for homonymity with Roma (European migrant people originating in India)? Gipsies too were sent to Auschwitz, at least for 17 months.

I propose, Lazio should start reading Katarina Tajkon, just in case it was anti-Tsiganism ... what is more, reading Katarina Tajkon is a pleasure, even if I only know the comic book version of the story./HGL

PS, funny, was going to link to an article on Katitzi on my comics blog, didn't find it. Hacked?