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Friday, 27 November 2015
Non, Zlatan est presque de chez le grandpère perdu
Lui non plus, ce n'était pas un suédois. Si je suis suédois moi-même, ce n'est pas exclusivement./HGL
Croatian and Italian from Istria - and he was Kind of a Last Grandfather
I just heard he had died, this morning.
L'interview avec Marion Maréchal Le Pen - et les chanoines de Nevers
1) Normalement, quand je suis dans un cyber geré par un Musulman …, 2) L'interview avec Marion Maréchal Le Pen - et les chanoines de Nevers
L'interview, c'est celui en PRÉSENT, il me semble Samedi le 20 novembre huius anni.
- Le bon : elle requiert que des Musulmans vivants en France doivent accepter que le Catholicisme est plus visible dans la sphère publique que leur propre religion, notemment à propos des traditions populaires (elle ne disait pas crêches, quoique c'est la saison à partir de tôt, sans doute parce que ce n'est pas la seule occasion pour ce rappel);
- Le mal* : dans l'analyse elle nie que la laïcité, les privants d'occasions de vivre leur religion, ait pu aggraver des esprits, parce que l'islamisme est un phénomène global.
À la première chose, je ne peux que dire que je suis d'accord.
À l'autre chose, je dois motiver mon désaccord.
Oui, l'islamisme occidentophobe et christianophobe existe en dehors de la France aussi. Notemment en Suède et en Angleterre, des pays avec une laïcité encore plus forte que la française.
Il ne s'agit pas de tamponner les français d’extrêmement islamophobes. L'islamophilie, génuine ou feinte par opportunisme, dans les deux cas en faisant abstraction des terroristes comme si leurs actes n'avaient rien à voir avec Islam, est plutôt la règle.
Mais il y a une certaines "réligiophobie" généralisée, notemment dans le système scolaire, notemment pas trop soutenu par Sarkozy et ensuite resoutenu par Peillon. Elle vise plutôt les Catholiques que les Musulmans, mais les Musulmans sont aussi en train d'en souffrir.
Puisque la solution de Marion n'est pas la laïcité, il convient de réfléchir si la chrétienté aurait été plus génial, notemment en système scolaire, que le régime laïque.
En effet. Sur la p. 19, La revue française de Généalogie, n° 211, avril-mai 2014, je lis:
En 1336, les chanoines de Nevers reçurent une lettre (en latin) des parents des écoliers de Decize. Mécontents du nouveau maître Hugues de Bray recruté par les chanoines pour la "petite école" du village, ils menaçaient d'en retirer leurs enfants.
Qu'en peut-on conclure? On peut spéculer si de Bray n'était pas un Pascal en herbe, qui voulait mettre ses élèves au courant de ses découvertes ès probabilité**, et donc méconnu par les gens, mais ceci reste spéculatif, le solide est autre part:
- Contrairement à une idée reçue, notemment par l'enseignement d'histoire dans les écoles laïques, en 1336 en Nevers, les chanoines s'occupent de ce qu'eussent une "petite école" les enfants du village Decize.
- Contrairement à une idée reçue, notemment par les sectateurs de la Réforme, au Moyen Âge il était un fait courant que des gens ordinaires parlent et écrivent le latin - ou au moins ils avaient accès à un clerc qui le faisait.
- Surtout, contrairement à l'idée proférée par les sectateurs de la modernité, que le totalitarisme moderne n'était au moins pas pire que celui du Moyen Âge, les parents de Decize osaient sans gêne menacer les chanoines de Nevers de retirer leurs enfants de l'école.
- Car, les chanoines de Nevers étaient conscients du fait que l'autorité sur l'éducation des enfants avait été donné par Dieu aux parents.
Donc, ils n'auraient pas voulu mettre des élèves de parents musulmans dans une école même chrétienne, à moins que ces parents l'avaient demandé, et encore moins dans une école commune pour Musulmans et Chrétiens.
En d'autres mots, ils n'auraient pas fait ce genre de provocation au mécontentement qu'a fait la République, mais également qu'ont fait les royaumes de Suède et de Royaumes-Unis.
J'aimerais que les parents musulmans aient une école musulmane pour leurs enfants et pour leurs jeunes. Quitte aux autorités de la leur procurer en donnant un ticket sans retour, pour toute la famille, en Maghreb.
Oui, je crois que l'école a contribué fortement aux attentats d'ici, comme elle l'a fait aux attentats perpétrés par des athées (généralement) mécontents aux États-Unis, comme elle l'a fait aux suicides dans les écoles en France et en Suède.
L'obligation scolaire est une bêtise. Mais une grave et une embêtante.
Et bien sûr que les parents catholiques doivent avoir accès à une école catholique - sans aller en Algérie ou Maroc pour la trouver.
Hans Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterre U
Saint Virgile de Salzbourg
* Ou le mauvais. ** Je n'ai pas cité la partie où ils motivent leur mécontentement par le fait qu'il permet à ses élèves de jouer aux dés.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Normalement, quand je suis dans un cyber geré par un Musulman ….
… je ne prends pas l’occasion pour critiquer leur religion, je le fais, avec modération, ailleurs. Par contre, j’ai été obligé d’entendre un dialogue ou plutôt monologue chauffé, qui semble me viser.
Mohammed et Joseph Smith étaient trompés par le même esprit.
Je ne me range ni comme Joseph Smith bis, ni comme Mohammed ter. Je constate qu’ils étaient trompés (à moins d’être menteurs), et je veux rester catholique.
Et j'aimerais que des Musulmans (je n'ai pas à dire que ce soit tous) cessent de me viser avec des rumeurs disant le contraire.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Un cyber à Paris
Ste Delphine
Et pour éviter malentendus à propos, Sainte Delphine, c'est la date, ce n'est pas quelqu'un pour qui je me prends.
1) Normalement, quand je suis dans un cyber geré par un Musulman …, 2) L'interview avec Marion Maréchal Le Pen - et les chanoines de Nevers
Mohammed et Joseph Smith étaient trompés par le même esprit.
Je ne me range ni comme Joseph Smith bis, ni comme Mohammed ter. Je constate qu’ils étaient trompés (à moins d’être menteurs), et je veux rester catholique.
Et j'aimerais que des Musulmans (je n'ai pas à dire que ce soit tous) cessent de me viser avec des rumeurs disant le contraire.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Un cyber à Paris
Ste Delphine
Et pour éviter malentendus à propos, Sainte Delphine, c'est la date, ce n'est pas quelqu'un pour qui je me prends.
1) Normalement, quand je suis dans un cyber geré par un Musulman …, 2) L'interview avec Marion Maréchal Le Pen - et les chanoines de Nevers
Friday, 20 November 2015
A Beautiful Picture for Christmas Present?
Well, my friend in Roumania can oblige. He's a professional photographer:
February sunset near Danube VI
The same colorful sunset from the beginning of February, this year, 2015. The camera used for this picture was the 16 Megapixels Panasonic G5 working in the Raw mode and fitted with the 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 Panasonic Asph. objective. The exposure time was set to 1/20 s at a focal length of 42mm (84mm full frame equivalent). The F-number was set to F9 at 160 ISO. The image was not cropped so, the maximum print size is an A1. Image stabilization was used in this case. Have a very nice day!!! |
December evening over Danube XVI
Mid December evening over the old Dobrogea's Mountains and the Danube, as seen last year, from 2014. The camera used for this picture was the Sigma DP3 Merrill. The exposure time was set to 1/80 s at a focal length of 50mm (75mm full frame equivalent). The F-number was set to F7.1 at 100 ISO. The resulting image was interpolated in the Sigma Photo Pro Raw converter to 59 Mpixels. The maximum print size is greater than A0. |
December warm light
Warm winter light on the upper cliff of the Danube as seen in mid December, last year from 2014. The camera used for this picture was the Sigma DP3 Merrill. The exposure time was set to 1/80 s at a focal length of 50mm (75mm full frame equivalent). The F-number was set to F8 at 100 ISO. The resulting image was interpolated in the Sigma Photo Pro Raw converter to 59 Mpixels. The maximum print size is bigger than A0. |
Trees of the Danube in May
Trees of the Danube in mid May, this year, from 2015. The camera used for this picture was the 16 Megapixels Panasonic G5 working in the Raw mode and fitted with the 45-200mm F4-5.6 Panasonic objective. The exposure time was set to 1/200 s at a focal length of 200mm (400mm full frame equivalent). The F-number was set to F5.6 at 160 ISO. The image was not cropped so, the maximum print size is an A1. Have a very nice day!!! |
A Judge with Poor Judgement
Here is the quote with link to the article:
Let us break this down.
Indeed. She introduced him to adultery and was unfaithful even in adultery.
But so did a society which made this situation a setup. Hurt, introduce him, and be unfaithful.
As long as teen pupils are enrolled in schools en masse, because society stops them from doing anything else and even requires them to be there up to a certain age, both school shootings and tragicomedies like these are likely to happen over again.
What could have become a comedy has turned at least somewhat tragic. The worst part is that her husband is filing for divorce.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Felix of Valois
founder of Trinitarians
PS, I would of course NOT have written this if the perpetrator had been a male seducer. Oscar Wilde deserved his sentence (whether he deserved conditions as they were in prison is another matter) and he knew it./HGL PPS - a male seducer of males, that is./HGL
Judge Thomas Kay told Brianne Altice on Thursday that she needs to have responsibility for her actions. 'You were the adult, you were the teacher, you were the one that could have stopped that from happening,' he said
Utah teacher, 36, who sexually abused three male students and continued a relationship with one while out on bail is sentenced to up to 30 YEARS behind bars
By Associated Press and Alexandra Klausner For Dailymail.com
Published: 23:37 GMT, 9 July 2015 | Updated: 12:10 GMT, 10 July 2015
Let us break this down.
- "You were the adult"
- The boys were 16 and 17. Not children. "The" adult sounds as if teens were equivalents of children.
- "you were the teacher"
- But where they the students who were most attentive to her class performance?
Or where they there because they had no chance of doing otherwise?
- "you were the one that could have stopped that from happening"
- What about:
- society forcing boys to go to school?
- society forcing them to abstain from profitable work and marriage?
- society imposing coed?
- society therefore imposing no bars between teachers of one sex and students of another?
- society not paying her husband enough so he could keep her at home and with children?
'I am human and I messed up during a very vulnerable time in my life,' she told the court.
The mother of the then-16-year-old victim said her son was also vulnerable.
'You hurt my son in ways that you will never know. You hurt all of those boys,' said the woman. She did not give her name, and The Associated Press does not generally identify family members of sexual assault victims to avoid revealing a victim's identity.
Indeed. She introduced him to adultery and was unfaithful even in adultery.
But so did a society which made this situation a setup. Hurt, introduce him, and be unfaithful.
As long as teen pupils are enrolled in schools en masse, because society stops them from doing anything else and even requires them to be there up to a certain age, both school shootings and tragicomedies like these are likely to happen over again.
What could have become a comedy has turned at least somewhat tragic. The worst part is that her husband is filing for divorce.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Felix of Valois
founder of Trinitarians
PS, I would of course NOT have written this if the perpetrator had been a male seducer. Oscar Wilde deserved his sentence (whether he deserved conditions as they were in prison is another matter) and he knew it./HGL PPS - a male seducer of males, that is./HGL
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
What Did Social Aid Look like in the Middle Ages? (Link, Quotes and Comment) Or was it sth else?
