Wednesday 4 January 2017


Here is a good document, seen through an ecclesiastic journalist! Quotes via mail dot com :

Archbishop Charles Chaput, who is known for strongly emphasizing strict adherence to Catholic doctrine, issued a new set of pastoral guidelines for clergy and other leaders in the archdiocese that went into effect July 1. The guidelines reflect a stance taken by St. John Paul II [sic].

"Undertaking to live as brother and sister is necessary for the divorced and civilly remarried to receive reconciliation in the Sacrament of Penance, which could then open the way to the Eucharist," the guidelines read.


The Philadelphia guidelines say Catholics in same-sex partnerships, civilly remarried parishioners and unmarried couples living together should not be permitted to serve on parish councils, instruct the faithful, serve as lectors or dispense Communion.


The new guidelines also address Catholics "who experience same-sex attraction." Chaput says such parishioners can still live out a heterosexual marriage with children, despite that attraction. Others in same-sex relationships should avoid sexual intimacy.

mail dot com : Philadelphia archbishop: Divorced Catholics must avoid sex

I obviously disagree with calling antipope Wojtyla "St. John Paul II", but even if his deeds in Assisi 1986 and 1994 were evil, his theology on marriage was generally good. Chaput is one better for this line:

The new guidelines also address Catholics "who experience same-sex attraction." Chaput says such parishioners can still live out a heterosexual marriage with children, despite that attraction.

This seems to have not been stated explicitly since an equivocal statement by Montini sowed doubts about it, and now at least one bishop (insofar as Vatican II Sect can be said to have bishops with jurisdiction) is back on the line of the Church on this one. Deo gratias! Explicitly so./HGL

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