Wednesday 17 July 2024

She Probably Meant the Register

One is not a sex offender because one thinks the ages of consent and especially marriage should be lower than they currently are.

Legally, it doesn't make sense for her to hope I get on the register of sex offenders, but in the light of certain hysterias, it does so for her:

@hglundahlare you seriously trying to say that because some 14 year olds can have a child, they are no longer a child themselves and don’t need to be protected?

Traditional values? Sleeping with children under the age of consent? You should be on the resister and kept away from children

So, "resister" is probably typo for register. It was some month ago, and it was for about a month, and the thread can still invite to challenge me on this.

I'll basically repeat what I told her (I suppose it's a female person talking), perhaps adding a few observations more.

  • Getting pregnant is normally possible for about half the girls a few months after 12 years old, and basically for all who have passed the age of 14th birthday. For boys the corresponding limits for making a girl pregnant would be a few months after 14 and the 16th birthday. This is not a wild fantasm of a pedomaniac, it's sexological fact.
  • Minimal ages for marriage and therefore for consent have very often taken this as the norm, meaning if a 14 year old boy (or older man than that as yet unmarried and not a monk either) made a 12 year old girl pregnant, and they agreed no force had been used, the normal consequence would not be punishment for statutory rape, but looking for an opportunity to marry.
  • Protection against seduction to extra-marital sex could be tied to other criteria than just age of consent. For instance, refusing to marry someone you took the virginity of, has been punishable, even if she was past any "age of consent" and the punishment could usually be wavered by a reparatory act of marrying her.
  • Finally, she's trying to deflect from the topic by hysteria around a dissenting voice. The modern idea, sometimes sharpened like when England recently made 18 the age of consent, is not based on any solid fact, but on emotion and bitterness and past eras of wishful thinking of more lasting and happy marriages if the participants were forced to mature a bit more before entering it. The results tend to be the infantilisation of many, the bitterness of many, the maturing away from each other for many couples. And lower fertility rates. And, due to less occasions to surround some pregnancies with a marriage, to more abortions.

In other words, what counts right now as "age of consent" in her jurisdiction may be so only for extramarital affairs, if she's from the US, and is definitely higher than what counts as age of consent and marriagable age in some other jurisdictions especially of the past.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Alexis of Rome

Romae sancti Alexii Confessoris, ex Euphemiano Senatore progeniti. Hic, prima nocte nuptiarum, sponsa intacta, e domo sua abscedens, ac, post longam peregrinationem, ad Urbem rediens, decem et septem annos tamquam egenus in domo paterna receptus hospitio, nova mundum arte deludens, incognitus mansit; sed post obitum, et voce per Urbis Ecclesias audita et scripto suo agnitus, Innocentio Primo Pontifice Maximo, ad sancti Bonifatii Ecclesiam summo honore delatus est, ibique multis miraculis claruit.

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