1)Explaining Holy Roman Empire in terms of comparing to US. - Pt I, 2 a) Part II, more on Guilds than on Holy Roman Empire, 2 b) Guilds and Distributism, Defined, Defended, 2 c) What Did Social Aid Look like in the Middle Ages? (Link, Quotes and Comment) Or was it sth else?, 3) Holy Roman Empire explained for US, but we are heading back for Rome now, Pt III
On Medievalists' Net* from June 6, 2014, you will get an answer about German Empire at least:
A unique source from 15th century Germany gives us some beautiful images of medieval people at work. Known the House Books of the Nuremberg Twelve Brothers Foundation, these were records of a charitable foundation started in the city of Nuremberg in 1388. The foundation would take 12 poor and needy people and provide them with training in a trade.
We have heard sth about "giving a man a fish or teaching him how to fish". For certain parts of the world, even about buying him a fisher boat. That seems to have been the idea. The article seems to think there was only one of these houses, but when we get to its German source, there are actually two Twelve Brother Houses, that of Mendel and that of Landau.
The article I cited gives illustrations, 20 of them. I will not reproduce the pictures, but I will cite a few of the texts under them.
Fritz Hufschmied is hammering a red-hot horseshoe on the anvil. ... Wilhelm is standing in a kitchen, cooking food on a fire. There are spoons and jars around him, and a pot hanging from the ceiling. ...
We are not quite told in these words whether Fritz (Frederick) and Wilhelm (William) became employees in these trades or whether they became their own masters. But look at this one:
Rudolf Meier has finished the framework for a house. You can see some of his tools.
So Rolf Myer became not just a colleague of St Joseph and of Our Lord, but like the former while alive, he became his own master. Did you notice the words "his tools"? Yes, precisely.
Hans Pernecker is polishing various pieces of armour, while other tools of his trade are spread around his workshop.
And of John, who is producing arms, we learn it is about not just "tools of his trade" but also about these lying about "spread around his workshop".
Berthold Uslaunb is selling spices from a table he set up on a barrel. He holds a pair of scales in his hands to weigh the product.
Yes, even today, if you sell anything from tables you set up, you usually own both the tables you set up and the merchandise. Uslaub, not Uslaunb, please!
Peter Velner sits in his workshop, working on a shoe with a curved knife. Other leather shoes are on display.
Yes, once again, "sits in his workshop".
Now, there are people these days who think they are doing extremely well by the poor people just by giving someone of them a chance to become employee where they make shoes for lots more of people, in a much bigger workshop, owned by someone else.
That was not quite the idea of the Twelve Brothers' Foundation. Here it was rather a matter of giving them both a fisherman's training and a fisherman's boat - except that in the Nuremberg area, fishing is not a very great business, we are not talking about a coastal town.
Now, there is a legal background for this kind of charity. St Thomas Aquinas, who was teaching philosophy and preaching catechism in Paris, nevertheless came from areas closer under the Roman or German Empire (Holy Roman Empire of German Nation / Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation) and knew of its legislation.
Back in the time of Justinian, as Chesterton noted, the recently just before Pagan Roman Empire was as yet "as much of a slave state as South Carolina antebellum". Hence the law "in incertum vagantes" which stated that those who loafed everywhere without looking for any opportunity to feed themselves by their own work, if healthy in body and thus not having the excuse of invalidity, should be made slaves and even slaves of the one denouncing them, unless they were found to be runaways of someone in particular wanting to reclaim them.
BUT, though Christianity did not change the text of the law over the centuries, it made a difference about its application. In St Thomas Aquinas' day, the deal was not permanent slavery, but an enquiry which looked further than just health of body: was the man able to do any work? Was the man able to get the work he was able of doing?
I can right now not find the authority, but somewhere he mentions that:
- invalids are, as previously, as already in CIC, excused and so allowed to beg;
- those knowing one trade and not being able to find work in it either on own property or that of someone else, as employees, are excused from working and allowed to beg while learning a second trade;
- those knowing two trades and having no opportunity to live off either are also excused.
In this latter context, he said sth about this excuse being valid only according to the laws of the Emperors (i e the Frankish far off successors of Justinian, via Charlemagne and Otto), since a Christian should be willing to humiliate himself even more and learn as many trades as was necessary.
However, we note that the condition of slavery foreseen by In incertum vagantes has been emended to a condition of obligatory apprenticeship.
This is the context in which Till Eulenspiegel went from apprenticeship to apprenticeship and got himself fired from place after place, but also the context in which two foundations in Nuremberg take up the task of providing not just an apprenticeship, but also to finance, apparently, the shop, once apprenticeship is done, of the poor man.**
I do however find another authority in Aquinas***:
Thus alms are besought for the building of a bridge, or church, or for any other work whatever that is conducive to the common good: thus scholars may seek alms that they may devote themselves to the study of wisdom. On this way mendicancy is lawful to religious no less than to seculars.
Note that though the context is asking on whether Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians and Carmelites have the right to beg, in the context of utility "mendicancy is lawful to religious no less than to seculars".
Back to the context, the twenty men depicted as former poor now helped to a business in the article are very probably not people who have begged either to preach or to study - they are people who either begged or did some other makeshift because of poverty.
And they were helped into positions, not of employee, but of independent artisan, at least once in a while. There is one pretty exception, no, two actually:
Peter is standing in a bell tower and blows the hourly chime. ... This unnamed man is at a gate house and taking payment from a merchant.
In other words, two of them became employees of Nuremberg. And becoming it as a watchman was honourable, but the tax collector, wisely, opted for anonymity.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Gregory the Wonderworker
Update / Or was it sth else? I looked at the German original, and I am very much less sure it had anything to do with social help to apprenticeships.
Amb. 317.2° Folio 7 recto (Mendel I) (image)
dito, but the data
Der xix bruder der do starb hyeß Albrecht vnd was ein kürschner
The xix brother who then died was hight Albrecht and was a furrier.
It seems the Twelve Brother Foundations were there to pray for the dead./HGL
Further update:
Die beiden Nürnberger Zwölfbrüderbücher waren als Chroniken und Totenbücher zweier Nürnberger Sozialstiftungen des späten Mittelalters angelegt worden. Ohne Unterbrechung wurden sie bis zum Ende der reichsstädtischen Selbständigkeit im Jahr 1806 mit strenger Kontinuität gepflegt: vorderhand der steten Erfüllung des Stiftungszwecks Ausdruck verleihend - und gleichzeitig ein immens reiches Bildmaterial erzeugend. | Both the Nuremberg Twelve Brother Books were planned as Chronicles and Obituaries of two Social Foundations of Nuremberg of the late Middle Ages. Without a break they are continued unto the end of the independence as Imperial-Immediate Cities in 1806, and entertained with strict continuity : on purpose giving expression to the non-ending implementation of the purpose - and at the same time producing an immensely rich imagery. | |
Der vermögende Handelsmann Konrad Mendel hatte 1388 ein Altenheim zur Wohnstätte und Verpflegung für jeweils zwölf bedürftige, alte Nürnberger Handwerker erbauen und mit Kapital für eine dauerhafte Führung ausstatten lassen. Seit etwa 1425/26 wurde jeder „Mendelbruder“ mit einem ganzseitigen Bildnis im Mendelschen Hausbuch porträtiert. Es wuchs bis zum Ende der reichsstädtischen Zeit auf einen Umfang von insgesamt 857 Bildseiten mit 765 Handwerkerdarstellungen im Folioformat an. | The affluent trader Konrad mendel had in 1388 built an old peoples' home for home and care for at every time twelve needy, old Nuremberger Artisans, and provided it with capital for a permanent conducting of it. Since about 1425/26 each "Mendel Brother" was given a portrait in the Mendel House Book. It grew to the end of the time of imperial immediacy to a compendium of 857 picture pages with 765 portraits of artisans in folio format. |
In other words, we are not talking of people who got into business, but of people who retired from it. But the portraits are not of their old age, but of their active days. And for each brother who died, it was prayed for his soul. Unlike Protestant parts of Germany, Nuremberg was free from "reformation" and therefore this continued until Napoleon made a very great difference for such foundations by the abolition of Imperially Immediate independance in Nuremberg./HGL
* Jobs in the Middle Ages
June 6, 2014 By Medievalists.net
Which in its turn links to source:
The Nuremberg Twelve Brothers Foundation continued this practice into the nineteenth-century, giving us almost 1,200 illustrations of people in their various crafts and jobs. You can see the entire manuscript at this German website.
Die Hausbücher der Nürnberger Zwölfbrüderstiftungen
** On a very personal side note, I might add that I already do know two trades : writing and composing music. My conditions for either production of mine could afford either an extra revenue for an already established professional or a beginning for a new printer or musician in search of a repertoire.
hglwrites : A little note on further use conditions
musicalia : What's the deal? C'est quoi ce truc?
*** Summa Theologica : Second Part of the Second Part
Question 187. Things that are competent to religious
Article 5. Whether it is lawful for religious to beg?
Monday, 16 November 2015
Famished for Christendom - a post on the Cor Jesu Sacratissimum blog
Quoth Roger:
Here is the post he is talking about:
Cor Jesu Sacratissimum : Famished for Christendom
By roger | Published: 15 November 2015
"It’s unlikely any of my posts will ever go viral. But if I could have a post go viral, it would be this one."
Here is the post he is talking about:
Cor Jesu Sacratissimum : Famished for Christendom
By roger | Published: 15 November 2015
Il ne plaignait pas les morts - et il n'était pas islamiste, non plus
Je viens de rencontrer un homme hier, qui considérait que c'est la faute à la France s'il y a des morts. Chirac n'était pas entré dans ces pays ...
Hmmm ... deux observations.
Chirac était entré en Afghanistan, où la guerre n'a pas été menée avec insistance et persistance pour la défense des Chrétiens, mais pour la défense d'un gouvernement qui en fin de compte persécutait les Chrétiens aussi, juste moins sanguinairement que les Taliban.
Et ensuite, des attentats contre civilistes, on est dans la logique de la "guerre totale". Une théorie que la guerre ne soit pas entre deux armées, mais entre deux populations. Une théorie qui a fait son mal dans le terrorisme de Ho Chi Minh comme dans celui de Rote Armee-Fraktion.
Et une théorie que l'Église catholique a condamnée.
Il considérait aussi que les terroristes et autres islamistes voulaient remonter dans le temps vers 625. Il considérait aussi que c'était impossible, car il avait eu des progrès depuis, et il les considérait aussi comme hypocrites en se servant des progrès technologiques, comme messages par internet.
Je lui répliquais:
J'aurais pu ajouter que des progrès technologiques étaient en train de se faire là dans ce temps là, précisément à cause de la civilisation chrétienne.
Il y a eu un nouveau soc, possiblement inspiré d'une méditation sur le prophète Michée, chapitre 4, car, comme l'épée il est en fer. Et très probablement, ce nouveau soc a été développé par des moines qui méditaient dessus.
