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Wednesday, 18 July 2018
I am Not a Solipsist
First, some may have dismissed signifiant parts of my view of reality in general as solipsism. I am a geocentric and a young earth creationist. Pieces of evidence are presented against these positions galore and one way of dealing with them might be saying "I am all the reality there is, this is just in my mind, it doesn't mean anything for real". That is not how I deal with such pieces of evidence, so, you cannot pin me down (if you're of that set) as a solipsist because of that.
Now, I have another reason to say I am not a Solipsist.
If I were, I'd be believing that everything I experience is just my own imagination, apart from myself, since myself were everything existing. So, if I experienced a problem, it would be my responsibility to adjust my imagination so as no longer to experience that problem.
Guess what? I am not a solipsist, therefore, if there are other real things beside myself, some of my problems could come from other wills and imaginations than my own.
Now, in the public toilet of Bonsergent, I found a red graffiti saying "parle de ce que tu conois au lieu de récrire" which I take as "parle de ce que tu connais au lieu de réécrire ..." or "speak of what you are familiar with instead of rewriting ..." well, there were no three dots and there was no object, so I could not be sure what someone was supposed to be rewriting. A Protestant who is 128 % sure King James Version is the good text could for instance accuse me of rewriting the Bible on not accepting the translation "vain repetitions" in Matthew 6:7 or insisting on "all days" rather than "always" in Matthew 28:20. He'd be wrong, the real rewriters of the Bible would be those providing his King James, but he would not know it and would perhaps still so accuse me. I'd not agree of course.
Other possibility, if it had to do with me, I had just before going to the laundry in rue Lancry been at the Canal, and talked to someone, and she would have been aware of my fan fic of Susan Pevensie. Now, this fan fic is not rewriting the Seven Chronicles of Narnia - though some portion of the Last Battle, insofar as concerning the train crash's background and the train's destination - but imagining things left out by their author. But someone not familiar with the genre of fan fic might have been accusing me of "rewriting the Chronicles of Narnia".
It could be an advise to me as "future author" totally missing the point I am already an author and mainly of essays and debates, this fan fic taking up less than 80 blog posts in a total of more than 6000 ... and also missing the point that my blogging is no training for future "more serious" or "more professional" writing later on, to which the ones giving advice could help me advance by giving "advice for writing".
I had been in the place for some hours before the toilet visit, I recognised a poem in black graffito from before, first visit, not sure if the red text was there. The advice could have been given to whoever wrote the poem, without my being involved. The red text could even have been there before I arrived.
Well, there is one little indication the red text could have been added because of me.
This was yesterday. Today it took me long time (from 9am to 1pm) to have enough beyond a coffee and youghurt to get to internet.
I tried the cyber at Lancry - closed. I tried the cyber opposite side of place Bonsergent of Boulevard de Magenta, no, their internet was not functioning. I was told to get second to the left - I found two cybers at the description, both of which also had internet not working. I arrived at Rue Faubourg de Saint-Martin, at the second of them, looked around at the townhall of X town district of Paris, looked at yet another - it was closing. I walked by two more cybers, first of which I missed, second looked closed, so am on the 8:th cyber before accessing internet.
I think this is not a coincidence.
I think the guys who would like me to take this as just my imagination, are trying to push me to solipsism - a philosophical heresy I resolutely refuse.
So, I take it there are other people in the world than me, some of whom habitually accuse me of writing on what I am incompetent in and of writing useless things, and some of whom saw me with my signs (which had appropriate URL's) yeesterday and this morning. If they were themselves solipsists, they might conclude their problems with me came from their own imagination, which might be the case even if solipsism is not true.
I am not a solipsist. I am also not a Hindoo, which is (in the here known usual form) Pantheism, which is a roundabout and refined Solipsism. I don't intend to become either of these. And I also don't intend to change my style because of people who dare not write me over the web, where their stupidities might be visible, without my audience just taking my word for it.
Before I end, here is the debate which includes Matthew and then the main page with chapter index to my fan fic:
Prayers that Repeat, For the Dead and Matthew 28 - with PM
on HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS first published July 9th 2018, since updated
Chronicle of Susan Pevensie
No, I am not rewriting the Bible, no, I am not rewriting Seven Chronicles.
No, I do not intend to limit my writing to what some network may consider I am competent in.
No, I do not intend to take on the view that every bad thing I experience is the consequence of my own choice, even if Solipsists, Hindoos and a few more like that would take that as a sign of "maturing". And no, at near 50, I don't think I should mature, I think I should get things done before I diminish too much, BUT people who insist I should "mature" are stopping me, by turning everything I do and everywhere I go as an opportunity for the above type of harassment and others.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Paris X
St. Camille de Lellis
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