Monday 22 July 2024

I Don't Militate For Closing the Borders of Europe, But I Don't Militate Against It

He or She Didn't Mean Youtube, I Presume · I Don't Militate For Closing the Borders of Europe, But I Don't Militate Against It

My priorities are:

  • Europeans should make more babies, not immigrants less;
  • immigrants already here should not be thrown out for no good reason just because they are immigrants (and "here" means legally residing, not knocking at the door at the border);
  • great replacement is bad, great greying is worse.

If you are militating for closing the borders, I'm not against you for that. If you are an immigrant, I'm not against you for that.

But if you hurt farmers, whether it's for the climate or for the immigrants, I'm against you for that.

Let's share a certain video with Eva Vlaardingerbroek:

Eva Vlaardingerbroek on Becoming Catholic
EWTN | 11 July 2024

The main thing is of course her conversion, but her militancy has also come into the discussion.

I think she's in communion with the wrong Pope. I also think that doesn't automatically disqualify her as Catholic. One may be a schismatic out of guiltless ignorance, as people were saying back in around 1400. Like some accepted "Benedict XIII" rather than Boniface IX, and even if it's a bit more complicated than that this time, after all, only faith can trump the locality of Rome, and legal procedings, I am sure the late Pope Michael I didn't count and hope the current Pope Michael II doesn't count everyone accepting "Francis" as an unbeliever or a lost soul.

Meanwhile, if her beef with certain immigrants is, they don't work, they cost the welfare state, my own beef with certain immigrants is, they consider me as "not working" even if I do not parasitise on French welfare, and even if my writing could be the basis of a publishing house. Or when they try to demonise it over Fundamentalism being (supposedly) the "fanaticism" of the US, all too close to a red button, well, some versions of Protestantism are fanatic without being Fundamentalist, and while I am not the least militating for Protestantism, I'd rather side with a Protestant Fundamentalist, than with a Muslim Liberal, who was trying to paint Christian Fundamentalists as a threat. Even if the Muslim was working, and especially if he was working in the police or in mental health services. Or security. Or teaching.

When we receive immigrants, we usually allow them to pursue political agendas with legal means, and writing is one. Maligning someone who tries to make a living as a writer, calling him alcoholic or schizophrenic, or self hating Jew or self hating homosexual, or anything BUT accept his right to write, well, that's not what we used to consider as legal means, and I don't think immigrants into France should change that. Be they from Netherlands or be they from Mali./HGL

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