Et qui, aussi, ne croyaient pas dans la théorie de la guerre totale. Comme l'église depuis.
Par contraste, la Prusse largement apostate a beau avoir eu des progrès techniques qui faisaient paraître le soc comme vieux jeu, mais il croyaient dans la théorie de la guerre totale - sinon toute la population (et il y avait des gens qui n'étaient pas apostats non plus), au moins pas mal d'écrivains progressistes.
Il me précisait encore, que la religion ne l’intéressait absolument pas. La technologie oui.
Je m'abstenais de lui répondre, mais ça me paraissait pas très intelligent. D'abord sur mon blog, j'avais des messages qui concernaient LES DEUX domaines - devait-il se désintéresser parce que ça concernait la religion, ou s'intéresser parce que ça concernait la datation par carbone 14?
... 6) Examinons une hypothèse qui se trouve contrefactuelle un peu de près, ... 8) Avec un peu d'aide de Fibonacci ... j'ai une table, presque correcte, 9) Une table peut-être évitable ou contournable?, 10) Et les autres méthodes radioactives?.
J'ai pris les 4 messages les plus intéressants, sur 10, mais lui il aurait, avec son intérêt technologique, pu s'intéresser pour toute la série.
À part ça, il n'était pas mauvais.
Il m'avait commencé d'observer que je devais faire gaffe à mon bagage, et que le quartier et encore un quartier par là étaient "sans foi ni loi", trafic de drogues et d'armes.
Ensuite, il m'avait dit que le maire ne faisait rien pour Nanterre (selon ce qu'il disait, c'est au moins assez vrai pour la sécurité). Le maire était coco à 100%. Et il vivait lui-même en dehors de Nanterre, sous-entendu peut-être : de manière de ne pas avoir à subir lui-même les conséquences de sa gestion.
Il avait une admiration pour Charles Martel, qui avait renvoyé les Arabes chez eux. Bon, au temps de Charles Martel il s'agissait surtout d'une armée d'invasion. Avec des familles, dont la plupart vivent la plupart du temps paisiblement, c'est un peu plus délicat, non?
Ça dit, vendredi soir, j'étais à Nanterre, et pas à Paris. Je ne savais rien des attentats jusqu'au lendemain, quand j'essayais à me rendre à la Bibliothèque Universitaire de Nanterre, et quand les gardiens m’expliquaient que c'était fermé à cause des attentats. Je me suis trouvé mal à l'aise. Paris devenu Beirouth, quasiment?
Y a-t-il un présage dans le fait que l'identité numérique de ce message*, 1733561841556664440, comporte 666 et 444? Le nombre du grand trompeur et le nombre du roi du Sud, cette dernière chose entrelue dans le nombre de versets qui parlent de chacun en Matthieu 24 et en Daniel, par William Tapley.
Hans Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterre**
Ste Gertrude
* Visible pour l'éditeur déjà avant la publication. En plus, en comptant les messages publiés ensemble avec les brouillons, ceci est message 616. Sans les brouillons, ceci est juste 591. Sur ce blog. ** Où, ce matin, il y avait davantage de gardiens, et où on devait montrer ses sacs.
Hmmm ... deux observations.
Chirac était entré en Afghanistan, où la guerre n'a pas été menée avec insistance et persistance pour la défense des Chrétiens, mais pour la défense d'un gouvernement qui en fin de compte persécutait les Chrétiens aussi, juste moins sanguinairement que les Taliban.
Et ensuite, des attentats contre civilistes, on est dans la logique de la "guerre totale". Une théorie que la guerre ne soit pas entre deux armées, mais entre deux populations. Une théorie qui a fait son mal dans le terrorisme de Ho Chi Minh comme dans celui de Rote Armee-Fraktion.
Et une théorie que l'Église catholique a condamnée.
Il considérait aussi que les terroristes et autres islamistes voulaient remonter dans le temps vers 625. Il considérait aussi que c'était impossible, car il avait eu des progrès depuis, et il les considérait aussi comme hypocrites en se servant des progrès technologiques, comme messages par internet.
Je lui répliquais:
- 1) progrès technologique et progrès moral n'est pas la même chose;
- 2) on a eu une belle civilisation en 625. Juste, ce n'étais pas sur la Péninsule Arabique. C'était par exemple en Italie où on avait juste eu Boèce, un des meilleurs écrivains de tous les temps.
J'aurais pu ajouter que des progrès technologiques étaient en train de se faire là dans ce temps là, précisément à cause de la civilisation chrétienne.
Il y a eu un nouveau soc, possiblement inspiré d'une méditation sur le prophète Michée, chapitre 4, car, comme l'épée il est en fer. Et très probablement, ce nouveau soc a été développé par des moines qui méditaient dessus.
Et qui, aussi, ne croyaient pas dans la théorie de la guerre totale. Comme l'église depuis.
Par contraste, la Prusse largement apostate a beau avoir eu des progrès techniques qui faisaient paraître le soc comme vieux jeu, mais il croyaient dans la théorie de la guerre totale - sinon toute la population (et il y avait des gens qui n'étaient pas apostats non plus), au moins pas mal d'écrivains progressistes.
Il me précisait encore, que la religion ne l’intéressait absolument pas. La technologie oui.
Je m'abstenais de lui répondre, mais ça me paraissait pas très intelligent. D'abord sur mon blog, j'avais des messages qui concernaient LES DEUX domaines - devait-il se désintéresser parce que ça concernait la religion, ou s'intéresser parce que ça concernait la datation par carbone 14?
... 6) Examinons une hypothèse qui se trouve contrefactuelle un peu de près, ... 8) Avec un peu d'aide de Fibonacci ... j'ai une table, presque correcte, 9) Une table peut-être évitable ou contournable?, 10) Et les autres méthodes radioactives?.
J'ai pris les 4 messages les plus intéressants, sur 10, mais lui il aurait, avec son intérêt technologique, pu s'intéresser pour toute la série.
À part ça, il n'était pas mauvais.
Il m'avait commencé d'observer que je devais faire gaffe à mon bagage, et que le quartier et encore un quartier par là étaient "sans foi ni loi", trafic de drogues et d'armes.
Ensuite, il m'avait dit que le maire ne faisait rien pour Nanterre (selon ce qu'il disait, c'est au moins assez vrai pour la sécurité). Le maire était coco à 100%. Et il vivait lui-même en dehors de Nanterre, sous-entendu peut-être : de manière de ne pas avoir à subir lui-même les conséquences de sa gestion.
Il avait une admiration pour Charles Martel, qui avait renvoyé les Arabes chez eux. Bon, au temps de Charles Martel il s'agissait surtout d'une armée d'invasion. Avec des familles, dont la plupart vivent la plupart du temps paisiblement, c'est un peu plus délicat, non?
Ça dit, vendredi soir, j'étais à Nanterre, et pas à Paris. Je ne savais rien des attentats jusqu'au lendemain, quand j'essayais à me rendre à la Bibliothèque Universitaire de Nanterre, et quand les gardiens m’expliquaient que c'était fermé à cause des attentats. Je me suis trouvé mal à l'aise. Paris devenu Beirouth, quasiment?
Y a-t-il un présage dans le fait que l'identité numérique de ce message*, 1733561841556664440, comporte 666 et 444? Le nombre du grand trompeur et le nombre du roi du Sud, cette dernière chose entrelue dans le nombre de versets qui parlent de chacun en Matthieu 24 et en Daniel, par William Tapley.
Hans Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterre**
Ste Gertrude
* Visible pour l'éditeur déjà avant la publication. En plus, en comptant les messages publiés ensemble avec les brouillons, ceci est message 616. Sans les brouillons, ceci est juste 591. Sur ce blog. ** Où, ce matin, il y avait davantage de gardiens, et où on devait montrer ses sacs.
Dominance d'Ukraine, Absence de France, ça Continue?
1) New blog on the kid : Intrigues contre lecture de mes blogs en France?, 2) Dominance d'Ukraine, Absence de France, ça Continue?, 3) Ukraine toujours la référence pour les lecteurs français?, 4) Mais pourquoi la Russie voudrait-elle lire justement mes blogs tellement? , 5) Et les autres blogs? En suédois, allemand, sur sujets autres, vieux?, 6) Correspondance de Hans Georg Lundahl : Lettres sans réponse, à Clichy et à l'Ambassade d'Ukraine, 7) New blog on the kid : Et Somme Tout, Aujourd'hui?, 8) Et maintenant?
Ukraine 25 | Ukraine 26 | Ukraine 41 |
United States 21 | United States 10 | United States 3 |
China 6 | France 3 | China 1 |
France 5 | China 2 | France 1 |
Australia 3 | United Kingdom 2 | Russia 1 |
Sweden 2 | Canada 1 | |
Chile 1 | Germany 1 | |
Germany 1 | Denmark 1 | |
Denmark 1 | Latvia 1 | |
Spain 1 | ||
New blog on the kid | HGL's F.B. writings | Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere |
Germany 1 | United States 20 | Ukraine 40 |
United States 1 | Ukraine 14 | United States 4 |
Germany 5 | Sweden 1 | |
Madagascar 5 | ||
South Africa 2 | ||
China 1 | ||
France 1 | ||
United Kingdom 1 | ||
Indonesia 1 | ||
Netherlands 1 | ||
Répliques Assorties | Φιλολoγικά/Philologica | Creation vs. Evolution |
No stats yet, | Ukraine 13 | Ukraine 16 |
check again later. | China 1 | |
United Kingdom 1 | ||
Russia 1 | ||
United States 1 | ||
gm b1 lou | Correspondence de Hans Georg Lundahl | musicalia |
Friday, 13 November 2015
Irak n'est pas la première fois (lien)
On a eu Nunilon et Élodie, saintes martyres, avant. Voici, ce qui concerne Irak:
Rassemblement dans une église de Bagdad contre la loi qui islamise obligatoirement les mineurs
in International, Irak / by Léo Kersauzie / on 12 novembre 2015 at 11 h 08 min /
MPI - L'information sans concession
Rassemblement dans une église de Bagdad contre la loi qui islamise obligatoirement les mineurs
in International, Irak / by Léo Kersauzie / on 12 novembre 2015 at 11 h 08 min /
MPI - L'information sans concession
Intrigues contre lecture de mes blogs en France?
1) New blog on the kid : Intrigues contre lecture de mes blogs en France?, 2) Dominance d'Ukraine, Absence de France, ça Continue?, 3) Ukraine toujours la référence pour les lecteurs français?, 4) Mais pourquoi la Russie voudrait-elle lire justement mes blogs tellement? , 5) Et les autres blogs? En suédois, allemand, sur sujets autres, vieux?, 6) Correspondance de Hans Georg Lundahl : Lettres sans réponse, à Clichy et à l'Ambassade d'Ukraine, 7) New blog on the kid : Et Somme Tout, Aujourd'hui?, 8) Et maintenant?
