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Thursday, 31 May 2018
Bonum Festum Corporis Christi
exopto Christididelibus aut in communione cum Papa Michael, aut a Deo excusati propter ignorantiam vel aliud quid./HGL
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Bonne fête de Sainte Jeanne d'Arc
Il semble qu'en l'année 1431 comme dans notre 2018, Fête-Dieu soit tombé un 31 mai. La sainte a été brûlée, faussement condamnée d'hérésie, la veille. Pourquoi? Il me semble probable qu'elle ait été soupçonné par son juge quelque hystérique d'être Lollarde et donc de nier le Saint Sacrement. Elle n'était pas Lollarde, mais les Lollards, en outre de nier le Saint-Sacrement, prétendirent que les seules guerres justes dans la Nouvelle Alliance étaient celle ordonnées par révélation privée de Dieu. Et Sainte Jeanne faisait justement une guerre ordonnée par révélation privée - mais elle ne prétendit pas que ce genre de guerre était le seul qui pouvait être juste.
Elle fut canonisée en 1920 par Pape Pie XI, un pape non suspect, après avoir été béatifiée en 1909, par Pape St Pie X. La rumeur parmi certains anglais quand même Catholiques qu'elle aurait vraiment été une criminelle religieuse s'était donc tue avant ce siècle passée./HGL
Index XX, FR : de Sainte Agathe à Fête-Dieu
Cette page fait partie de l'Index Indicum
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Index XIX FR, Immaculée Conception 2017 à Ste Agathe 2018 | Index XXI FR Fête-Dieu à Assomption, Anno Domini 2018 |
Merci Sainte Agathe · Bonum Ieiunium in die Cinerum · Bonum Festum vel Bonam Memoriam Sancti Ioseph · Bonum Triduum Paschale · Christus Resurrexit - Vere Resurrexit · Bonum Festum Sancti Joseph Opificis · Bonum Festum Sancti Crucis Inventionis · Bonam Octavam Pentecostes · Bonne fête de Sainte Jeanne d'Arc · Bonum Festum Corporis Christi
Je publie ceci un jour en avance, sur la Fête de Sainte Jeanne d'Arc./HGL
Il y a des gens qui imaginent ... · [Sur la liberté d'expression] · Harcèlements à la BU · On Guette les lecteurs? · Domination russe parmi les lecteurs - et harcèlements numériques à la BU de Nanterre ...
13.I - 13.II.2018 : Autres Blogs / Other Blogs, 69 Posts / Messages · Over 1000 Views / Au-dessus de 1000 vues · Spammer's choice / Choix du spammeur · 1595 in 24 hours
Publié sur Internet : Contre l'Évolution en France
Que prétend Jean Bottéro?
New blog on the kid : Je parlais sur l'avortement, il y a deux semaines · Je viens de parler avec une enseignante · Une de ces nuits ... · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : La Fayette vs Wilberforce
Antonin Bernanos sur la prison où il est (lien) · On parle trop de fumer? · Beltrame : Franc-Maçon ou Grand-Loge? Ou Catholique? · Comme catholique ou comme royaliste, on n'est pas censé détester les bobos
Y a-t-il des secrets à garder à jamais? · Le monde est divisé.
Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : Pour Peugeot et Semblables · New blog on the kid : Un hectare, 21 ares, 40.7 mètres carrés et une vache
Index XX, ENG, From St. Agatha to Corpus Christi
This page is part of Index Indicum
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Index XIX ENG, Immaculate Conception 2017 to St Agatha 2018 | Index XXI ENG - Corpus Christi to Assumption 2018 |
Merci Sainte Agathe · Bonum Ieiunium in die Cinerum · Bonum Festum vel Bonam Memoriam Sancti Ioseph · Bonum Triduum Paschale · Christus Resurrexit - Vere Resurrexit · Bonum Festum Sancti Joseph Opificis · Bonum Festum Sancti Crucis Inventionis · Bonam Octavam Pentecostes · Bonne fête de Sainte Jeanne d'Arc · Bonum Festum Corporis Christi
Publishing early, before the wish on Corpus Christi which will be inserted after publication/HGL, Day of St Joan of Arc.
Catholic Blog "Deaths" · Is Internet Freedom of Speech being Targetted? · I think Elena Maria Vidal Deserves This : My Reblogging Her Post · Yesterday Someone Told Me Nobody Wanted to Read "My Books" · Before You Accuse a Blogger / Avant d'accuser un bloggueur ... · Gate Keepers? · Deepfake - a Technology Open for Abuse · Someone Else Has Difficulties : Life Site News · Harrassment at Nanterre University Library, to Stop my Arguing Catholicism
727 827 "Readers" (Page Views, Really), Just Russia and US
13.I - 13.II.2018 : Autres Blogs / Other Blogs, 69 Posts / Messages · Over 1000 Views / Au-dessus de 1000 vues · Spammer's choice / Choix du spammeur · 1595 in 24 hours
Chesterton on Resurrection · Fulton Sheen said God should have mercy on me....
A Conclusion Needs No Sources - It is the Facts It is Based on that Do · Stellar Radiuses (If Sphere of Fix Stars is One Light Day Up) · ... against Abiogenesis · Can Spirits Move Matter?
Catholics or Protestants? · Have I Said Sth Wrong about Soros? · Ben Shapiro is Right · One Reason Gandhi Was Not Great (as in Good)
Norwegian "Barnevernet" Strikes Again - Strike Back, Sign! · Floricel · No, Elor is Not a Hero · I Think it was Logical the West was Allied with Zia ul Haq · Protest, Please!
Muslims and Psychiatry · Jordan Right 5/12
New blog on the kid : Russian Threat (link, quote, comment) · A Numerological Issue · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : On the Prophecy (if genuine) of Holzhauser · Back on New blog on the kid : Is Holzhauser Giving Putin a Chance?
I heard of Philando Castile · Kentucky and Marriage · Paraguay ... · 1933 in Germany, 85 years later Ireland
Responding to Zack Hunt · Mark Shea and Greydanus "on Psalms" · Shroud of Turin, from Good Friday to Easter Sunday · Mark Shea on Samizdat and Tacitus on a Similar Situation · On the Seven Works of Mercy
HGL's FB Writings : Matthew Hunt thought Attacking Kent Hovind was a Way to Vindicate Hawking · New blog on the kid : Here is How Matthew Hunt Characterised the Michelson Morley Experiment · Back on HGL's FB Writings :Matthew Hunt Tries to Ban my Previous Post and Starts Explaining Michelson Morly · Matthew Hunt Demands Answers he Doesn't Like to Give · Matthew Hunt Defending Carbon and Radiometric, Me Defending Carbon in Relative But Not Absolute Dates when Old · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : David Wolcott on "Gossip" as a Species of Sin
Chesterton is always good
HGL's FB Writings : William P. Lazarus Fakes Victim Statistics · [not mine] William P. Lazarus : Freedom From Religion · New blog on the kid : Answering William P. Lazarus
New blog on the kid : Is "Vatican II" in Continuity with Trent and Vatican "I"? · Creation vs. Evolution : Agreeing with the Biblical World View · Dwight Longenecker Maligns Fundamentalists? · Pete Vere Understimates Fundamentalism of Fathers · Can Six Days or Eve from Side of Adam be a Metaphor?
Back on New blog on the kid : So, Catholicism is Demographic - But is the Catholic Demography Always Catholic? · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : On Marcel Lefebvre and "Traditionalist Dissent" · Responding to "Critics of Pope Francis, What’s your End-Game?"
HGL's FB Writings : With TM, an Atheist Fanatic · New blog on the kid : Before You Call Someone (For Instance Me) a Mind Control Victim ...
Psychiatry and Abortion
Click to enlarge:

LoveBoth Project, Niall Maguire, GP
In other words, stamping someone as having mental health problems increases the risk to her having an abortion./HGL
Jescze Polska nie zginela - so far ...
Dear Poles!
