Thursday 22 October 2015

News from Stephen King's Twitter

From Stephen King's Twitter account between 15 and 20 october 2015

THE FINAL GIRLS is really great, a sweet horror movie spoof that winds up feeling like MOONRISE KINGDOM.


Molly, aka the Thing of Evil, celebrates her first birthday. Her plans for Year Two are, well, unspeakable.

[Photo of a cute dog, a juvenile shepherd.]


The problem with religious fundamentalists of all stripes is the tendency to substitute superstition for spirituality.

OK ... wait, are you anything like serious this time? If so, it is NOT OK.

Somewhere in Chicago, I hear a billy goat braying.


Perhaps I ought to indicate why it is NOT anything like OK if he is anything like serious on his "problem with fundamentalists", namely, is that:

  • Fundamentalists are usually not even tolerant of superstition. You usually reserve the word for Abrahamic religions, where things like astrology, ouija boards, luck charms are usually considered idolatrous and superstitious.

    It is not OK to be counterfactual, unless you are facetious. Or otherwise indicating you don't mean it in real life.

  • Calling "fundamentalist beliefs" (typical such, like belief in one personal God, a recent creation of the world, a special creation of matter, life, mind, each of them and of each of the kinds of living beings or lifeless objects, adherence to sacred texts as given by God and therefore inerrant, etc., in the case of those believing Apocalypse of St John also, in times of crisis, looking around at whose gematria might be referred to in 13:18) "superstition" is reminiscent of a certain Marxist or Voltairean vocabulary and ideology.

  • What people rejecting "fundamentalism" refer to as spirituality is usually what in more correct terminology (see my first point) is called superstitions. Pantheism being one of them.

Is this a disclaimer?

Not that I blame them.

No, it came after a previous tweet, the fourteenth, both of them:

I've seen some crazy baseball shit in my time, but nothing like the current Blue Jays-Rangers game. Who said Canadian fans were polite?

The them he is not blaming, they are not "fundamentalists of all stripes", they are Canadian fans who were not polite on the Blue Jays-Rangers game.

No disclaimer in sight so far. Well, well, I hope that his book coming in two weeks might be somewhat better than his theology, then.*

But I personally prefer CSL, both as a writer (yes, I read one novel by Stephen King, a fantasy involving a legitimate but emprisoned king or claimant to throne in a tower), and as a Theologian. And the latter is of course not a personal, but a theological preference.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Sts Nunilon and Alodia**, Virgins, Martyrs
of Huesca

* Also back 14th:

THE BAZAAR OF BAD DREAMS, my book of stories, drops in 2 weeks. Hope you like it, and watch out for the monster car that opens the book.

** In French it is Élodie.

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