Ukraine 28 | France 23 | Ukraine 27 |
France 6 | United States 20 | United States 7 |
United States 5 | Ukraine 15 | France 6 |
Brazil 1 | United Kingdom 4 | Brazil 1 |
United Kingdom 1 | Portugal 2 | Portugal 1 |
Thailand 1 | United Arab Emirates 1 | |
Turkey 1 | Bangladesh 1 | |
Morocco 1 | ||
Moldova 1 | ||
Singapore 1 | ||
HGL's F.B. writings (ENG/FR) | New blog on the kid (ENG/FR) | Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere (ENG) |
United States 1 | Germany 8 | Ukraine 28 |
France 5 | United States 4 | |
United States 5 | India 1 | |
Poland 3 | Morocco 1 | |
United Kingdom 2 | ||
Taiwan 2 | ||
Brazil 1 | ||
South Korea 1 | ||
Kazakhstan 1 | ||
Répliques Assorties ppt.li/repliques (FR) | Φιλολoγικά/Philologica (ENG/FR) | Creation vs. Evolution (ENG) |
No stats yet, check again later. | Ukraine 8 | |
France 3 | ||
United States 2 | ||
Japan 1 | ||
Morocco 1 | ||
Gm B1 Lou (FR) | Correspondance de Hans Georg Lundahl ppt.li/kw (ENG/FR) | |
On semble me vouloir isoler du lectorat français? Tous les url sauf pour HGL's F.B. writings et Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere viennent d'être distribués assez beaucoup les derniers jours. Ici même à Paris, Nanterre, environs. |
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Homeschooling is Usually Not University Level AND Graphic Porn Does More than Expose to Ideas
1) Science and Religion - Citing Two of my Opponents, 2) Blogosphere in the Feast of Sts Simon and Jude 2015, 3) Homeschooling is Usually Not University Level AND Graphic Porn Does More than Expose to Ideas
When my own ma homeschooled me (not all the time, but when circumstances allowed), her idea was not to shield me from un-Christian ideas, but rather to provide antidotes. However, shielding from un-Christian ideas is actually a good idea for homeschooling Christian parents, if they can and want to. And they should want to if they are not able to provide antidotes.
Now, a homeschooling community has turned to an university in order to get a textbook which does not openly preach Big Bang Atheism. Or sth like that.
Sorry, to American Astronomical Society.
In other words, they want a textbook which gives all of the current cosmology except the overtly atheistic parts, like, say Big Bang Creating Matter Out of Itself, rather than God creating matter. That is overtly atheistic, insofar as you have to be atheist in order to even believe it. There are covertly atheistic parts, which they are not protesting against, like Heliocentrism, which you may believe even if a Christian, but cannot give a coherent proof of unless you are atheist ("there is no God who can turn the universe around Earth each day" is atheistic, but if had been true would prove one of its points, and "there are no angels that can move stars in the movements called parallax and aberration or planets in the movements around zodiac, often with retrogrades and other signs of spirograph patterns being involved" is also atheistic, or anangelistic, but if it were true it would also prove a point for Heliocentrism : however there are Christians who believe these points without these proofs). But where the atheism is open, where even believing it is obviously atheistic, no, there they do not want it.
They turned to American Astronomical Society. It is probably very expert at Heliocentric cosmology. They want everything they can get about that, except Big Bang overt Atheism. Is that any problem?
Of course not, they can get confronted with atheism later on in their lives. The age of seven to twelve is not really made for intellectual confrontations with beliefs other than your own, especially not in contexts where these other beliefs may be socially favoured and not believing them may expose one to bad manners. After all, seven to twelve is not just about getting from ignorance to some useful knowledge, it is also about acquiring good manners. And thus also about not getting them ruined by useless confrontation with bad manners. In other words, Christian children that age should not be forced to attend schools where majority are atheist. And, what is more, Atheist children that age should not be forced to attend schools where majority are Christians.
And if they are not being forced to "confront the other team", neither do they need an immediate intellectual preparation for such confrontation, by direct study of its tenets.
That is reasonable.
Now look at this:
- Agenda Quoted:
- To add to the polarization, a few scientists have spread an atheistic naturalistic worldview together with their teaching of science as if it was part of science itself. As a result many parents avoid materials they consider controversial and students later come to believe they must choose between science and their faith. The key to bridging this gap are professional astronomers who hold to a Christian worldview and who can speak both languages, understanding the complexities of both communities.
- Coyne's Comment A:
- This, of course, buttresses one of the main goals of Christian homeschooling: to avoid exposing children to anything that might damage their faith or make them question it.
- My comment
- So far, correct analysis, but why is that upsetting him?
Does he consider HE has the right to decide for THEIR children?
Does he imagine HIS recipe for them would not imply a school situation which would hurt them, like the Swedish one hurt me?
- Coyne's Comment B:
- In truth, I seriously doubt that in public secondary schools children are exposed to “atheistic worldviews” that supposedly make them choose between science and faith. The reason young people exposed to science leave their faith is, I suspect, mainly because science teaches them to question, to doubt, and to trust evidence. Taken seriously, the produces an erosion of faith.
- Not at all!
- The truth is that questioning has not hurt my faith.
But it is the atheistic "science" which has gone down before my questions.
Where Evolution and Heliocentrism are presented as hard and undoubtable facts, first of all, the child is deceived, second, this deception involves statements about truth which at some point at least contradict the real one.
- Coyne's Comment C:
- [Taken seriously, the produces an erosion of faith.] And that’s why people like this book’s authors are so desperate to get to the kids before they have that exposure. The book is, in fact, a form of brainwashing: imposing the parents’ religious views on the children. The abstract continues:
- Before we look
- why not guess what he would stamp as a kind of brainwashing? Large passages stating non-extancy of proofs for Heliocentrism? Even that would not be brainwashing, it would be exposing the brainwashing that goes on in schools run by science sectarians ultimately depending on atheism (as I just mentioned, as for showing, I'll do that another time, if you think there are MORE proofs for Heliocentrism than the false ones I mentioned)(or, actually, I did that another time already). But no, such doubts about Heliocentrism is NOT what he is quoting.
Here IS what he quoted after describing it as a form of brainwashing:
- Agenda Quoted:
- The role of science educators is to teach science, not to impose worldviews. Science is well received by Christians when it is presented not as a threat to faith, but rather as a complementary way to understand God, leading to a more integrated view of reality.
- Wait a minute!?
- Just mentioning that the science is a way of understanding God is somehow brainwashing them in Christianity?
Well, that pretty much says all that needs to be said about HIS definition of "brainwashing". He is acting like an Inquisitor for Atheism. But not just that, he is acting like an Inquisitor who cannot see the difference between seduction to heresy and brainwashing someone to heresy.
I will not say that brainwashing into Darwinism and Heliocentrism is done because there exist school manuals that present them. I would not even totally do it because very many (and not just one) media treat them as undoubted facts, not just when the media are on the topic, but even when that is off topic, except for the also near total lack of media that present the opposite view. My blogs are trying to supplement this lack.
Here is where Jerry Coyne made this blooper:
Why Evolution Is True : Accommodationism at the American Astronomical Society
Now, at University, even a Christian student totally SHOULD be able to confront Heliocentric and Darwinist ideas, though of course not fall for the suggestion of believing them, and if he feels he must shield himself from confronting them, he should do sth else.
Same thing in a way goes for ideas about how homosexuality affects lives.
But Fun Home apparently does not only present the biographical facts about Alison Bechdel, apparently she has included some graphic content which can be described as pornographic. Like two nude people in bed, presumably (the previews on Amazon give NOT that kind of detail, just innocent childhood pictures).
- Here is a quote with letters of protest by the students:
- “I feel as if I would have to compromise my personal Christian moral beliefs to read it,” Brian Grasso wrote on the Duke University Class of 2019 Facebook page, a closed group. He cited its “graphic visual depictions of sexuality,” as part of his reason. “Duke did not seem to have people like me in mind,” he added. “It was like Duke didn’t know we existed, which surprises me.” “There is so much pressure on Duke students, and they want so badly to fit in,” Grasso observed. “But at the end of the day, we don’t have to read the book.” Grasso was not alone in his protest. “The nature of ‘Fun Home’ means that content that I might have consented to read in print now violates my conscience due to its pornographic nature,” Jeffrey Wubbenhorst wrote in an email to The Chronicle.
- Did you get that?
- “graphic visual depictions of sexuality,” ... "content that I might have consented to read in print now violates my conscience due to its pornographic nature"
Jeffrey Wubbenhurst would have consented to read same things in print, but not when presented in pictures.
So, the problem for at least Jeffrey Wubbenhurst, probably Brian Grasso too, was not any idea presented. It was the problem of visual pornography.
Now, how do Coyne AND none lesser than Salman Rushdie take this?
- Coyne's Own Comment:
- This is pathetic. Those students are not only keeping themselves in the religious bubble in which they’ve been raised, but cutting themselves off from exposure to ideas that might help not only them, but society as well. I’m convinced that one of the reasons that gay rights, for instance, progressed so fast in this nation is that people not only listened to what gay people said, but got to know them, and saw (as they eventually will with atheists), that they were just normal people who deserved equal treatment. This, at least, is one of Steve Pinker’s theses, in The Better Angels of our Nature, for the moral progress we’ve seen over the last five centures. Exposure, exposure, exposure!
- "Your honour!"*
- Neither of those quoted were refusing to "get to know" Alison Bechdel in any work where she expressed same biography in words. Without the mentioned pictures.
They were protesting against an assignment roughly akin, though not fully equivalent to watching a porn movie.
- Salman Rushdie's Comment, Quoted by Coyne:
- “There was an episode a few months ago where (some incoming) students at Duke University refused to read Alison Bechdel’s book (‘Fun Home’) because it was written by a lesbian and offended their religious beliefs. I thought, ‘Maybe you should just not be at Duke. Maybe you should just step down and make room for people who actually want to learn something.'”
- Rushdie!
- Not wanting to watch porn pictures is "not wanting to learn" in your book?
Here is where Coyne quoted and himself commented Brian Grasso and Jeffrey Wubbenhurst:
Why Evolution Is True : More fragile student feelings: Christian students refuse to read Duke’s summer-assignment novel because (horrors) it deals with lesbians and other touchy subjects
[note dishonesty even in title]
Here is where Coyne quotes Rushdie:
Why Evolution Is True : Salman Rushdie, receiving Chicago Tribune literary award, decries college censorship
- Further Quote of Rushdie:
- “The university is the place where young people should be challenged every day, where everything they know should be put into question, so that they can think and learn and grow up,” he said. “And the idea that they should be protected from ideas that they might not like is the opposite of what a university should be. It’s ideas that should be protected, the discussion of ideas that should be given a safe place. The university should be a safe space for the life of the mind. That’s what it’s for.”
- I Wonder:
- How many University Sites here have exposed students to the challenge I give on Darwinism and Heliocentrism, or on popular conceptions about history?
IF they were indeed following the idea Rushdied appears to say, I should have a lot of readers by now. Students.
But perhaps, in his book, it is only traditional and religious ideas he thinks need to be challenged "every day". In that case, we are not dealing with a fresh challenge from a new angle every day, but with an attempt of anti-religious and anti-traditional ... what was the word Coyne used in that other context? Ah, yes : brainwashing.