Don't go where Ireland just went! Don't elect the mayor of Slupsk - at least not unless he converts!
In Poland, a Nation of Catholics, a Gay Atheist Mayor is a Presidential Hopeful
May 29, 2018 by Hemant Mehta
Much as I disagree with Hemant, I occasionally read him or view his videos, and comment .../HGL
Some are Spamming Where I Comment?
That some spam my own posts is indirectly documented by the collection of posts which I have called Spammer's choice. My point is not that my own posts are spam, it is that they have attracted spammers.
So have from time to time the posts under which I have commented, here is one such post:
The TOF Spot : 1. The Great Ptolemaic Smackdown
And here is the spam I saw under it - and under my own, non-spam, comment:
[Click to enlarge before reading]

And just so you know it is spam, nothing to do with the actual post and its content, well, for one it is in Arabic, while the post is in English and all other comments (including mine) are in English, for another here is a translation of what it means:

I am not saying the translation is perfect, but it is fairly clear that the content is related to a company dealing in sewers, not to the astronomy of Ptolemy, Tycho Brahe and later. Which content is the object of the post. A more general subject is the Galileo case (in fact, TOF Spot was placing the Galileo case in a logically more general subject as history of astronomy, but the Galileo case is more generally accessed and often run parallel to ...) an even more general subject therefore relation of religion and science. My own comment above that Arabic spammer is the second of two.
I'll give a transscript of both comments, so their relevance to original post by TOF Spot can be shown:
- Hans Georg Lundahl
- October 24, 2017 at 5:38 AM
- It seems your friend Mark Shea is rerunning this on his blog today.
As to its being 6021:st anniversary of the Universe, like he says, in the times of Father Martino Martini, SJ, the Ussher chronology was considered an innovation. It was popular among Catholics because it agrees with the Vulgate, while the Roman Martyrology does not. But as it was an innovation and in conflict with Roman Martyrology, it could not be canonised.
He took a cue from Chinese history as saying it worked totally well with LXX (supposing the Chinese came there before Babel), and not too bad with Roman Martyrology (indeed, if the 2952 BC for Fu Xi beginning his reign is taken as in Roman Martyrology, rather than either preferring Syncellus' version of LXX or considering that Chinese chronology inflated, then Fu Xi would need to be a son or grandson of Noah - like Ham setting up a "summer house" in China or some grandson of Noah getting born).
If you have any desire to see my own take on this (close enough to Father Martini's, Jesuit friend as I am, previous to Settele or so), [click - > ] here is my own post [ < - click]
- Hans Georg Lundahl
- October 24, 2017 at 5:44 AM
- [This is the one you see on the image:]
- Oh, btw, since Mark Shea also finished the rerun by a diatribe against "greatest Catholics of all times" "anointed to defend the Church from Pope and Magisterium", I made [click - > ] another post [ < - click] with some comments on how Bergoglio's words from 2014 fare if compared to Pius XII supposing he was Pope and Humani Generis, supposing it was Magisterium.
I see only a slight grammar check to modify on these comments.
- I wrote
- ... with some comments on how Bergoglio's words from 2014 fare if compared to Pius XII supposing he was Pope and Humani Generis, supposing it was Magisterium.
- I should have written
- ... with some comments on how Bergoglio's words from 2014 fare if compared to Pius XII, supposing he was Pope, and to Humani Generis, supposing it was Magisterium.
The general outline is "if compared to Pius XII and Humani Generis" and the inserted reservations should have been both, not just the latter one, separated by commas. Also when Humani Generis is coming after such an insertion, one should add a "to" in order to remind we are dealing with "compared to".
I write things on topics I like, spammers spam off topic and sometimes in Arabic. Someone else writes on a topic I like, I comment, and in comes a spammer commenting off topic. It would seem some are trying to degrade what I am doing. And if you think of that, it would seem to imply that what I am doing is not sufficiently low to please those who want me to be low ... since companies dealing with sewers have been recurrent, they might try to imply I should take a job working with sewers. I have a preference for writing.
Now, one can wonder whether the reason for their ire is, yesterday, when I dealt with the result of the referendum, I also suggested that the idea of allowing foreigners to vote to the Dáil Eireann was a bad one. And that idea is a bit nationalistic, right, for a nation in the West, right?
I am in fact less well disposed to Muslim immigrants in the West than I was in 2005 when I arrived in France as a homeless man (I am still homeless). This does not mean my ideas on how to deal with the issue has changed. I thought reducing immigration and removing from key posts was a good idea then, I think it is a good idea now. I thought foisting Western modernity galore (by forbidding the veil or forcing public school with teachers that are sometimes anti-Muslim and even when not anti-Fundamentalist) was a bad idea then, and I think it is a bad idea now.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre University Library
Pope St. Felix I, Martyr
Tertio Kalendas Junii. Sancti Felicis Primi, Papae et Martyris, cujus dies natalis tertio Kalendas Januarii recensetur. Tertio Kalendas Januarii. Romae natalis sancti Felicis Primi, Papae et Martyris, qui sub Aureliano Principe Ecclesiam rexit. Ipsius tamen festum tertio Kalendas Junii celebratur. (Pope Felix I (died 30 December 274) was the Bishop of Rome or Pope from 5 January 269 to his death in 274.)
PS, since I promoted one by TOF Spot from 2013, I can promote another one from this year:
The TOF Spot : Hillbilly Thomism
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
Other Bad Amendments
1933 in Germany, 85 years later Ireland · Other Bad Amendments
I think 5 and - just after the recently repealed 8 - 9 were key to a lot of others. Removing reference to special position of Catholic Church helped to remove one hindrance, on the institutional side. Allowing citizens from other countries to vote more or less invited non-Irish to immigrate (perhaps only from US and Commonwealth) in order to eventually reverse the 8 ... sure each had other reasons too, but some may have come to fight against the Catholicity of Irish Republic./HGL
- 3rd Amendment - Permitted the state to join the European Communities.
- 5th Amendment - Removed reference to "special position" of the Catholic Church and to other named denominations.
- 6th Amendment - To reverse a 1977 finding that certain orders made by the adoption board were unconstitutional.
- 9th Amendment - Permitted legislation to be enacted allowing citizens of other countries to vote in elections for Dáil Éireann.
- 10th Amendment - Permitted the state to ratify the Single European Act.
- 11th Amendment - Permitted the state to ratify the Maastricht Treaty (the Treaty on European Union).
- 13th Amendment - Specified that the prohibition of abortion would not limit freedom of travel in and out of the state. To be repealed upon enactment of the 36th Amendment.
- 14th Amendment - Specified that the prohibition of abortion would not limit the right to distribute information about abortion services in foreign countries. To be repealed upon enactment of the 36th Amendment.
- 15th Amendment - Removed the constitutional ban on divorce, but retained certain restrictions on its occurrence.
- 18th Amendment - Allowed the state to ratify the Treaty of Amsterdam.
- 21st Amendment - Introduced a constitutional bar on legislation for capital punishment, even in a time of national emergency.
- 23rd Amendment - Allowed the state to ratify the Statute of the International Criminal Court.
- 26th Amendment - Allowed the state to ratify the Nice Treaty.
- 28th Amendment - Allowed the state to ratify the Treaty of Lisbon.
- 30th Amendment - Allowed the state to ratify the European Fiscal Compact.
- 31st Amendment - A general statement of children's rights, and a provision intended to secure the power of the state to take children into care who are at risk of abuse or neglect from their parents.
- 34th Amendment - Prohibits restriction on civil marriage based on sex (Civil partnership had been established under a 2010 statute).
Cited after:
Amendments to the Constitution of Ireland
Publié sur Internet : Contre l'Évolution en France
1933 in Germany, 85 years later Ireland
1933 in Germany, 85 years later Ireland · Other Bad Amendments
In 1933, German voters voted Adolf Hitler. In February 1934, a parliament with NSDAP majority or so voted a Eugenics law. Hitler personally added the right to abort in cases of a malformed fetus.
