Sunday 21 July 2024

Someone viewed an old Index post the last 24 hours

It's an index post only for this blog and for series straddling other blogs along with this one.

New blog on the kid: Index XXIV ENG, Candlemass to Easter 2019

And on it I found two posts about an April Fools' joke and the correction on April 2nd. Under the correction, I found this little series:

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Two Videos Denouncing "Inbreeding" · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Three Notes on the Video by Infographics Show - or Four

If I didn't basically agree now with what I had written back then, if I didn't write things I know I can (nearly always) defend in principle and mostly, mostly, mostly even in detail, I wouldn't be doing index posts the way I do.

So, I'm happy an old index post was viewed, but from my pov, it could be more often.

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