Porn is by the way a way to abuse passions in order to, among other things, brainwash into shamelessness.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Martin I, Pope and Martyr
* Not really. Just a cheap trick of rhetoric, taken up from videos by Kent Hovind, before he came to use these words in the proper context at a trial - or sham trial. Btw, Jerry Coyne has quoted a pretty disturbing view attributed to Kent Hovind, where I think that the proper view was expressed by William Lane Craig, or part of it at least. This has however been sent to Kent Hovind in a mail, I will see if he answers.
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Bergoglio Shows He Doesn't Get Christianity ... or Gnosticism
1) New blog on the kid : Bergoglio Shows He Doesn't Get Christianity ... or Gnosticism, 2) HGL's F.B. writings : Bergoglio NOT Getting Gnosticism, Discussion on FB, 3) Ruari McCallion Tries to Make Allowances for my English, 4) Bergoglio misuses "Fundamentalism" too ....
Here is the quote:*
"As pastors may you not be preachers of complex doctrine, but pronouncers of Christ, dead and resurrected for us," he said. "Aim for the essential, the kerygma."
Sounds more New Age than Christian.
Anyone can SAY "love your neighbour", but that leaves out certain shades about "who is my neighbour" (answered by Christ with reference to a righteous Samaritan) and "what is Christian love". And if the answer includes some reference to truth, this leaves the pastors asking, like Pilate, "what is truth".
If you want complete Christianity, you want truth, if you want truth, you want a complex doctrine.
Speaking to Gnosticism, which widely held that people should shun the material world in favor of the spiritual realm, Francis identified such thinking today with that which "brings us to trust in logical and clear reasoning ... which however loses the tenderness of the flesh of the brother."
"The difference between Christian transcendence and any form of gnostic spiritualism remains in the mystery of the incarnation," said the pontiff. "Not putting it in practice, not guiding the Word to reality, means building on sand, remaining in pure idea ... which does not give fruit, which make sterile [God's] dynamism."
Well, there may be or indeed is a connexion between putting the Word - the Complex Doctrine of the Catholic Church through 20 Centuries, to which Christ bore witness - into practise and the Incarnation.
But that does NOT add up to one specific false reason of rejecting the Incarnation (namely Gnosticism) being identical with believing Catholicism but not practising it. A real Gnostic would certainly often enough practise his Gnosticism. But he is putting the WRONG "word" into action. If Bergoglio can't get that ...
Hans Georg Lundahl
Paris, Beaubourg
or closeish
St Martin of Tours
* And the source:
Vatican Insider : Catholicism can and must change, Francis forcefully tells Italian church gathering
11/10/2015, by joshua j. mcelwee
J'allais faire un autre article pour le jour de St Martin et de l'Armistice. Mais conneries de flics, c'est aussi une matière.
J'étais en train de faire la manche devant une banque. Comme c'est le jour de l'armistice, la banque était fermé. Je n'avais pas fait attention que c'était une banque, mais j'avais effectivement fait attention que ce n'était pas une espace libre service qui était ouvert, que je ne bloquais pas l'accès.
BON, après une heure ou deux (pendant lesquels on me donne trop à manger et juste à la fin suffisemment pour aller au cyber), deux policiers me voient, je reste poli, ils me viennent dire:
"On va vous embêter. Vous ne devez pas rester devant la banque."
"Oh, c'était une banque? Je n'avais pas noté." (Comme expliqué en haut).
Je commence à me lever, ensuite je regarde la porte et leur lance:
"Mais c'est fermé aujourd'hui!"
Ils venaient déjà de passer.
Je considère la possibilité de m'asseoir encore une fois. Ensuite, je me ravise.
Je colle les url de quelques blogs, y compris celui-ci, à la vitre, et je quitte le lieu./HGL
BON, après une heure ou deux (pendant lesquels on me donne trop à manger et juste à la fin suffisemment pour aller au cyber), deux policiers me voient, je reste poli, ils me viennent dire:
"On va vous embêter. Vous ne devez pas rester devant la banque."
"Oh, c'était une banque? Je n'avais pas noté." (Comme expliqué en haut).
Je commence à me lever, ensuite je regarde la porte et leur lance:
"Mais c'est fermé aujourd'hui!"
Ils venaient déjà de passer.
Je considère la possibilité de m'asseoir encore une fois. Ensuite, je me ravise.
Je colle les url de quelques blogs, y compris celui-ci, à la vitre, et je quitte le lieu./HGL
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
A Turk I would Like OFF England
Wickipeejuh : Stanley Johnson (writer)
And a Pirate of Penzance too (no, I haven't seen or read that musical).
I think Austria lost in 1918 because of being allied to that man. Ali Kemal Bey.
Wonder if the Freiherr when growing up in Munich ever heard the word "Saupreißn" adressed to his father?
Anyway, it seems this man has by now gone out with a foul proposal of foisting population control on both English public and on peoples receiving development aid.
If that is "conservative", I am not. But why would that be "conservative" since he is obviously set on remaking humanity after his plan?
I am very thankful, very happy, that on Ireland, if not now, at least earlier during my life, condoms were illegal (except on prescription and that only for couples who have medical grounds - an exception I of course take some exception to).
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Pope St Leo I
And a Pirate of Penzance too (no, I haven't seen or read that musical).
Johnson was born in 1940 in Penzance, Cornwall, the son of Osman Wilfred Johnson and Irene Williams, daughter of Stanley F. Williams of Bromley, Kent, by his marriage to Marie Louise de Pfeffel (or Freiin von Pfeffel) in Paris on 15 August 1882.[2] His paternal grandfather Ali Kemal Bey, one of the last interior ministers of the Ottoman Empire government, was assassinated during the Turkish War of Independence. Stanley's father was born Osman Wilfred Kemal or Osman Ali in England in Bournemouth, Hampshire, in 1909, his Anglo-Swiss mother Winifred dying shortly after giving birth.
After Ali Kemal returned to Turkey in 1912, Stanley's father and aunt were brought up by their English grandmother Margaret Brun (née Johnson) and took her maiden name, Stanley's father becoming simply Wilfred Johnson.
I think Austria lost in 1918 because of being allied to that man. Ali Kemal Bey.
His maternal grandparents were Hubert Freiherr von Pfeffel, born in Munich on 8 December 1843, and wife Helene von Rivière, born on 14 January 1862; he was the son of Karl Freiherr von Pfeffel (Dresden, 22 November 1811 - Munich, 25 January 1890) and wife (m. Augsburg, 16 February 1836) Karolina von Rothenburg (Frankfurt, 28 November 1805 - Frankfurt, 13 February 1872), herself the natural daughter of Prince Paul of Württemberg by Friederike Porth.
Wonder if the Freiherr when growing up in Munich ever heard the word "Saupreißn" adressed to his father?
Anyway, it seems this man has by now gone out with a foul proposal of foisting population control on both English public and on peoples receiving development aid.
If that is "conservative", I am not. But why would that be "conservative" since he is obviously set on remaking humanity after his plan?
I am very thankful, very happy, that on Ireland, if not now, at least earlier during my life, condoms were illegal (except on prescription and that only for couples who have medical grounds - an exception I of course take some exception to).
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Pope St Leo I
God Bless Ireland Said the Heroes, God Bless Ireland, Said They All
THIS pretty much sums up why I have a shamrock in my signature:
Christian Politics and Catholic Ireland
By roger | Published: 2 September 2015
on Cor Jesu Sacratissimum
Along, of course, with a taste for Kilkenny (both Beer and Republic/Confederation), and Irish Music, and the Whisky I took in a grogg with lemon, sugar and hot water and was well from the cold in the morning. Note, should be taken just before going to bed.
And landscapes as Tolkien and as The Shire as anything in Scania or Normandy./HGL
Christian Politics and Catholic Ireland
By roger | Published: 2 September 2015
on Cor Jesu Sacratissimum
Along, of course, with a taste for Kilkenny (both Beer and Republic/Confederation), and Irish Music, and the Whisky I took in a grogg with lemon, sugar and hot water and was well from the cold in the morning. Note, should be taken just before going to bed.
And landscapes as Tolkien and as The Shire as anything in Scania or Normandy./HGL
Monday, 9 November 2015
Not Yet in the Seven Years, if That Prophecy of St Patrick is Right
Unveiling the Apocalypse : The Prophecies of St. Patrick
According to a long standing Christian prophetic tradition, the tribulation period at the end-time which sees the rise to power of the Antichrist, will last for a total of seven years. The fact that the prophecy of St. Patrick foretells that Ireland would be destroyed by the sea seven years before the last day in order to spare the Irish from the reign of the Antichrist, suggests that the Beast ascends to world domination as a direct consequence of the catastrophic flooding caused by the lateral collapse of the volcano Cumbre Vieja into the Atlantic Ocean.
Saturday, 7 November 2015
Et les autres méthodes radioactives?
1) Datation de Carbone 14, comment ça carre avec la Chronologie Biblique, 2) Correction de la table, taux de C14, et implications, 3) Multiples échecs de trouver une meilleure table que les précédentes, 4) Une hypothèse à ne pas retenir, 5) Encore un échec ... C14 ... et un double, probablement (mais je serais bref), 6) Examinons une hypothèse qui se trouve contrefactuelle un peu de près, 7) Un essai, décision de demander l'aide à un professeur de maths, 8) Avec un peu d'aide de Fibonacci ... j'ai une table, presque correcte, 9) Une table peut-être évitable ou contournable?, 10) Et les autres méthodes radioactives?
Vous vous souvenez de cette table ?
¼ * t1/2 | = t0,841 | = 1450 ans |
½ * t1/2 | = t0,707 | = 2850 ans |
¾ * t1/2 | = t0,595 | = 4300 ans |
1 * t1/2 | = t0,5 | = 5750 ans |
1 ¼ * t1/2 | = t0,420 | = 7150 ans |
1 ½ * t1/2 | = t0,354 | = 8600 ans |
1 ¾ * t1/2 | = t0,297 | = 10050 ans |
2 * t1/2 | = t0,25 | = 11450 ans |
2 ¼ * t1/2 | = t0,210 | = 12900 ans |
2 ½ * t1/2 | = t0,177 | = 14350 ans |
2 ¾ * t1/2 | = t0,149 | = 15750 ans |
3 * t1/2 | = t0,125 | = 17200 ans |
valeurs complets en décimales (selon la calculatrice) | ||
0, 8408964152537145285 | ||
0,7071067811865475 | ||
0,59460355750136050256511006950535375 | ||
0,5 | ||
0,42044820762685726425 | ||
0,35355339059327375 | ||
0,297301778750680251282555034752676875 | ||
0,25 | ||
0,210224103813428632125 | ||
0,176776695296636875 | ||
0,1486508893753401256412775173763384375 | ||
0,125 |
Faisons de même – ou juste le début – avec Uranium-Plomb. Il y en a deux versions, Uranium-Actinium-Plomb en prend moins de temps, la demivie est à « 704 Millionen Jahre ».
Regardons un peu :
¼ * t1/2 | = t0,841 | = |
½ * t1/2 | = t0,707 | = |
¾ * t1/2 | = t0,595 | = |
1 * t1/2 | = t0,5 | = |
Pour C14, la quart d’une demi-vie est un lapse de temps qu’on peut encore dater indépendemment, par des artéfactes dont le style est connu par descriptions écrites et historiques. Comme par example les stoles byzantins qui avaient en A.D. 565 remplacé les toges, au moins dans l’empire de l’Orient.