In 2018, Irish voters seems to have voted directly for giving abortionists a go at eliminating a person with Downs or cleft palate ...
I think the Irish voters in the referendum who voted yes have participated more directly with this evil, than German voters of 1933 had by February 1934 - since many voted Hitler for very different and often nobler reasons, misplaced as their trust was in that person, who should have remained a painter.
On the other hand, German voters had been a larger majority for Hitler than the Irish for Varadkar. In November 1933, a full 92.11 % had voted NSDAP (giving 661 seats out of 661, presumably because the remaining votes were too disunited to give a seat). In May 2018, only 66.4 % voted for the 36th amendment.
I think the amendments could have remained 35, or fewer, as Hitler could have remained a painter ...
Come on! If you want fewer Down's syndrome, there is a perfectly licit way, start getting children younger, especially in the life of the mother, that way the risk of Downs is smaller and if and when she gets one child with this condition, the boy or girl has a few normal siblings who can take care when the parents die!
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre University Library
St Maria Magdalena de Pazzis
PS, I was so tired, instead of "abortionists" I wrote "abortionist" ... changed, despite signature already in place./HGL
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Is Holzhauser Giving Putin a Chance?
I have been considering possible and even probable that Putin is the future Antichrist (the Beast, not the false prophet) because of numerology of WLADIMIRA in Polish spelling of his name in genitive and accusative, number values according to ascii, because some things in St Bridget - and also in Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser - seem to link to his background, and of course, his being in a sense Vladimir II "VLADIMIRB" both in family (his father was also a Vladimir) and in Russia.
First off, the mother which is a false nun or virgin and really Jewish unchaste woman (St Bridget) or a prostitute to Jews and Hindus (Holzhauser) is not Maria Ivanovna, it is Russia, due to Communism. It was sustained by a lot of the Jewish demography, partly as revenge against Orthodox sometimes being antisemmites, partly because of Bundists being often Jewish atheists - and Karl Marx, according to Wurmbrandt, was initiate in the lodge of Blavatsky - a Russian woman who was spiritually a prostitute to Hinduism even before Communism.
Second, his victories in judo and that before 12 seem to link to the idea of him and his brothers defeating armies before he was 12. His brothers = the others in the judo team. Armies? Well, armies in the age of chivalry were a bit like national teams in martial arts today. It is also possible Holzhauser foresaw his carreer in KGB, b u t ...
"Antichrist will come as the Messiah from a land between two seas in the East."
The relevant part of the land of Leningrad Oblast is between Ladoga and Gulf of Finland.
He is to some reminiscent of the Great Monarch, which is at least a political type of the Christ. A kind of echo.
A coordinate of Leningrad Oblast is 31°45′E - and Holzhauser lived between Laugna (10°42′E) and Bingen (7°54′E), so Leningrad Oblast was certainly in the East to him.
He will be born in the desert,
Vladimir was born in Leningrad itself, which is a city, not a desert ... but St Petersburg was founded in 1703, and before then it was woodland - what Russian hermits refer to as their desert.*
his mother being a prostitute to the Jews and Hindus.
Already explained : Russian motherland, due to Communism.
He will be a lying and false prophet and will try to rise to Heaven like Elias.
Could remain to be fulfilled; seems not to have happened yet.
He will begin work in the East, as a soldier and preacher of religion when thirty years old.
KGB** was both ideological ("preacher of religion") and a matter of security ("soldier").
Antichrist and his army will conquer Rome, kill the Pope and take the throne. He will restore the Turkish regime destroyed by the Great Monarch. The Jews, knowing from the Bible that Jerusalem will be the seat of the Messiah, will come from everywhere, and accept Antichrist as the Messiah. "He will be able to fly. His flight will take place from Mt. Calvary. He will tell the crowd he is going after Henoch and Elias (who had arisen from the dead) in order to kill them again.
Not yet happened ... but :
Antichrist will live fifty five and one half years, that is, 666 months"...
Vladimir Putin is older than that.*** If Holzhauser is right on that one, he may yet escape that lake of fire ...
Especially for that grandfather who shot an Austrian soldier wounded and then saved him - and for that soldier's prayers : I suppose he was a Catholic./HGL
* Holzhauser died in 1658. What is now again St Petersburg was then still, in the Russian sense, a desert. ** He was enrolled in 1982, when he was 30. *** 787 months and 17 days, as I write.
So, Catholicism is Demographic - But is the Catholic Demography Always Catholic?
New blog on the kid : So, Catholicism is Demographic - But is the Catholic Demography Always Catholic? · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : On Marcel Lefebvre and "Traditionalist Dissent" · Responding to "Critics of Pope Francis, What’s your End-Game?"
I'll give you a clue. Up to the end of the Old Covenant, the Catholic Demographic was known as Judah - Judaea and Galilaea. Our most famous schismatics back then were the Samarians, geographically in between.
Then there came a day when Jewish demographics were not Catholic - or I should say pre-Catholic - any more. All the difference between the old people who had admired Christ in the Temple and their sons who boosted the attempts of one Saulus from Tharsis (a city where there were Jews since the time of Josaphat, I think) to eradicate the Church before it had a chance to show itself permanently Catholic.
I'll give you another clue. In England and Sweden, in 1500, the demographic was Catholic : totally in Sweden, and with an insignificant Lollard minority in England. In 1600, the main demographic in England and Sweden was a Protestant one (different sects : Swedish Lutherans, at least back then, while admiring Luther, had little love for Zwingli or Bucer; while Anglicans were hardly die-hard fans of Melanchthon). Had England and Sweden changed ethnicity? No, it was the same demographic. It was a demographic which had apostasised like the Jewish one a millennium and a half earlier.
So, belonging to a demographic which used to be right with God can at times give a false sense of security.
This is the precise reason why, these days, some Catholics claim, this is what "Vatican II" (not always the councel itself, and sometimes even things that came before 1958) is doing to the overall Catholic demographic. I am one of these, and consider "Pope Francis" is not Pope, since not Catholic. I do consider Pope Michael is the Pope, despite some questions on the canonicity side. If I am wrong, let's hope God will set me right, I do not pretend to be the Pope and he did not say he was until he had been to his satisfaction elected.
Those question marks on the canonicity side are far from equal to "Catholics" as openly flaunting Council of Trent or St Thomas Aquinas as certain Pharisees were flaunting the Torah, back at the end of the previous covenant. Ours will not end except when eternal glory itself replaces it, but it will so be replaced or rather fulfilled and some people are showing signs we may be drawing near such a date.
Another sign is, Jews are turning to Jesus, like Samaritans did (John 4):
Jewish Johnathan Ben-David forgave his killer and you would not believe why!!!
ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry | 25.VII.2017
I found this list of signs, given in an analysis referring to Edward Connor:
From the Eschatological Discourse and from other pertinent passages in Scripture, theologians have deduced six signs that must precede the end of the world:
1. Universal preaching of the Gospel.
2. Conversion of the Jews.
3. Return of Henoch and Elias [Enoch and Elijah].
4. A great apostasy.
5. The reign of the Antichrist.
6. Extraordinary disturbances in nature...
I had seen a list of seven, not quite that order, where Antichrist is mentioned twice, as a ruler and as a persecutor, and I recall seeing it in the place in St Thomas' Supplement where the fifteen signs given in St Jerome are rejected. I looked up Q LXXII A 1 and only found that latter enumeration rejected:
The signs mentioned by Jerome are not asserted by him; he merely says that he found them written in the annals of the Hebrews: and, indeed, they contain very little likelihood.
So, someone is trying to convince me of "Mandela effect" or it is really there? Either way, conversion of the Jews is a sign.
And considering the huge demographic that is Catholic, it is hard to imagine Antichrist ruling without some support from it, without it having to some degree apostasised. In majority, obviously not totality.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Thursday in Pentecost Octave
Harrassment at Nanterre University Library, to Stop my Arguing Catholicism
Update : I contacted and heard that the block to copy paste onto youtube comments is [now] inherent in firefox, which is that of Nanterre University Library. It wasn't before, and my check elsewhere was on google chrome, so that might be it./HGL |
I was commenting on this one:
Catholicism and the Gospel in Less than 10 minutes!
