Saturday 19 May 2018

727 827 "Readers" (Page Views, Really), Just Russia and US

See previous post, 417 805 in US and 310 022 in Russia. Why correct "Readers" to "Page Views"? Well, if you read two pages on each of four blogs, you are the same reader, but you count as eight page views. Computers can register whether a page is visible on a window on a screen, but not directly who is behind the screen. To see my blogs you don't have to log in anywhere, just go to the adress of each - or click a link to one whole or to a page of one.

On what blogs?


New blog on the kid : An Internet Production / Une production sur internet

I give links and stats on those ... stats for my production ... 468 + 249 + 453 + 472 + 632 + 816 + 712 + 676 + 797 + 885 + 121 = 6281

727 827 / 6281 = 116 readers per post, just US and Russia (somewhat lopsided, since the stats are for different periods. But ... some posts do stand out. You as a reader may be better suited than I as a writer to assess which posts you feel like sharing.

But perhaps you'd like to add France and Ukraine?

France first, one blog
France second, six blogs
151, 2162, 2362, 868, 23, 349,
France third, 13 blogs
14992, 15347, 2401, 6342, 583, 366, 334, 708, 6204, 2811, 4193, 11643, 20471
France fourth, ten blogs
105, 2829, 13748, 321, 305, 1417, 20829, 2178, 2287, 656,
France fifth, five blogs
2146, 231, 3254, 83, 3445,
France sixth, three blogs
4, 321, 589,
France seventh, one blog
France total

Ukraine first, one blog
Ukraine second, two blogs
995, 671,
Ukraine third, eleven blogs
155, 323, 3249, 16847, 347, 313, 1659, 31226, 3432, 5423, 668,
Ukraine fourth, sixteen blogs
2270, 3675, 12762, 10320, 1505, 1468, 4073, 98, 1183, 289, 3941, 2204, 3349, 124, 8612, 14925
Ukraine fifth, four blogs
23717, 364, 626, 1884,
Ukraine sixth, three blogs
270, 8, 180,
Ukraine not top ten, two blogs
Ukraine total

In four countries we are now at 1 116 731 page views.

1 116 731 / 6281 = 178 page views per post.

And overall, there are 1 652 373 page views.

1 652 373 / 6281 = 263 page views per post.

But unevenly distributed. Blogs range from 134 to 269 879 page views. Mid point is 14 881 views - except that the average is higher : 42 369. Five blogs have between 100 000 and 200 000 readers each as well as most viewed over 250 000. Only four blogs go under 1000. Here are the numbers:

01 - 05
134 · 155 · 536 · 991 · 1 446
06 - 10
2 513 · 2 773 · 2 874 · 2 877 · 3 262
11 - 15
3 951 · 3 971 · 4 229 · 6 118 · 6 972
16 - 20
7 518 · 10 086 · 12 884 · 14 590 · 14 881
21 - 25
15 916 · 17 617 · 19 804 · 23 069 · 23 146
26 - 30
27 436 · 30 317 · 33 287 · 43 842 · 51 532
31 - 35
52 904 · 72 693 · 90 087 · 115 206 · 159 041
36 - 39
161 173 · 167 647 · 175 016 · 269 879

Here are the big six, over 100 000 page views:

Apologetics, English:
Creation vs. Evolution

General, English/French:
New blog on the kid

Philological, English/French:

Debate, English only and English/French
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere
HGL's F.B. writings

On the last two of these, I am often not the only copyright owner, since it incorporates debates with the words from both sides.

Here is, in French, first message on my pilgrimage story from 2004 (copied to this account in 2011 from weeklong blogs made in 2006):

La première cinquième du pélérinage : 15-VII-2004, Svallerup, Kalundborg, AArhus

The way to view those five blogs is to click to next message in the comment section. If you do so, you should generate 17 page views per blog. It is irritating how often I have seen 21 page views - more than of one making one page view per page, less than two making two page views per page. It seems so many have just thought "oh, yes, he brags about making a pilgrimage". It is not really bragging. A pilgrimage is usually not to be kept secret anyway, and mine has generated misunderstandings by 2006, with first version of this. I wrote it to counter the misunderstanding. My pilgrimage was not carried out as an extreme penance, it was not made with the purpose of becoming a monk. If you read the actual story, you will see it. If you only hear the rumour "Hans / that Swede made a pilgrimage" and look up the blog to verify "oh, yes, seems to be a pilgrimage blog" and "oh yes, it says Hans Georg Lundahl", well, then you won't.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Pentecost Eve

And Sweden? My own nation state?

Sweden not top 10
most of the time
Sweden fourth - 1 blog
Sweden fifth - 1 blog
Sweden seventh - 2 blogs
263, 403
Sweden eighth - 1 blog
Sweden tenth - 1 blog
Swedish total
should be more than these 4430, they were mostly "under the radar" for all time top ten.

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