Par contre, pour dater quelque chose indépendamment de la demi-vie de la série uranium-actinium-plomb à la quart de cette demi-vie, à 176 000 000 ans, il faudrait d’abord être très sûr que telle ou telle datation, non même pas par C14, mais par stratigraphie, soit correcte. On devrait par example savoir que le Jurassien ait commencé il y a 201 300 000 ans et qu’il ait fini il y a 145 000 000 ans. En plus, on devrait savoir identifier tel échantillon au Toarcien, ayant débuté et fini il y a 182 700 000 et 174 100 000 ans. Et ensuite montrer que restent les 84,08964152537145285 % qui identifient la quart de le demi-vie comme telle, soit restant uranium, soit non devenus plomb, quelle que soit le critère. On ne peut donc nullement contrôler la demi-vie de cette méthode contre des échantillons datables indépendamment, car d’abord la datation stratigraphique présuppose la non-diluvialité comme origine du Jurassien, du Toarcien, et ensuite la datation plus précise du par example Toarcien présuppose qu’on soit déjà sûr de ce qu’il faut pour dater avec cette méthode.
Et item pour l’autre méthode, uranium-radium-plomb. Et item pour la troisième, datation par Thorium.
Or, pour la datation par Thorium on aurait théoriquement une aide par le C14 – car sa demi-vie est juste de 75 000 ans, un peu plus que les plus lointains dates de C14. ...
¼ * t1/2 | = t0,841 | = 18 750 ans |
½ * t1/2 | = t0,707 | = 37 500 ans |
¾ * t1/2 | = t0,595 | = 56 250 |
1 * t1/2 | = t0,5 | = 75 000 ans |
... Sauf que ces lointains dates de C14 sont en elles-mêmes suspects. Car elles ne reposent pas sur une contrôle par échantillon sur outils ou artéfactes historiquement datables.
En plus, le Thorium est surtout utilisé en contexte marin, où précisément la datation par C14, dès qu’il y a du calcaire, n’est pas fiable.
DONC, on ne peut pas élargir la datation C14 en arrière par Thorium, par Uranium-Actinium-Plomb, par Potassium-Argon et à la fin Uranium-Radium-Plomb. Car les valeurs suffisemment vieilles de C14 manquent la certitude.
DONC, on ne peut pas non plus conferer à la datation C14 une certitude par ces autres méthodes de datation. Car elles manquent elles-même la certitude.
Mais peut-être les échantillons sont-ils superflus ? Regardons ceci pour la désintégration de Potassium en Argon :
λε = 0,581×10-10 par an
Ceci est :
1 moins ceci est :
Je vérifie donc 99,99999999419 % sur le mètre pour datation carbone 14* : 0 ans +/- 5. En d’autres mots, s’il y avait eu un temps précisé, il aurait été différent pour les deux demi-vies, mais précisément pas, la différence entre 100 % et 99,99999999419 % est trop faible pour permettre une quelleconque conclusion. En d’autres termes, on ne peut pas être sûr d’avoir établie la perte annuelle dans les laboratoires avec certitude.
DONC, ni la datation par C14 confère de la certitude à des datations par Thorium qui auraient plu le fairesur des datations plus vieilles, ni les datations plus vieilles confèrent-elles de la certitude à la datation par C14 comme prouvant que la Terre soit trop vieille pour ne pas avoir atteint un niveau stable de C14 bien avant les datations.**
Hans Georg Lundahl
Paris, Mouffetard
St Prosdocime de Padoue
Mise à jour le 18:
On vient de réclamer, de la part d'un organisme Calviniste et Vieille Terre, que c'est faux que la demivie ait été calculé à partir d'une calibration à partir d'une datation stratigraphique de fossiles, sur ces autres méthodes. Ça serait directement observé sur les échantillons étudiés en laboratoire.
Or, leur argument est tel:
- 1) Même si le temps étudié est infime par rapport à la demivie, un échantillon de qqs grammes contient quand même de trillions d'atomes de l'isotope, donc on pourra forcément observer une proportion notable de l'isotope "fille" après des décades d'années, parfois 90.
- 2) À supposer que ce soit impraticable de trier isotope mère et isotope fille après le temps d'observation, on aura au moins étudié la dégradation radioactive, puisque chaque atome de l'isotope mère dégradé correspond à un bip de Compteur Geiger. Ceci aussi depuis plusieurs décades, donc en principe 90 ans.
Et ma réponse est celle-ci:
- 1) Il est difficile, comme ils notent eux-mêmes dans leur argument 2 de faire le tri entre isotope mère et fille, et même une dégradation de 90 fois celle du potassium en argone par an n'est pas mesurable. 99.9999994771 % -> O ans, +/- 5 sur le logiciel de calculation de C14, et même si la demivie est différente, le point est que ce logiciel ne peut pas faire une certaine différence entre un reste de 100% et un reste de 99.9999994771 %. Donc, dans le laboratoire non plus.
- 2) L'espoir de capter chaque dégradation d'un atome peut être contrecarré si telle ou telle radiation compté par le compteur Geiger est caché parce que le métal de l'échantillon isole les dégradations qui se déroulent au milieu d'elle-même. Même peut-être pour potassium, et surtout pour l'uranium, vu que l'uranium et le plomb ont des propriétés pareilles, et le plomb pourrait en elle-même empêcher qu'un dégradation soit capté par le compteur Geiger.
- 1 & 2) Le site réclame ceci comme la méthode, mais Dr. Roger C. Wiens ne donne pas de référence pour le fait que ceci soit suivi en tel ou tel protocole sur tel ou tel échantillon étudié depuis par exemple 60 ans./HGL
** C'est donc une erreur sur ce site: "Since the earth is more than four billion years old, all C-14 would have decayed into nitrogen long ago if new C-14 atoms weren't being produced."
Wiki nous a aidé avec ces articles:
Friday, 6 November 2015
The Queen of Sheba as Queen of the South?
I think this is a part of Arabian Peninsula. I also think the King of the South mentioned in Daniel is on stage.
I may be wrong, I am not a prophet, and I am basing the part about 444 being the number of the King of the South on someone else who also is not a Biblical Prophet. William Tapley likes to call himself "third eagle of the apocalypse" and "co-prophet of the end-times", but he does not claim to be an actual prophet, and he does claim to be studying prophecy as a scholar, partly in the light of unfolding events, as they fit ancient prophecy.
Now, he believes Barack Obama is NOT the Antichrist or King of the North, because he believes Barack Obama can be identified as King of the South. However, he also takes a hint from number of verses on diverse themes in both Daniel and Matthew 24 as indicating that the number of the King of the South is 444. And he ties this with Obama being the 44th President of the USA.
I think we have a better candidate for the King of the South. Look at SALMAN, in the Latin transcription, and the ASCII Code values.
S 83 80 3
A 65 140 8
L 76 210 14
M 77 280 21
A 65 340 26
N 78 410 34, 410+34=444
The reason I am saying this is that the Queen of Shebah needs not be the Pharao Hatshepsut. Whether they were contemporary or not, that is not my concern. Velikovsky seems to have identified them on the basis of them being contemporaneous and of her apparently having power also over ... sth South of Egypt, identifiable, loosely, as Ethiopia, even if the Meroë capital back then is not identical to the Aksum capital where Neguses were claiming to descend from Menelik, son of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba.
The fact is, Ethiopia (not necessarily same frontiers as either today's Ethiopia, or even including Erythrea) and Arabia had a very lively exchange even later. The century before Mohammed, South Arabia (the presumable power basis of Queen of Sheba) was divided between three religions, the star worship which centered on idolatrous Mecca (even Mohammedans think it was idolatrous before Mohammed changed that), the Judaism which was shared with Ethiopian Falasha Judaism, and the Christianity which was very clearly Ethiopian Christianity, depending on the Patriarch of Ethiopia who in his turn depended on the Pope of Alexandria, Monophysite lineage. The Wars between Jews and Christians in Ethiopia (where Christians to this day have bad memoraies of the Falasha Queen Judith) had spread to the Southern Part of Arabian Peninsula. Obviously, that may have contributed to Mohammed, while rejecting idolatry per se, being edgy about taking sides by becoming either a Jew or a Christian. After which, he "saw the angel Jibreel" and founded a new religion.
Not quite unlike a Joseph Smith who was also edgy about chosing between Presbyterians and Methodists, Baptists and whatever not, simply because the Protestant religious map of US was such a complete map of division. After which he in his turn "saw the angel Moroni" and even "the Trinity" (no, I don't think he really saw the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, I think someone was posing, as with Moroni, as with Jibreel).
How could this come up?
Obviously, I agree with Velikovsky that the Hyksos were Amalekites. But this does not make me a disciple of Velikovsky, and having to reject, with some probability at least, the identification of Queen of Sheba with Hatshepsut does not in the least make me regret identifying Hyksos with Amalekites taking Egypt after the Exodus. You see, I am NOT treating Velikovsky as "a prophet" and thus "either a true prophet" (if everything he says is true) "or a false prophet" (if anything he says is false, in which case the rest must be rejected too and cannot stand as prophecy). I am treating him as a scholar, whose idea has been taken up by another scholar.
And I read and agreed with that other scholar and still do.
This does not mean I reject the claim of the Kings of Aksum to descend from Menelik and of this Menelik having been the Son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. His mother need not have been a Queen of all Ethiopia (and I am not sure Hatshepsut reigned over Ethiopia either, not due to uncertainty in general of subject, but only due to my personal ignorance of it), supposing that Queen of Sheba was NOT Hatshepsut (though if she was Candace of Meroë, she might have ruled Sheba or Sabaea too), supposing she was not even in any other way a Candace of Ethiopia, that she was JUST the Queen of Sheba. It does not follow that the claim of the Menelik line is false. Very easily, if power structures in those areas were anything like those of Medieval Europe, i e Feudal, a Queen of Sabaea (which may have been not today's Yemen only, which may have extended into today's Saudi Arabia, see the gematria on SALMAN), may have also been owning a fief in Aksum under Meroë. And later Meroë lost power and Aksum rose to be the Imperial city of the Negus.
However, I am writing this in answer to an article where this claim of Velikovsky about Hatshepsut was discussed. It takes up a line of thought which I find worth answering.
I think Herodotus is being misunderstood. Homer was certainly 8th C or even mid 9th C (850) BC. But Homer was not writing about conditions close to his own day, the War of Troy took place in 1194 - 1184 (according to at least one of the traditional dates, and a very popular one). In my educated guess, Ethiopians were involved on the Trojan side because the Trojan side was in a way a Hittite side. And therefore Hittite material had been reworked into the Iliad. I think the reference to Ethiopia may really mean that Ethiopia sided with Hittites against Egypt in the battle of Kadesh. I think that epic poetry had among other functions that of glorifying the military and hospitable past of the nobility to which it is sung, and that in this case the nobility included quite a few ex-Hittite nobles who after fall of Hattusha wanted to forget all about Hittites, but not all about their own family. Kadesh material was thus reworked into Iliad. Aenaeas being "son of Venus" I have tentatively tied in with Aenaeas being a Hittite noble descended from the Venus-priestess and Sun-Goddess-priestess, the Hittite Empress Puduhepa.**
Now, this has mainly been about past events of interest to historians and, like to myself, to history buffs. I would usually have posted it on my Φιλολoγικά/Philologica blog. Except of course, for this little matter of King of the South in book of Daniel probably having showed his face already, and I mean SALMAN, not Obama. That is the reason why I placed the discussion here.