Chase Jones | 14.XII.2015
Here is a first comment, to the video:
I am sorry, but your historiography has (at least in the presentation here) holes.
"By the time Constantine died, Roman Catholicism had spread like wildfire in the Roman Empire" In fact, the Christian Church, though persecuted, was everywhere present in the Roman Empire previous to the Edict of Milan. So, Constantine's legalising it cannot change it. Matthew 16:18, whichever entity is the rock, the Church is built on it. And the Gates of Hades were not prevailing against it, from first Pentecost in AD 33 on to Doomsday. Supposing then a new entity sprang up around Constantine's legalising the Church, how did it so prevail as to hide the Church that was already 280 years old in 313? It was not just 280 years old, but also fairly wide spread. Including among upper class people who were taking a risk. It could not disappear overnight. Also, while it is technically possible a local Church receives too many ill prepared converts and is flooded by people believing things alien to the faith, the prospect of many converts coming at a time was not sth alien to the Church Christ founded. In Matthew 28 He told the eleven (including St Peter) to make disciples out of nations - not just out of individual persons from nations, but of nations - in their entirety or quasi-entirety. The Church was meant to be a demographic, not just a club or sect standing aloof from the general population. Like its predecessor in the Old Testament, the tribe of Judah, where, yes, you do have a situation in Babylon where they had to stand aloof from general population to remain faithful, but you also have a situation in which they were a general population, like under Josaphat or under the Maccabees. After 280 years in which Catholics had been needing to stand aloof, there came a time for them to be a general population. That is the true meaning of Ponte Milvio and Edict of Milan ... and not what you just said. |
Then I go to other debate, and try to respond to someone:

On the right, you see where I pasted my response with quotes in quotation marks and marking for italics.
On the left, you see where I failed to paste it in response to Rodriguez.
Here are his words:
The apostles founded the church all around the world at the time. Rome went away from some of the teachings for fear of persecution from the Roman Empire. They just took out Jerusalem and a hate for Jews was now part of its government. So the church had to go away from the original teachings in order not to look Jewish. Switching from Passover to Easter but still trying to glorify Christ. From Sabbath to The SUN day ect... but not all. The rest were persecuted for not compromising their believes. It's not about a denomination. Church means called out one. It's a heart for him that God looks for, and the pursuit of truth no matter where it takes you. Traditions of man can take you away from the word of God. Test your faith to the scriptures.
Here is the text I was trying to respond with:
"The apostles founded the church all around the world at the time."
Mostly Roman Empire, St Matthew did get to "Ethiopia" (not the civilised part where Philip went, but barbarian parts of black Africa), St Andrew probably saw what is now Kiev, St Thomas did get to India. But it was in the Roman Empire that the Church spread most. "Rome went away from some of the teachings for fear of persecution from the Roman Empire." OK, you say Church of Rome did so ... well, what exact other Church remained faithful? "They just took out Jerusalem" Jerusalem was "taken out" 70 AD. St Peter who had been there had gone to Antioch and to Rome and sent St Mark to Alexandria. "and a hate for Jews was now part of its government." Like in when the Synoptics tell us Jesus said "woe ye Pharisees" or "woe ye Sadducees" or "woe ye Pharisees and Sadducees", while St John tells us Jesus said to the Jews "woe ye"? Like when in Apocalypse of same St John there is a passage "thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." - meaning adherents of what is now called Judaism, or some earlier proto-version of it while it was rejecting Christ. Is that what you were referring to? "So the church had to go away from the original teachings in order not to look Jewish." You are not giving any specific "teaching" "Switching from Passover to Easter but still trying to glorify Christ. From Sabbath to The SUN day ect... but not all." These are matters of discipline. Also, Easter is the feast of Resurrection, connected to but not in all respects identical to the OT Passover. Christ was out of the grave on Sunday. The Church had through centuries celebrated Pasch on the Sunday following 14th of Nisan, not on 14th of Nisan itself, and condemned those who did not tie Pasch of Resurrection to Sunday. "The rest were persecuted for not compromising their believes." What rest? The Ebionites were long gone before Edict of Milan. Some renewed versions of Quartodecimans were going against the original beliefs in the Divinity and Humanity of Christ. |
Obviously, it is a dreadful chore to recopy all of above manually to under Rodriguez' comment. Obviously, this technical difficulty is imposed to stop me from effectively debating Rodriguez. In other words, this kind of harrassment is a kind of impediment to my freedom of expression. In France, this is a crime. But if the internet admins who arranged this have a backing, this is not likely to be punished.
This library has some security guards who are Muslims, and obviously Muslims have a preference for Protestantism over Catholicism, since the claim of Luther and Calvin actually backs part of the claim of Mohammed (that the Ummah / Εκκλησία Christ founded had been corrupted, because the Christians were too unstable to stay with the truth).
Yes, Muslims have shown kindness to me physically, but they don't seem to be as kind to my projects of getting independent of them - nor are certain others : Communists, Protestants, Freemasons. And the kind of Novus Ordo Catholic which sides with these by Ecumenism against a Catholic who argues Catholicism as actual truth.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Thursday in Pentecost Octave
Update next day:

This is when I was trying to contact Creation Ministries International about "Fundamentalists" now being misapplied to Ku Klux Klan. My comment on inter alia the post of Dwight Longenecker.
AND the day after that:

It was not actually difficult to get it right but it is tiresome to do so many times over.
AND : I was right.
The inability to copy paste onto youtube comboxes is just at Nanterre University Library:

At A, I had copy pasted the part of the comment of Grace and Rust onto my reply, which is where you see italics. This was at a cyber. At B I fail to do the same thing in Nanterre University Library./HGL
Monday, 21 May 2018
Saturday, 19 May 2018
Before You Call Someone (For Instance Me) a Mind Control Victim ...
HGL's F.B. writings : With TM, an Atheist Fanatic · New blog on the kid : Before You Call Someone (For Instance Me) a Mind Control Victim ...
From a post on a debate blog, the following debate on the subject of mind control can be extracted:
- TM
- People that need God are dangerous!
- Marxist clap trap, and Marxists are documentedly dangerous, sorry, that is an insult to dangerous, they are vicious.
Look up Wurmbrandt's Tortured for Christ to see what Marxists did in Romania, and stop equating Theists with Islamic State.
- TM
- Man is dangerous & more so when they have a "God"
- Man is dangerous, because Adam fell.
Having a false "God" - including yours, the absence of God - makes him more dangerous.
- TM
- All religions involve judgement & punishment they are all mind control
- There is not anything like a mind without any kind of judgement or punishment or influence by others, which could with a stretch be considered mind control.
You show some of these.
- TM
- No your mind is controlled that is why you need a God & a government!
- Sounds like yours is fanatic.
- TM
- I' not a fanatic you American Taliban are the fanatics I'm a scientist
- "you X are the fanatics, I/we am/are scientist-s" is a very fanatic statement. I did not call you fanatic due to your beliefs, but due to how you deal with such believing what you don't - as seen in previous exchanges in this debate.
- TM
- You cannot reason with religous people otherwise they won't be religious!
- You mean Atheists can't reason with religious people over recruting them for atheism, right?
IMPORTANT NOTE : this is not one subthread, but straddling some, and many of above statements are truncated to include only subjects like:
- dangerous
- mind controlled
- can't reason with
- fanatic
Two last here are also given outside the order they were in original debate, for that one, with subthreads correctly numbered, see:
HGL's F.B. writings : With TM, an Atheist Fanatic
I think the important thing to note is, whether someone has gone through anything like mind control attempts or not, is a question about his individual personal history, not about which positions he takes.
