Two quotes of people a bit too caving in to school systems:
The first two issues, and several of the others that privacy advocates have broached, amount to concerns that schools will abuse the information provided by the RFID tags. That's possible, of course, but it's going to be difficult to convince school administrators of that, since it amounts to saying that they and their personnel aren't trustworthy.
Slate : Texas Schools Are Forcing Kids To Wear RFID Chips. Is That a Privacy Invasion?
By Will Oremus
Gonzalez, the school district's communications director, maintains that students have never had an expectation of privacy on campus. "By virtue of the fact that you are a student at a school, there is no privacy. ... It is our responsibility to know where every single one of those 3,000 students are while they are in our care during the school day." He has a point. A lot of things that would be rights violations if imposed on the population at large are perfectly acceptable in school settings.
RFID Chips Being Used to Track Students
Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger, added 12 Oct. 2017
Are they "perfectly acceptable in school settings"?
They would be so if the school represented free parents - a lot of them, but not the RFID chip. Nor leashes. We are men, not beasts, and that is something we have from day one of conception - not something we need to develop to.
So, if security cannot be guaranteed without these things, what about scrapping school compulsion?
Much of the vaunted benefits of having been to school (apart from knowledge which can be got elsewhere) is in fact only a herd mentality.
And as for convincing school boards, I recall something called the Cristeros, South of Rio Grande.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Hedwig of Poland

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