I came to read the old article by Patrick Clarke through the fact of its being linked to in today's article on Biblical Age of the Earth. Suspiciously, it touches a theme I was publishing on the other day, but does not mention me.*** If they do not want to give credibility to a Creationist who is a Catholic, why are they writing articles on Chesterton, as Catholic as I and less decidedly a Creationist? If they want to show forth no present day creationists they disagree with on any point, how come they have published an article by Benno Zuidam, who also is not in their team? Be that as it may be, I usually enjoy reading them, even when disagreeing with either a Protestant or a Heliocentric position of theirs.
Perhaps the problem is my attitude to Homer. I do believe he lived about 300 - 400 years after the Trojan War, and I still believe he reflects it fairly correctly, except for totally failing to mention the role of the Hittite Empire in it. They may think I am betraying Christianity and cowing down to Paganism, because I accept a Pagan tradition and a Pagan poet reflecting it as being mainly historical. I think I would be betraying Christian claims about the reliability of Genesis, if I were not also thinking the shorter paths of oral tradition between Odin and St Olaf and Snorre, or between Trojan War and homecoming of Ulysses and Homer were also reliable as history, even when they fail as theology.° Or perhaps some other reason which they have failed to mention.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Severus of Barcelona
Bishop and Martyr
Update or PS:
1) How would "Queen Sheba" have differed from "Queen of Sheba" in Hebrew? As far as I recall, the latter is expressed as "queen" in construvtive state (no, I didn't learn Hebrew, ma did, came far enough to read psalms at least) followed by "Sheba". Then how would "Queen Sheba" have been expressed?
2) Sheba being grandson of Cush and land of Cush being South of Egypt does not equate to land of Sheba being South of Egypt. In Black Africa, you have Cushites, but not necessarily all of them. I think it correct that Sheba is in Yemen, and Rahma even in India, and this probably originally in Dravidic and darker population. I think their Ramayana (though Hanuman was neither God nor even "a god", nor for that matter a monkey) records farily accurately the arrival or him there./HGL
Update or PS II:
Patrick Clarke gave an even better answer on point two°°:
That is, mainly of its southern part, since middle is more like Ishmael, in combination with Madianites who merged into the people of Ishmael./HGL
*The Queen of Sheba and the Ethiopian problem
by Patrick Clarke in
[p.]55 || JOURNAL OF CREATION 27(2) 2013
** Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Venus Mater = Puduhepa?
*** CMI : The biblical minimum and maximum age of the earth
by Chris Hardy and Robert Carter
Confer my own article:
Creation vs. Evolution : Longevity Charts as per LXX
Similarily a little earlier:
CMI : Apparent difficulties with a CMAS cosmic ray–weather/climate link
by Jake Hebert [in archive set on October 23 huius anni]
Before publication, but after correspondence published here:
Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : With Jay L. Wile on C14 Build-up
Two days both times between me saying sth and them publishing sth on each time its own same subject.
° These two essays make my point:
Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Historicity vs. Theology of Pagan Poets
Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Hissarlik Blues and Achaian War Effort
°° Is Hatshepsut the biblical ‘Queen of Sheba’?
David Down
Mount Colah, NSW
Letters p. 39 and following JOURNAL OF CREATION 24 (3) 201
I may be wrong, I am not a prophet, and I am basing the part about 444 being the number of the King of the South on someone else who also is not a Biblical Prophet. William Tapley likes to call himself "third eagle of the apocalypse" and "co-prophet of the end-times", but he does not claim to be an actual prophet, and he does claim to be studying prophecy as a scholar, partly in the light of unfolding events, as they fit ancient prophecy.
Now, he believes Barack Obama is NOT the Antichrist or King of the North, because he believes Barack Obama can be identified as King of the South. However, he also takes a hint from number of verses on diverse themes in both Daniel and Matthew 24 as indicating that the number of the King of the South is 444. And he ties this with Obama being the 44th President of the USA.
I think we have a better candidate for the King of the South. Look at SALMAN, in the Latin transcription, and the ASCII Code values.
S 83 80 3
A 65 140 8
L 76 210 14
M 77 280 21
A 65 340 26
N 78 410 34, 410+34=444
The reason I am saying this is that the Queen of Shebah needs not be the Pharao Hatshepsut. Whether they were contemporary or not, that is not my concern. Velikovsky seems to have identified them on the basis of them being contemporaneous and of her apparently having power also over ... sth South of Egypt, identifiable, loosely, as Ethiopia, even if the Meroë capital back then is not identical to the Aksum capital where Neguses were claiming to descend from Menelik, son of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba.
The fact is, Ethiopia (not necessarily same frontiers as either today's Ethiopia, or even including Erythrea) and Arabia had a very lively exchange even later. The century before Mohammed, South Arabia (the presumable power basis of Queen of Sheba) was divided between three religions, the star worship which centered on idolatrous Mecca (even Mohammedans think it was idolatrous before Mohammed changed that), the Judaism which was shared with Ethiopian Falasha Judaism, and the Christianity which was very clearly Ethiopian Christianity, depending on the Patriarch of Ethiopia who in his turn depended on the Pope of Alexandria, Monophysite lineage. The Wars between Jews and Christians in Ethiopia (where Christians to this day have bad memoraies of the Falasha Queen Judith) had spread to the Southern Part of Arabian Peninsula. Obviously, that may have contributed to Mohammed, while rejecting idolatry per se, being edgy about taking sides by becoming either a Jew or a Christian. After which, he "saw the angel Jibreel" and founded a new religion.
Not quite unlike a Joseph Smith who was also edgy about chosing between Presbyterians and Methodists, Baptists and whatever not, simply because the Protestant religious map of US was such a complete map of division. After which he in his turn "saw the angel Moroni" and even "the Trinity" (no, I don't think he really saw the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, I think someone was posing, as with Moroni, as with Jibreel).
How could this come up?
Obviously, I agree with Velikovsky that the Hyksos were Amalekites. But this does not make me a disciple of Velikovsky, and having to reject, with some probability at least, the identification of Queen of Sheba with Hatshepsut does not in the least make me regret identifying Hyksos with Amalekites taking Egypt after the Exodus. You see, I am NOT treating Velikovsky as "a prophet" and thus "either a true prophet" (if everything he says is true) "or a false prophet" (if anything he says is false, in which case the rest must be rejected too and cannot stand as prophecy). I am treating him as a scholar, whose idea has been taken up by another scholar.
And I read and agreed with that other scholar and still do.
This does not mean I reject the claim of the Kings of Aksum to descend from Menelik and of this Menelik having been the Son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. His mother need not have been a Queen of all Ethiopia (and I am not sure Hatshepsut reigned over Ethiopia either, not due to uncertainty in general of subject, but only due to my personal ignorance of it), supposing that Queen of Sheba was NOT Hatshepsut (though if she was Candace of Meroë, she might have ruled Sheba or Sabaea too), supposing she was not even in any other way a Candace of Ethiopia, that she was JUST the Queen of Sheba. It does not follow that the claim of the Menelik line is false. Very easily, if power structures in those areas were anything like those of Medieval Europe, i e Feudal, a Queen of Sabaea (which may have been not today's Yemen only, which may have extended into today's Saudi Arabia, see the gematria on SALMAN), may have also been owning a fief in Aksum under Meroë. And later Meroë lost power and Aksum rose to be the Imperial city of the Negus.
However, I am writing this in answer to an article where this claim of Velikovsky about Hatshepsut was discussed. It takes up a line of thought which I find worth answering.
Herodotus estimated that Homer lived 400 years before his own time, which would place Homer at around 850 BC. The consensus is that the Iliad and the Odyssey date from around the 8th century BC. Over the past few decades, some scholars have argued for a 7th century BC date. Taplin believes that the conclusion of modern researchers is that Homer dates to 750 to 650 BC. Solomon, by comparison, is securely dated to the 10th century BC, along with the Queen of Sheba. With the consensus ruling that Homer is 8th century or later, the mathematics of Homer being a near contemporary of Solomon are wrong. The QSQE assumed that Herodotus was correct about Homer’s placement in the historical timeline, but Herodotus has been shown wrong on many accounts due to the sources he used sometimes being corrupted. The claim that only 19 years existed between Solomon and Homer is incorrect, the consensus claims around two centuries—the earliest recording of Αιθιοπια did not appear in Homer’s text until at least 2–3 centuries after the time of Solomon and Sheba.*
I think Herodotus is being misunderstood. Homer was certainly 8th C or even mid 9th C (850) BC. But Homer was not writing about conditions close to his own day, the War of Troy took place in 1194 - 1184 (according to at least one of the traditional dates, and a very popular one). In my educated guess, Ethiopians were involved on the Trojan side because the Trojan side was in a way a Hittite side. And therefore Hittite material had been reworked into the Iliad. I think the reference to Ethiopia may really mean that Ethiopia sided with Hittites against Egypt in the battle of Kadesh. I think that epic poetry had among other functions that of glorifying the military and hospitable past of the nobility to which it is sung, and that in this case the nobility included quite a few ex-Hittite nobles who after fall of Hattusha wanted to forget all about Hittites, but not all about their own family. Kadesh material was thus reworked into Iliad. Aenaeas being "son of Venus" I have tentatively tied in with Aenaeas being a Hittite noble descended from the Venus-priestess and Sun-Goddess-priestess, the Hittite Empress Puduhepa.**
Now, this has mainly been about past events of interest to historians and, like to myself, to history buffs. I would usually have posted it on my Φιλολoγικά/Philologica blog. Except of course, for this little matter of King of the South in book of Daniel probably having showed his face already, and I mean SALMAN, not Obama. That is the reason why I placed the discussion here.
I came to read the old article by Patrick Clarke through the fact of its being linked to in today's article on Biblical Age of the Earth. Suspiciously, it touches a theme I was publishing on the other day, but does not mention me.*** If they do not want to give credibility to a Creationist who is a Catholic, why are they writing articles on Chesterton, as Catholic as I and less decidedly a Creationist? If they want to show forth no present day creationists they disagree with on any point, how come they have published an article by Benno Zuidam, who also is not in their team? Be that as it may be, I usually enjoy reading them, even when disagreeing with either a Protestant or a Heliocentric position of theirs.