Also, a history of attempted mind control may well backfire on those trying to mind control someone - on SSHL, I was cut off from my Christian mother, Catholic students were not allowed to talk too much to me, especially about religion (I think), and I was under constant fire from Atheists and Anticlericals and Antichristians. When deciding to become Catholic, I was not very successful in contacting the Catholic Church at first, and part of the reasons the diocese pushed for "waiting" may have been that people from the school pushed against receiving me at all, or at least doing so rapidly. While they did not get what they wanted, as far as my religious affiliation is concerned, this left scars. Not totally different from those I would have if a mind control attempt had been successful.
If people seeing these scars conclude I was, in my individual history, subjected to mind control, the worst thing they can do - from a care perspective - is to attack my Catholicism as imposed by Catholic mind controllers. They are, in such a case, doing exactly what the people did who attempted to mind control me out of Christianity overall, and they are doing so from fairly similar motives, in the case of Atheists and Anticlericals. As to Protestants attacking Catholicism, they are what my mother protected me largely from - in that respect, even if on other issues joining their worship.
But I did not go to St. Thomas Aquinas or Catholic tradition, because a Catholic attacked the Bible or because a Catholic attacked Dale and Elaine Rhooton's Can We Know? or because a Catholic attacked Wurmbrandt or Edgar Andrews. I went to them because all this was under attack from Atheists, and I found the Catholic history the best support for Christianity - including Creationism (though I took a break from it after converting), including Anticommunism. And as to the kind of broad minded Protestantism which is Evolutionist, Marxist, un-Biblical and proud of it ... I met that to my surprise in the Swedish Church, perhaps saw more if it than there was, because C. S. Lewis had alerted me to it about Anglicanism, but there still was some. I didn't go to the Swedish Church for that. I never liked Modernism than, nor do I now.
What I need in my life is not more opportunities to get away from Catholicism (not the modernist version which more and more dominates the Vatican II Sect), or meet more and more non-Christians to broaden my mind : all such measures impoverish my opportunities to actually work with what I have, to actually earn money on expressing my convictions. Same with meeting Catholics in Modernist parishes, who are then not allowed to follow up with me.
I need to work with people I agree with and who agree with me. Not with people who agree with TM. On intellectual business, I can't work with them. They are not likely to help me print and sell Creationist stuff. On non-intellectual works, apart from my earning too little to pay the study loan, their presence would be a burden on the coffee breaks. Kunta Kinte was (according to novel, Toby Waller may have been a different matter) an Atlantic ocean away from Juffure and under the British and later US law a slave - two obstacles which should not be stopping me - and in Spotsylvania county he had only few Blacks equally interested in freedom from slavery, most being scared of trying. Fiddler told Kunta, he had seen five or six like him in a long life.
In a city like Paris or a region like Île de France, 2 million or 12 million, there should be at least about 1000 Catholics highly critical of modernism and willing to consider young earth creationism and geocentrism. At least 1 % of them should be in such positions in their lives that they'd be interested in working with me as writer or as one of the writers. Are they ALL manipulated by rumours about me? Are they ALL convinced earthly society needs the oppressions that I oppose, as in school compulsion, psychiatry, child welfare, as in heavy police control of the homeless? Are they all convinced forbidding abortion and gay marriage can be done without allowing something else, like for instance younger marriages and less attention at school, namely leaving only what is voluntary on part of parents and pupils?
Or are there shrinks who tell them, I am some kind of madman or drunkard, while themselves trying to treat me as a mind controlled person who on their theory needs even more mind control to "get well" or "adjust" or whatever they like to label the "cure"? If so, they are dealing behind my back.
Or are all of these obviously young people (people my age usually don't go around looking for a living on intellectual business, and I am only half an exception, since I started working - unpaid - 17 years ago, so they are young) ordered by parents or teachers or parsons to shun me?
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Pentecost Eve
727 827 "Readers" (Page Views, Really), Just Russia and US
See previous post, 417 805 in US and 310 022 in Russia. Why correct "Readers" to "Page Views"? Well, if you read two pages on each of four blogs, you are the same reader, but you count as eight page views. Computers can register whether a page is visible on a window on a screen, but not directly who is behind the screen. To see my blogs you don't have to log in anywhere, just go to the adress of each - or click a link to one whole or to a page of one.
On what blogs?
New blog on the kid : An Internet Production / Une production sur internet
I give links and stats on those ... stats for my production ... 468 + 249 + 453 + 472 + 632 + 816 + 712 + 676 + 797 + 885 + 121 = 6281
727 827 / 6281 = 116 readers per post, just US and Russia (somewhat lopsided, since the stats are for different periods. But ... some posts do stand out. You as a reader may be better suited than I as a writer to assess which posts you feel like sharing.
But perhaps you'd like to add France and Ukraine?
- France first, one blog
- 75464,
- France second, six blogs
- 151, 2162, 2362, 868, 23, 349,
- France third, 13 blogs
- 14992, 15347, 2401, 6342, 583, 366, 334, 708, 6204, 2811, 4193, 11643, 20471
- France fourth, ten blogs
- 105, 2829, 13748, 321, 305, 1417, 20829, 2178, 2287, 656,
- France fifth, five blogs
- 2146, 231, 3254, 83, 3445,
- France sixth, three blogs
- 4, 321, 589,
- France seventh, one blog
- 155,
- France total
- 222677
- Ukraine first, one blog
- 3072,
- Ukraine second, two blogs
- 995, 671,
- Ukraine third, eleven blogs
- 155, 323, 3249, 16847, 347, 313, 1659, 31226, 3432, 5423, 668,
- Ukraine fourth, sixteen blogs
- 2270, 3675, 12762, 10320, 1505, 1468, 4073, 98, 1183, 289, 3941, 2204, 3349, 124, 8612, 14925
- Ukraine fifth, four blogs
- 23717, 364, 626, 1884,
- Ukraine sixth, three blogs
- 270, 8, 180,
- Ukraine not top ten, two blogs
- Ukraine total
- 166227
In four countries we are now at 1 116 731 page views.
1 116 731 / 6281 = 178 page views per post.
And overall, there are 1 652 373 page views.
1 652 373 / 6281 = 263 page views per post.
But unevenly distributed. Blogs range from 134 to 269 879 page views. Mid point is 14 881 views - except that the average is higher : 42 369. Five blogs have between 100 000 and 200 000 readers each as well as most viewed over 250 000. Only four blogs go under 1000. Here are the numbers:
- 01 - 05
- 134 · 155 · 536 · 991 · 1 446
- 06 - 10
- 2 513 · 2 773 · 2 874 · 2 877 · 3 262
- 11 - 15
- 3 951 · 3 971 · 4 229 · 6 118 · 6 972
- 16 - 20
- 7 518 · 10 086 · 12 884 · 14 590 · 14 881
- 21 - 25
- 15 916 · 17 617 · 19 804 · 23 069 · 23 146
- 26 - 30
- 27 436 · 30 317 · 33 287 · 43 842 · 51 532
- 31 - 35
- 52 904 · 72 693 · 90 087 · 115 206 · 159 041
- 36 - 39
- 161 173 · 167 647 · 175 016 · 269 879
Here are the big six, over 100 000 page views:
- Apologetics, English:
- Creation vs. Evolution
- General, English/French:
- deretour
https://hglundahlsblog.blogspot.com/ - New blog on the kid
- Philological, English/French:
- Φιλολoγικά/Philologica
- Debate, English only and English/French
- Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere
https://assortedretorts.blogspot.com/ - HGL's F.B. writings
On the last two of these, I am often not the only copyright owner, since it incorporates debates with the words from both sides.
