New blog on the kid : 1) Inanimate Balls of Fire are Not Fighting, 2) With Angelic Movers, No Need for ETs, 3) HGL's F.B. writings : Me and Sungenis Answering Same Q, 4) Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : What did Cornelius a Lapide REALLY write about the work of the Fourth Day?
The other day I had to look up Judges chapter V for the OT parallel for Blessed Among Women - when the angel greeted the Blessed Virgin (whom all generations shall call blessed) she knew that the words "Blessed among Women" had previously been given to two heroines who had vanquished enemies of Israel, Jael and Judith, the killers of Sisera and of Holophernes. So, Our Lady may well have been afraid because she did not yet understand whence the military decoration - until later when she heard it repeated by Elisabeth in a context helping Her to see how it was in line with Genesis 3:15 - that it was the Old Serpent she was victorious of, not a mortal man. However, this is not the only way that Judges V may help us to settle controversies, there is also this thing that "War from heaven was made against them, the stars remaining in their order and courses fought against Sisara." (DR - or KJV:) "They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera." And I have seen the word "courses" rendered simply as "orbits".
There are a few references to stars being either angels or a kind of physical people closely similar to angels or some such thing in the Old Testament.
Two of them are in the Catholic and Orthodox canon, but not the Jewish or Protestant one: Baruch 3 is in a book that the latter canon eschews, and Daniel 3 is longer by the Canticle of the Three Young Men in the more properly Christian canon of OT. But even Protestants must acknowledge Job 38:7.
It seems Chuck Missler has taken it that "stars symbolise angels". I think he is wrong, I think the passages either give us a kind of Animistic view of the stars or at least a Pheumatokinetic one (that they are moved by spirits).
Now, Judges V is a passage that in the verse quoted has been enumerated among the proof texts of Geocentrism by ex-Freemason John Saltza.
But you can shoehorn Heliocentrism into that passage if you proceeed as "stars having orbits - i e planets - fought from their orbits [and other stars from their places]" - either "stars" is a metonomy for the particular kind of stars we call planets, or "from their orbits" is so for "from their orbits or places". Or one could even argue that according to modern cosmology even "fixed stars" have their orbits in the galaxies. Including the Sun which we Geocentrics or some of us would consider as planets, well within the sphere of the fixed stars.
So, for Geocentrism, other passages are clearer. Joshua adresses his word while doing a miracle to the Sun and to the Moon, not to Earth as if it were to stop rotating for a while.
But Judges V cannot be shoehorned into "stars are symbols of angels", since if we were to take "stars" as "angels, like to stars" these latter, unlike stars, have no orbits to fight from. And neither can we take the passage as referring to merely inanimate balls of burning gas - since these are not into the habit of fighting armies. We have to agree, either that the stars are alive, or at least that they are identifications of some angels using them as tools. Those two positions, animistic or pneumatokinetic, stars are a kind of angels or stars are moved by some class of angels, are the only options that make cogent sense in Judges V.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
Our Lady of Seven Sorrows

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