Perhaps the problem is my attitude to Homer. I do believe he lived about 300 - 400 years after the Trojan War, and I still believe he reflects it fairly correctly, except for totally failing to mention the role of the Hittite Empire in it. They may think I am betraying Christianity and cowing down to Paganism, because I accept a Pagan tradition and a Pagan poet reflecting it as being mainly historical. I think I would be betraying Christian claims about the reliability of Genesis, if I were not also thinking the shorter paths of oral tradition between Odin and St Olaf and Snorre, or between Trojan War and homecoming of Ulysses and Homer were also reliable as history, even when they fail as theology.° Or perhaps some other reason which they have failed to mention.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Severus of Barcelona
Bishop and Martyr
Update or PS:
But he has a point in observing that the Hebrew text does not say ‘Queen of Sheba’ but ‘Queen Sheba’. If it is ‘Queen Sheba’ it is not apparent what is meant. If Sheba was a place it is true that most scholars identify it with Yemen in Arabia, but according to Genesis 10:7 Sheba was a grandson of Cush and the land of Cush was directly south of Egypt.°°
1) How would "Queen Sheba" have differed from "Queen of Sheba" in Hebrew? As far as I recall, the latter is expressed as "queen" in construvtive state (no, I didn't learn Hebrew, ma did, came far enough to read psalms at least) followed by "Sheba". Then how would "Queen Sheba" have been expressed?
2) Sheba being grandson of Cush and land of Cush being South of Egypt does not equate to land of Sheba being South of Egypt. In Black Africa, you have Cushites, but not necessarily all of them. I think it correct that Sheba is in Yemen, and Rahma even in India, and this probably originally in Dravidic and darker population. I think their Ramayana (though Hanuman was neither God nor even "a god", nor for that matter a monkey) records farily accurately the arrival or him there./HGL
Update or PS II:
Patrick Clarke gave an even better answer on point two°°:
Down seeks to dismiss all this sort of evidence by citing Genesis 10:7, while overlooking 10:28 which shows that another Sheba was also a son of Joktan, long regarded by conservative scholarship as a progenitor of tribes in the Arabian Peninsula.
That is, mainly of its southern part, since middle is more like Ishmael, in combination with Madianites who merged into the people of Ishmael./HGL
*The Queen of Sheba and the Ethiopian problem
by Patrick Clarke in
[p.]55 || JOURNAL OF CREATION 27(2) 2013
** Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Venus Mater = Puduhepa?
*** CMI : The biblical minimum and maximum age of the earth
by Chris Hardy and Robert Carter
Confer my own article:
Creation vs. Evolution : Longevity Charts as per LXX
Similarily a little earlier:
CMI : Apparent difficulties with a CMAS cosmic ray–weather/climate link
by Jake Hebert [in archive set on October 23 huius anni]
Before publication, but after correspondence published here:
Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : With Jay L. Wile on C14 Build-up
Two days both times between me saying sth and them publishing sth on each time its own same subject.
° These two essays make my point:
Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Historicity vs. Theology of Pagan Poets
Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Hissarlik Blues and Achaian War Effort
°° Is Hatshepsut the biblical ‘Queen of Sheba’?
David Down
Mount Colah, NSW
Letters p. 39 and following JOURNAL OF CREATION 24 (3) 201
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
1664 > Kronenbourg
K | 75 | 70 | 5 | ||
r | 82 | 150 | 7 | 32 | |
o | 79 | 220 | 16 | 64 | 780 |
n | 78 | 290 | 24 | 96 | 064 |
e | 69 | 350 | 33 | 128 | 320 |
n | 78 | 420 | 41 | 160 | 1164 |
b | 66 | 480 | 47 | 192 | |
o | 79 | 550 | 56 | 224 | 1664 |
u | 85 | 630 | 61 | 256 | 1164 |
r | 82 | 710 | 63 | 288 | 500 |
g | 71 | 780 | 64 | 320 |
Et Notre Dame de Laus est davantage digne que Hellfest./HGL
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Monday, 2 November 2015
For All Souls' Day, Links
Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation : Shakespeare and At Least One Poor Soul: King Hamlet
Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation : Book Review: A Trio of Works by St. Thomas More
Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation : Book Review: A Trio of Works by St. Thomas More
Une table peut-être évitable ou contournable?
1) Datation de Carbone 14, comment ça carre avec la Chronologie Biblique, 2) Correction de la table, taux de C14, et implications, 3) Multiples échecs de trouver une meilleure table que les précédentes, 4) Une hypothèse à ne pas retenir, 5) Encore un échec ... C14 ... et un double, probablement (mais je serais bref), 6) Examinons une hypothèse qui se trouve contrefactuelle un peu de près, 7) Un essai, décision de demander l'aide à un professeur de maths, 8) Avec un peu d'aide de Fibonacci ... j'ai une table, presque correcte, 9) Une table peut-être évitable ou contournable?, 10) Et les autres méthodes radioactives?
Et bien sûr il y a la question si une montée du taux du carbone 14 ait pu avoir lieu avant le Déluge?
Faisons d'abord une table "normale", ce qu'on aurait pu expecter avec le taux d'ajout actuel par les 179 ans. Avec les implications temporels.
Encore une fois, merci à :
Carbon 14Dating Calculator
- 5199 avant Jésus-Christ
- 0 %?, + > 100 000 ans?
- 105 000 avant Jésus-Christ?
- 5020 avant Jésus-Christ
- 2,15 %?, + 31 700 ans?
- 36 720 avant Jésus-Christ?
- 4841 avant Jésus-Christ
- 4,15 %?, + 26 300 ans?
- 31 141 avant Jésus-Christ?
- 4662 avant Jésus-Christ
- 6,21 %?, + 22 950 ans?
- 27 612 avant Jésus-Christ?
- 4483 avant Jésus-Christ
- 8,23 %?, + 20 650 ans?
- 25 133 avant Jésus-Christ?
- 4304 avant Jésus-Christ
- 10,20 %?, + 18 850 ans?
- 23 154 avant Jésus-Christ?
- 4125 avant Jésus-Christ
- 12,13 %?, + 17 450 ans?
- 21 575 avant Jésus-Christ?
- 3946 avant Jésus-Christ
- 14,02 %?, + 16 250 ans?
- 20 196 avant Jésus-Christ?
- 3767 avant Jésus-Christ
- 15,87 %?, + 15 200 ans?
- 18 967 avant Jésus-Christ?
- 3588 avant Jésus-Christ
- 17,68 %?, + 14 300 ans?
- 17 888 avant Jésus-Christ?
- 3409 avant Jésus-Christ
- 19,45 %?, + 13 550 ans?
- 16 959 avant Jésus-Christ?
- 3230 avant Jésus-Christ
- 21,18 %?, + 12 850 ans?
- 16 080 avant Jésus-Christ?
- 3051 avant Jésus-Christ
- 22,87 %?, + 12 200 ans?
- 15 251 avant Jésus-Christ?
- 2872 avant Jésus-Christ
- (24,54 %?, + 11 600 ans?
- 14 472 avant Jésus-Christ?)
- NB
- Le Déluge était en 2957, entre ces dernières deux dates. Donc, entre un réel an 3051 et un réel an 2872 avant Jésus-Christ, c'est à dire datable entre 15 251 et 14 472 avant Jésus-Christ. Mais, nous trouvons chez les fossiles du Déluge des âges entre 20 000 et 50 000 ans, y compris pour les combustibles pétrole et charbon minéraux, les fois qu'on ose les dater par C14*. Donc, cette table est fausse.
Et alors on demande comment expliquer cette discrépance.
- 1) Les fossiles ne seraient pas du Déluge mais de la vie d'Adam? Faux, une telle quantité de fossiles correspond à une catastrophe, à moins de correspondre à des millions d'années. En plus, qu'on ait tellement de fossiles dès la vie d'Adam et tellement peu du Déluge bouleverse l'histoire.
- 2) Le taux de 23,5% serait effectivement atteint en l'an du Déluge, mais il y aurait eu tellement de radioactivité depuis une guerre atomique que sa désintégration radioactive s'est accéléré momentanément, et les échantillons devant monter un taux actuel de 13 % environ, pour une datation vers 16 700 avant le présent, au lieu de ça montrent des taux actuels de ce qui correspond à 20 000 à 50 000 ans, soit 0,2 - 9 %. À cause d'une désintégration radioactive accélérée autour du Déluge à partir des guerres atomiques dans la Mahabharata.
- Dans ce cas, là où on aura eu des explosions de bombes (y compris dans des endroits qui sont désormais engloutis) on pourra expecter de trouver les échantillons du Déluge davantage vieillis.
- Autre conséquence: la montée très brusque dans la table du message avant serait en partie montée, mais en partie récupération de la demi-vie normale.
- Dans ce cas, là où on aura eu des explosions de bombes (y compris dans des endroits qui sont désormais engloutis) on pourra expecter de trouver les échantillons du Déluge davantage vieillis.
- 3) Des facteurs d'avant le Déluge ayant ralenti le remplissage de carbone 14 autant que des facteurs d'après le déluge ont accéléré le remplissage de carbone 14.
D'abord, le champs magnétique a pu être plus fort pas juste qu'après le Déluge mais qu'à nos jours. Encore une fois, je rends grace à Dieu d'être géocentrique, de ne pas avoir à croire que le champs magnétique soit une conséquence de la prétendue rotation diurne de la Terre.
Ensuite il a pu y avoir une canopée d'eau en quelque forme, comme l'a considéré Kent Hovind.
Ensuite, l'émission de rayons cosmiques du soleil comme des étoiles a pu être plus faible que de nos jours.
Mais la composition de l'atmosphère a pu jouer aussi.
Ma propre théorie sur les "eaux au-dessus du firmament" est qu'il a pu s'agir de H2, d'hydrogène. Dans ce cas partie de cet hydrogène a pu s'unir au temps du Déluge avec de l'oxygène de l'atmosphère. Et cet oxygène de l'atmosphère avec cet hydrogène des eaux au-dessus du firmament, se trouve donc désormais dans les océans. Donc, l'atmosphère d'avant le Déluge était davantage grande, davantage riche en oxygène, et davantage moins riche, proportionnellement en nitrogène. L'exposition aux rayons cosmiques monte plus on va en haut, c'est à dire l'atmosphère la filtre en fonction de son épaisseur. Et Le nitrogène se trouve tourné en carbone 14 en fonction des facteurs de l'exposition à la radiation cosmique ensemble avec son fréquence propre par l'épaisseur de l'atmosphère. Donc, le nitrogène qu'on a aujourd'hui aurait été plus étiré vers le haut et moins de celui-ci aurait donc été exponé aux rayons cosmiques.
Je crois que ces facteurs, un seul ou plusieurs en combinaison au moins, suffisent pour que la courbe dessiné en haut puisse être aplati de beaucoup. Autrement dire, pour que le résultat au temps du déluge soit davantage comme 4,6875 % ou comme 3,90625 % que comme 24% du taux actuel, au moins en leur effet (y compris par radioactivité d'origine terrestre et militaire "Nodienne"**).
Hans-Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterre
Jour des âmes des défunts fidèles
* Voir par exemple cet article par Snelling:
#7 Carbon-14 in Fossils, Coal, and Diamonds
[From: 10 Best Evidences From Science That Confirm a Young Earth]
by Dr. Andrew A. Snelling on October 1, 2012; last featured November 20, 2012
Je cite:
Further, analyses of fossilized wood and coal samples, supposedly spanning 32–350 million years in age, yielded ages between 20,000 and 50,000 years using carbon-14 dating. Diamonds supposedly 1–3 billion years old similarly yielded carbon-14 ages of only 55,000 years.
** Est-ce que le terme convient encore s'il s'agit pas juste de Nod, mais des colonies, des entités politiquement schismatiques aussi?
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