Tuesday 1 May 2018

A Numerological Issue

P 80 80
U 85160 5
T 84240 9
I 73310 12
N 78380 20 400

Space is 32. 432. Three letter words adding up to 234:

B 66 60 6
O 79 130 15
Y 89 210 24 234
R 82 80 2
O 79 150 11
I 73 220 14 234
L 76 70 6
E 69 130 15
Y 89 210 24 234
S 83 80 3
U 85 160 8
B 66 220 14 234
R 82 80 2
E 69 140 11
S 83 220 14 234

Unfortunately, the combinations are meaningful.

BOY PUTIN - it seems Vladimir fulfilled prophecies on Antichrist by St Bridget as a boy : before age 12 he and his brothers would defeat armies. A Judo team might be considered as an army. He seems to have joined Leningrad Judo club around 12.

ROI PUTIN - he is somewhat of a king. Also, Louis : BOY in Britain, ROI in France.

LEY PUTIN - some laws could be written in his name.

SUB PUTIN - under Putin.

RES PUTIN - instead of Res Publica.

Fortunately, all combinations here are in Latin Alphabet. In Cyrillic, Unicode, all versions of Putin's name are neither 666, nor a multiple of it, nor totally unrelated : they have a difference which seems significant. One is a multiple of 666 + 52 = "depending on how he plays the cards"? One is 17*666 (Yes, Unicode for Cyrillic is significantly higher than ASCII) + 1700. Another one also seemed significant.

Meaning, as to Russia, if he stayed there, he could avoid it ...

V POUTINE ... nearly V. POUTINE, but without the point. Hope he doesn't do sth pointless in France (like trying to get me into Grande Loge or sth Masonic, for instance) ..../HGL

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