Source : FB : Islam Exposed - The Original
10 juin ·/ Heaven of Islam, are you interested?
Screen shots of video:

Islam allows a woman who is divorced by her husband saying "I divorce you" to marry another man. Islam, like Christianity, also allows a widow to marry another man. In the Old Testament, a widow without male children was, first option, supposed to marry the brother (in practise could be another kinsman if no brother was available or brother didn't want her), so the new husband's first son would legally count as his nephew, as son of the old husband.
This means, a woman can legally have more than one husband, successively. However, this is about this life. In Resurrection of the Body, all live eternally thereafter, and obviously a woman cannot in eternity be having sex with several different men. Still, it is possible that she is resurrected among the blessed, and so are all of her successive, real, husbands.
So, the Jews who thought (without support in any text of the Old Testament, you cannot find that thought supported by a direct proof text i n their own Biblica Hebraica, even if they might consider this or that as an indirect proof text), you get to have sex if you are judged worthy of eternal bliss, they had a problem. Who would a woman be married to in eternity? No, actually, when I look, the guys who were posing the problem were not Pharisees, the sect we call Jews today, they were Sadducees, a sect among Kohanim, though not all Kohanim were Sadducees. They were not what we call Orthodox Jews.
They used this problem to deny the Resurrection.
Here is how Our Lord Jesus Christ dealt with them: Mark 12, 24-25.
And He did not tell them "you fake the Tawra", He asked them "do you not know the Scriptures?"
He did not say their scribes were writing what they had not read, he said their exegetes were imagining things contrary to what they had read and were continuing to read.
It is possible that Pharisees - the ones we call Jews today - agree with Our Lord on this one. I don't know what their successor Maimonides says about it. If so, everyone there was a bit wiser than the Mollah we just saw, and probably also the texts he is using.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Bruno
PS : it is also the 13th anniversary of my arrival to St James in Galicia, Compostela. And, no, it was not in order to be a monk, though I admire St Bruno, that I did the pilgrimage, and it was not monasticism, though I admire it, which I prayed for as a Christian pilgrim (no reason to confuse this with Hajj of Muslims, I am not hoping for any seventy virgins in paradise!)/HGL
PS 2 : someone on a FB group mentioned the video from which the two screenshots are has been edited. It could be - they said - he was only mentioning a position he did not share, he could have been ironic about it, and the clues about that could have been edited out. Does anyone have the original video conference by him?/HGL
PS 3, next day : here is same cleric saying same thing, first, then another clip:
Same clip as part of above video:
Saudi Cleric: Muslim Men to Enjoy upto 19604 Women in Paradise
TheGreenPastures | Ajoutée le 18 sept. 2013
Other clip, reflecting, their attitude to lying and to psychiatry:
Muslim Cleric How to Lie about Islam
RadioFreeLondon | Ajoutée le 30 oct. 2013
and of course to beer and wine, not directly my grandfather or Gilbert Keith Chesterton!/HGL

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