Here is, in French, first message on my pilgrimage story from 2004 (copied to this account in 2011 from weeklong blogs made in 2006):
La première cinquième du pélérinage : 15-VII-2004, Svallerup, Kalundborg, AArhus
The way to view those five blogs is to click to next message in the comment section. If you do so, you should generate 17 page views per blog. It is irritating how often I have seen 21 page views - more than of one making one page view per page, less than two making two page views per page. It seems so many have just thought "oh, yes, he brags about making a pilgrimage". It is not really bragging. A pilgrimage is usually not to be kept secret anyway, and mine has generated misunderstandings by 2006, with first version of this. I wrote it to counter the misunderstanding. My pilgrimage was not carried out as an extreme penance, it was not made with the purpose of becoming a monk. If you read the actual story, you will see it. If you only hear the rumour "Hans / that Swede made a pilgrimage" and look up the blog to verify "oh, yes, seems to be a pilgrimage blog" and "oh yes, it says Hans Georg Lundahl", well, then you won't.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Pentecost Eve
And Sweden? My own nation state?
- Sweden not top 10
- most of the time
- Sweden fourth - 1 blog
- 3526
- Sweden fifth - 1 blog
- 103
- Sweden seventh - 2 blogs
- 263, 403
- Sweden eighth - 1 blog
- 91
- Sweden tenth - 1 blog
- 44
- Swedish total
- should be more than these 4430, they were mostly "under the radar" for all time top ten.
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Someone Else Has Difficulties : Life Site News
Domination russe parmi les lecteurs - et harcèlements numériques à la BU de Nanterre ...
On vient d'intimider que le genre de harcèlements dont je pense pourrait être un pur beug. Je n'y crois pas.

Des choses comme ça, ça rend ma consultation plus stressante - ce que pourraient vouloir certains.
- 18 avr. 2018 – 17 mai 2018
- IV fois la Russie ne fut pas premier pays - Pologne , Émirats arabes unis (bis, une fois ex aequo), Italie - et soit il manquais une fois, je ne sais pas sur lequel, soit j'ai loupé les statistiques pour un blog.
- 23 960 sur 39 blogs en 30 jours =
- 799 vues par jour
- 614 vues par blog
- Dont 21 494 de pays identifiés =
- 21 494 / 23 960 = c. 90 %
- Dont la Russie 10 623 =
- 10 623 / 23 960 = c. 44 %
- Dont ceux avant la France, 5 pays =
- la Russie, l'Italie, les États-Unis, les Émirats arabes unis et l'Ukraine
- 10 623 + 3066 + 2288 + 1619 + 1470 = 19 066
- 19 066 / 23 960 = c. 80 %
- Russie (38 blogs), 10 623
- 102 + 943 + 212 + 67 + 32 + 308 + 1479 + 642 + 105 + 161 + 300 + 28 + 172 + 507 + 57 + 645 + 30 + 42 + 38 + 68 + 28 + 46 + 48 + 65 + 63 + 178 + 73 + 286 + 1004 + 274 + 166 + 161 + 448 + 429 + 17 + 338 + 20 + 1041
- Italie (5 blogs), 3066
- 702 + 579 + 526 + 972 + 287
- États-Unis (33 blogs), 2288
- 567 + 1 + 58 + 28 + 3 + 18 + 19 + 28 + 385 + 43 + 43 + 7 + 4 + 17 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 178 + 12 + 38 + 49 + 6 + 71 + 38 + 3 + 164 + 244 + 3 + 5 + 246 + 1
- Émirats arabes unis (37 blogs), 1619
- 43 + 42 + 82 + 60 + 151 + 45 + 21 + 14 + 23 + 21 + 46 + 63 + 128 + 20 + 21 + 21 + 28 + 6 + 66 + 42 + 146 + 121 + 44 + 2 + 21 + 11 + 63 + 46 + 54 + 21 + 11 + 7 + 21 + 42 + 17 + 29 + 20
- Ukraine (21 blogs), 1470
- 64 + 6 + 25 + 19 + 11 + 77 + 6 + 611 + 138 + 4 + 9 + 3 + 1 + 79 + 11 + 111 + 2 + 23 + 19 + 12 + 239
- France (33 blogs), 829
- 96 + 1 + 32 + 6 + 24 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 33 + 14 + 19 + 18 + 23 + 1 + 3 + 8 + 153 + 30 + 32 + 16 + 4 + 98 + 1 + 12 + 27 + 11 + 5 + 109 + 13 + 17 + 5 + 2 + 4
- Allemagne (18 blogs), 342
- 49 + 11 + 9 + 7 + 7 + 71 + 16 + 2 + 35 + 7 + 3 + 7 + 57 + 35 + 5 + 4 + 15 + 2
- Pologne (6 blogs), 295
- 3 + 96 + 30 + 63 + 82 + 21
- Vietnam (10 blogs), 192
- 74 + 5 + 52 + 3 + 33 + 4 + 10 + 4 + 6 + 1
- Irlande (3 blogs), 127
- 121 + 2 + 4
- Japon (2 blogs) 119
- 61 + 58
- Canada (25 blogs), 78
- 1 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 28 + 3 + 1 + 2
- Brésil (8 blogs), 66
- 22 + 9 + 19 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 6
- Chine (2 blogs), 61
- 31 + 30
- Espagne (9 blogs), 48
- 4 + 5 + 1 + 16 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 11 + 3
- Pays-Bas (4 blogs), 48
- 5 + 27 + 14 + 2
- Turquie (7 blogs), 48
- 4 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 5 + 24
- Suède (2 blogs), 38
- 15 + 23
- Royaume-Uni (8 blogs), 28
- 9 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 1
- Corée du Sud (2 blogs), 21
- 1 + 20
- Australie 20
- Philippines (6 blogs), 16
- 2 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 1
- Algérie (2 blogs), 13
- 5 + 18
- Indonésie (5 blogs), 12
- 3 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 1
- Norvège 5
- Inde (2 blogs), 5
- 2 + 3
- Israël (2 blogs), 4
- 1 + 3
- Autriche 3
- Mexique 2
- Argentine 2/2
- 1 + 1
- Thaïlande 1
- Danemark 1
- Colombie 1
- Afrique du Sud 1
- Finlande 1
- Malaisie 1
Y a-t-il une autre indication aussi?
TM : I' not a fanatic you American Taliban are the fanatics I'm a scientist You'r American Empire is going to implode! Watch & see!
HGL's F.B. writings : With TM, an Atheist Fanatic
Mais la phrase "Talibans Américains" - c'est une phrase qu'il me semble par exemple des Russes utilisent pour les Fondamentalistes ... et TM, pas Russe lui-même, mais donc influencé par eux, habite Paris./HGL
Et les Russes par le passé, leur visite tout le temps?
- Russie premier pays 15 blogs
- 1094, 159, 7790, 27 908, 271, 6252, 64, 84, 1091, 841, 658, 8944, 9288, 6530, 673
- Russie segond pays 19 blogs
- 31 894, 4999, 24 330, 2505, 9545, 22 682, 520, 477, 546, 1847, 2909, 3129, 10 055, 31 894, 3997, 9050, 17 592, 966, 30 260
- Russie troisième quatre blogs
- 2116, 2143, 594, 302,
- Russie quatrième un seul blog
- 24 023
- Russie en total
- 310 022
Encore un harcèlement, pendant que je cherche les statistiques pour les États-Unis:

Oui, blogger fournit les statistiques, ceci pour la semaine. Mais voici les statistiques pour les États-Unis, qui pendant le temps, mais pas le dernier mois, a dépassé la Russie:
- États-Unis premier pays 19 blogs
- 65 379, 2656, 3136, 11 990, 2484, 1415, 63641, 602, 536, 584, 1999, 3467, 10 079, 54 746, 42 584, 667, 21 174, 1288, 35 000
- États-Unis second pays 11 blogs
- 267, 518, 5584, 20503, 208, 5318, 20, 719, 642, 3707, 7119, 5124,
- États-Unis troisième pays 7 blogs
- 33 905, 4048, 119, 18 (ex aequo), 978, 2485, 2475,
- États-Unis quatrième pays un seul blog
- 621
- États-Unis en total
- 417 805
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Deepfake - a Technology Open for Abuse
Deepfake Videos Are the Future of Porn Scandals
There are other possible abuses than porn, I could have been victim of a faked footage.
Here is a real footage of me, I complained about it being shortened to cut out some parts of what I said to selectively support the written conclusion, but the parts where I speak are real:
Conversation with Hans-Georg Lundahl
Edoardo Rossi | Ajoutée le 20 oct. 2012
Here are my comments:
HGL's F.B. writings : A Heavily Edited Video with me - and my Comments to Editor thereof.
But, apart from the complaints of the video being too short and cutting stuff out, it is the only video with me that I have authorised.
Other videos with me could be either deepfake's or taken without my approval. If deepfakes, it should be somewhat difficult - I hope! - to make them speak and move facial musculature like me, but that could come as well.
Internet is a great place for getting truths out. Some are bent on making it seem unreliable. But a deepfake video need not be on the web, it could be presented as a genuine non-web footage./HGL
PS, obviously a footage on which I show a blog of mine is as welcome to me as a photo of it. Like the footage in above around 19 seconds:

Unfortunately, the short link for the first link, by someone else (so as not to promote myself alone, I sometimes did and do that), has gone down. While o-x.fr exists, it has closed down my short links./HGL
Fulton Sheen said God should have mercy on me....
Wasting Your Life - Venerable Fulton Sheen
CatholicClips (I'd prefer knowing when the speech is from*)
At 25:08 - 25:11
Those of you who don't like football, close your ears and may God have mercy on you.
I have effectively very little to say on football ... perhaps he meant rugby? I don't like that either, but I do like rugby players./HGL
* The video was uploaded on 20.V.2013
Un hectare, 21 ares, 40.7 mètres carrés et une vache
Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : Pour Peugeot et Semblables · New blog on the kid : Un hectare, 21 ares, 40.7 mètres carrés et une vache
En anglais, ça se dit plus simplement : three acres and a cow.
Conversion de l'unité agraire:
3 acres : 12,140.7 mètres carrés
Traduction de l'article anglais sur la wikipédie, la partie de texte qui raconte l'histoire de la phrase:
Three acres and a cow was a slogan used by British land reform campaigners of the 1880s, and revived by the distributists of the 1920s. It refers to an ideal land holding for every citizen. | "Three acres and a cow" était un slogan de la campagne pour réforme agraire britannique des années 1880, et revitalisé par les distributistes des années 1920. C'est une possession de terre idéale pour chaque citoyen. | |
The phrase was invented by Eli Hamshire in letters written to Joseph Chamberlain and Jesse Collings during the early 1880s.[1] Hamshire did, in fact, own 3 acres (1.2 hectares). Collings used the phrase as a slogan for his 1885 land reform campaign, and it became used as part of the political struggle against rural poverty.[2] He became derisively known as "Three Acres and a Cow Collings." | La phrase fut inventée par Eli Hamshire en des lettres adressées à Joseph Chamberlain et Jesse Collings, début des années 1880. Hamshire, en effet, possédait 3 "acres" (un hectare, 21 ares, 40.7 mètres carrés). Collings l'utilisa comme slogan pour sa campagne de réforme agraire en 1885, elle devint partie de la lutte politique contre l'empauvrissement rurale. On l'appela par dérision : "Three acres and a Cow Collings". | |
Chamberlain used the slogan for his own "Radical Programme": he urged the purchase by local authorities of land to provide garden and field allotments for all labourers who might desire them, to be let at fair rents in plots of up to 1 acre (0.40 ha) of arable land and up to 4 acres (1.6 ha) of pasture.[3] | Chamberlain utilisa le slogan pour son propre "programme radical" : il demanda aux autorités locales d'acheter de la terre pour donner des lots jardiniers et terrains pour tous les travailleurs qui pourraient les désirer, loués pour des loyers équitables en des lots de jusqu'à un acre (soit 40 ares) de terre arable et jusqu'à 4 acres (soit 1 hectare, 60 ares) de pâturage. | |
In What's Wrong With the World, G. K. Chesterton used the phrase to summarise his own distributist opinions.[4] | Dans What's Wrong With the World, G. K. Chesterton utilisa la phrase pour épitomiser ses propres opinions distributistes. |
Comme on voit, la réforme agraire en question était modérée, elle ne voulait pas déposséder les grands propriétaires, elle voulait acquerir de la terre pour les pauvres (ceux qui le désiraient) par achat et d'autres contrats licites, nullement par expropriation.
En Irlande, ou il y a eu une réforme agraire, elle n'était pas basée sur expropriation, par contre un grand patron terrien devait soit garder sa terre, soit la vendre en des lots plus petits. Ceci est la cause pourquoi les Anglo-Irlandais ont cessé d'être des grands propriétaires en Irlande, en Éire ou "Irlande du Sud" ou République irlandaise.
La note [4] va à l'œuvre assez magistrale par Chesterton:
What's Wrong with the World
G.K. Chesterton (1910)
Notez, dans les parties III et IV, il s'oppose au féminisme et à un état qui prétend à la toute-puissance sur les familles, notemment des pauvres (ce n'est pas le fils de Donald Trump qui est obligé à aller dans une école publique s'il y va mal ou simplement s'il a d'intérêts qui s'étudient mieux dans une école privée spécialisée sur le sujet, ce ne sont pas les fils d'Emmanuel Macron qui risquent dans l'immédiat d'être enlevés des parents).
Hans Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterre
St. Ubalde de Gubbio
Mardi de la Novène de Pentecôte
Is "Vatican II" in Continuity with Trent and Vatican "I"?
New blog on the kid : Is "Vatican II" in Continuity with Trent and Vatican "I"? · Creation vs. Evolution : Agreeing with the Biblical World View · Dwight Longenecker Maligns Fundamentalists? · Pete Vere Understimates Fundamentalism of Fathers · Can Six Days or Eve from Side of Adam be a Metaphor?
It would seem Montini and Ratzinger claimed so:
- Montini / "Paul VI" to Mgr Lefèbvre
- “You permit the case of St. Athanasius to be invoked in your favor. It is true that this great Bishop remained practically alone in the defense of the true faith, despite attacks from all quarters. But what precisely was involved was the defense of the faith of the recent Council of Nicea. The Council was the norm which inspired his fidelity, as also in the case of St. Ambrose. How can anyone today compare himself to St. Athanasius in daring to combat a council such as the Second Vatican Council, which has no less authority, which in certain respects is even more important than that of Nicea?”
- Then "Cardinal" Ratzinger
- (subdivisions added by me)
- a) “One must clarify first of all that Vatican II is based on the same authority as Vatican I and as the Council of Trent: that is the pope and the college of bishops in communion with him. b) Concerning the content, we must also recall that Vatican II falls in close continuity with the two previous Councils and that it re-iterates them on certain decisive points. (…) It is impossible to side ‘for’ the Council of Trent and Vatican I and ‘against’ Vatican II. Whoever denies Vatican II, denies the authority which upholds the other two Councils and abolishes it in its very principle. [This applies also for what is called ‘traditionalism’, in its extreme forms.] c) Here, any partisan choice destroys the whole, [the very history of the Church], which can only exist as an undivided unity.”
This is quoted from :
On the Authority of the Second Vatican Council: Infallible or not?
By Fr. Pierre Marie O.P. in (SSPX) Newsletter of the District of Asia April - December 2008
The original contexts are Letter of Paul VI to Archbishop Lefebvre, June 29, 1975 and Cardinal Ratzinger, in the Ratzinger Report for which latter the explanation of the brackets is given as:
(French edition, 1985, pp. 28-29 with the following remark: “Words … in brackets have been added on the manuscript of the present book.” in Sel de la Terre, n. 35, p.33)
- To Montini's argument
- St. Athanasius also combatted the even more recent Council of Sirmium, one confession of which had (though by force, then not universally known) obtained a signature from Pope Liberius.
- To Ratzinger's argument a)
- Only if Roncalli and Montini ("John XXIII" and "Paul VI") were real Popes and the bishops in union with them not in de facto schism.
- To Ratzinger's argument b)
- If "Vatican II" reiterates Trent or Vatican "I" on nine points of ten, or nineteen of twenty or ninenty nine of hundred, and contradicts either on one, and that one is dogmatic, "Vatican II" is thereby shown heretical.
- To Ratzinger's argument c)
- While the real Church of Christ certainly exists as an undivided whole, again and again it seems to be divided, as groups of unfaithful leave her in important numbers. Under Rohoboam the Samarians left her, siding with Jeroboam, under Our Lord Himself and St Peter Jews left her, siding with Hannas and Caiphas, under St Leo IX, Michael Caerularius left her, and under Leo X and successors, Luther, Zwingli and Oecolampadius, the two Sozzini and Münzer left her, followed by Anglicans and Calvinists, and joined by earlier dissidents like Valdensians and Moravians.
So, is the undivided unity that of Vatican II or that of some version of Trads? SSPX, Sede, some version of Orthopapism? Note, one false such continuation may truly denounce another false one, SSPX can be false and yet on some points truly denounce Vatican II, like Lutheranism was false and on some points truly denounced Zwingli and Calvin.
Note, in 2008, I was still straying among the Orthodox, and while not denying filioque (which was not a great hit with them), I considered instead of Popes, each ordinary as successor of St Peter and the chorepiskopoi or auxiliaries as successors of the other among the twelve. This would have meant in 1975 Mgr Lefèbvre was equally a successor of St Peter, by being emeritus archbishop in Dakar and in Tulle, as Paul VI by being bishop of Rome or as recently before John Maximovich of Shanghai and San Francisco or as their contemporaries in Moscow, Alexy I and Pimen. The faithful ones being Lefèbvre and Maximovich.
I do now deny this possibility, while adhering to Pope Michael - if you deny it, adhering to Pope Michael (or even back then hoping "Benedict XVI" was restoring things) is more logical than SSPX.
In that light, Trent, Vatican I, Vatican II would have been non-ecumenical councils, the validity of which doesn't automatically imply infallibility, but Trent and Vatican I (except as I though then, on papacy) were in fact faithful to apostolic tradition. Trent coincided largely with the "equally" not ecumenical councils of Jerusalem and Iasi, which condemned Protestantism on the Orthodox side.
Note, on some of the divisions of schismatics from the Church, it is not immediately apparent to all which side is the really traditional one. In 1053 Rome and Constantinople each could see its bishop as continuing in the line of his forebears. In AD 33 to 70, Judaism could say "look, we have the temple" - as had been the case before then. For Catholicism, there may be a situation in which Vatican II seems to be in continuity due to such institutional factors, followed by one in which this is apparently no longer so - destruction of Temple and ... well, Amoris Laetitia (though for my part, I was already convinced at "canonisation" of Wojtyla and Roncalli).
I have elaborated a bit long on the argument c), undivided continuity of the Church. Let's go a little bit deeper about arguments a) and b), non-papality of Roncalli and Montini and successors and material contradiction against the known magisterium of the past. I feel I was a bit shallow. A bit summary.
We can take a shortcut : if Wojtyla and Ratzinger, succeeding Roncalli and Montini and in faithful obedience to Vatican II contradict on one item Trent or Vatican I, it is not just Bergoglio who is a cuckoo in the Vatican II nest, it is the Vatican II nest itself which is bad.
Around the time of second Assisi prayer meeting, the one for peace in Bosnia and which was apparently answered by Srebrenica massacre, the worst massacre in the Bosnia war, "John Paul II" also did some other things. Pastorally, he made peace with psychiatry (I only know this from a p-d-effed headline in a British Catholic newspaper also mentioning Assisi II, and that one not available, and I did not get any reply when I sought a confirmation from the now redaction of that paper). Liturgically, he changed the year of Christ's birth from 5199 after the beginning when God created Heaven and Earth and 2957 after the Flood to "unknown ages" and "several thousand years". This contradicts the unanimity of the Fathers that Biblical chronology is reliable. In doctrinally related canons, Ratzinger condemned Fundamentalist Bible reading. While it is true some Fundamentalists, or even most, do reject the non-literal senses, notably the allegorical, the main problem Ratzinger has with them is they do NOT relativise the literal one. Hereby he contradicted a consensus of fathers which refused to relativise the literal sense.
I have written previously on both things:
Creation vs. Evolution : Newspeak in Nineteen - Eighty ... er Sorry ... Ninety-Four
Great Bishop of Geneva! : Apostatic Rejection of "Fundamentalism" in 1994
Or, you can take a more direct approach on Vatican II:
In English : Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : Is gaudium et spes an orthodox text?
Or in French : Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : Gaudium et Spes pas si Orthodoxe que ça, quand même ...
An even more direct question is, how could so many external trappings of Catholicism go to the Vatican II sect, if in fact is is, as Traditionalism of divers shades (including Pope Michael who rejects the term, since it is so associated with SSPX and the Recognise and Resist position, which I cannot defend on such long terms any more than he likes it) not identic to the Catholic Church? One would have to take into consideration the possibility of a Pope not being sufficiently vigilant. Was Pope Pius XI non-vigilant and Pacelli / Pius XII a non-pope? Or was Pius XII non-vigilant, opening a back door to heresy without thinking he was doing that? Either way, the considerations about Pius XII may well centre on Humani Generis. On which, "surprise, surprise", I have also written previously:
MSN Group Antimodernism in memoriam : One group member promoted Hutchinson
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Fr Spitzer's Wrong on This One - Huge Wrong (Humani Generis Revisited)
And, since the case of Evolution is in so many minds associated with Galileo and Providentissimus Deus, let's note that Pope Leo XIII never in that encyclical actually said in so many words that one is allowed to believe Heliocentrism as understood by the "science" of his time, nor that the potential solution of phenomenal language pertains exclusively to the Geocentric language of the Bible, so that his words on that one would mean he recommended it in this particular case, nor that it solves ALL the Geocentric language passages in the Bible. I argued specifically against Protestant Fundies that phenomenal language does NOT solve the verse Joshua 10:12.
HGL's F.B. writings : A "Biblical" Heliocentric Misciting Holy Scripture
Same point, but not involving someone else's copyright:
New blog on the kid : Columbus and Joshua (Imagine Christopher Columbus had worked a miracle)
So, how do Heliocentrism and Evolution contradict Trent, which never directly took a stance on them? Because they contradict the unanimity of the Fathers:
In Latin : New blog on the kid : Grammatica et Logica de Canone Celeberrimo Concilii Tridentini
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Saint Ubaldo of Gubbio
Tuesday in the Pentecost Novena
Monday, 14 May 2018
Comme catholique ou comme royaliste, on n'est pas censé détester les bobos
On n'est pas censé détester qui que ce soit qui peut être un chrétien à cause d'autre chose qu'il ne l'est pas ou qui peut être un sujet loyal pour autre chose qu'il ne l'est pas.
Bobo ne veut pas dire sodomite, ni rebelle.
Si Mélenchon pouvait se réclamer les "punks à chat" (comme punks, mais plus ra-fi-nés, donc, bobos), c'est peut-être que certains Chrétiens ou Flics ou Militaires en FN sont un peu bobo-phobes.
Un bobo athée ou ésotérique qui veut rester bobo, parce que son métier de bobo est confortable et intéressant, parce que ses voisins bobos sont sympas, parce que la classe de yoga (très bobo) des enfants les rend en apparence harmonieux (et sur un plan matériel, pas juste en apparence), va-t-il se convertir si les Chrétiens qu'il rencontre cultivent une rancune "prolétaire" mais encore plus prolétarianiste, contre les bobos?
Un bobo qui vote Mélenchon, va-t-il se convertir et voter que ce soit Axel de Boer (qrep!) ou Marine ou Bruno Gollnisch? Demandez à Frigide Barjot! Oui, elle s'est converti, mais pas parce que la paroisse (elle n'est pas à St Nicolas) est bobo-phobe.
Hans Georg Lundahl
St Boniface de Tarse
PS : je ne suggère pas qu'elle ait voté FN, mais il me semble qu'elle était pour la liste d'Axel de Boer, contre l'avortement.
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