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Saturday, 31 August 2019
Friday, 30 August 2019
Choses enlevées
Choses enlevées · Tactique de harcèlement?
J'étais au COREP (Place de l'Horloge) pour faire des photocopies, le papier c'est planqué dans la photocopieuse plusieurs fois, dernière fois ils n'ont pas voulu faire quoi que ce soit pour corriger la machine, l'autre juste à côté était occupée, finalement j'ai pris le grand quand même.
À propos l'autre qui était occupée, celle qui avait un grand tas de photocopies était dehors et a pu voir ce qui se passait.
Quand finalement je sors, mes choses sont enlevées.
Un grand sac macramé avec sac de couchage, avec petit sac avec mon linge, avec encore une couverture en gris, un cabas taille moyenne en bleu, deux sacs cabas en gris avec des grandes "manches" et deux autres en blanc et de Carrefour.
Dedans, choses à coudre, un pantalon propre, d'autres trucs qui servent pour l'hiver, mes livres, mes blocnotes, mes stylos. Des choses qui servent, sinon toutes, au moins grande partie, et j'étais en train de faire le tri.
Et factures de l'autorité suédoise de la bourse.
La veille, j'avais aussi copié au COREP et j'ai fait des copies en moindre et moindre miniature de quelques URL. La gérante de COREP a dû être impliquée pour un changement de papier.
ET le ministre de l'intérieur avait déjà été informé du fait que la procédure me coûtait peu et donnait un grand rendement d'exemplaires des URL.
Donc, deux théories, soit on a voulu harceler un sdf avec trop de bagage; soit on a voulu empêcher que je distribue ces URL.
Le respect pour la liberté d'expression est sélectif en France. J'ai eu il y a des années un policier pointer son fusil à moi pour que je ne participe pas dans la prière de réparation devant la pièce de Castellucci. Car là, la prière était apperçue (hypocritement) comme une entrave aux libertés d'expression de Castellucci et du théâtre.
Déjà, si quelqu'un prétend qu'on a voulu m'aider, simplifier ma vie, l'occasion a été là.
Le modus aurait pu être une frauduleuse demande d’enlèvement d'encombres.
J'aimerais bien entendu retrouver mes choses, mais l'un me dirige vers l'autre vers le tiers et quatrième ... un peu comme le film les Douze Travaux d'Astérix.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Ste Rose de Lima
PS. Plus tard, au numéro de téléphone qu'on venait de m'indiquer à l'accueil de la Mairie, on vient de me dire qu'on n'ai pas eu ces sacs, parce qu'on ne prend pas de vêtement, "quelqu'un t'as volé tes courses". (12:35).
Très évidemment, comme un autre jour quand juste des feuilles avec URL avaient été enlevées du sac, on ne tient pas tellement à mes droits qu'à son propre désir de contrôler ce que je répand comme blogs./HGL
Thursday, 29 August 2019
Suppose UNO wants to foist
either raised marital ages or abortion on poor countries.
Don't let them do either, whoever cares and reads this and has a say!
And contraception and gay rights are not much better./HGL
Bonum Festum Decollationis Sancti Iohannis Baptistae
Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL
Decollatio sancti Joannis Baptistae, quem Herodes circa festum Paschae decollari praecepit. Ipsius tamen memoria solemniter hac die colitur, qua venerandum ejus caput secundo inventum fuit; quod, postea Romam translatum, in Ecclesia sancti Silvestri, ad Campum Martium, summa populi devotione asservatur.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Translating coordinates to distances
31°50′26″N 34°59′30″E Imwas
31°50′22″N 34°59′22″E Emmaus Nicopolis
° = 40 000 km / 360
' = 40 000 km / (360*60)
" = 40 000 km / (360*60*60)
4*40 000 km / (360*60*60) = 0.123 456 790 123 456 8[km]
= 123.46 metres.
E/W the parallel circle for 31 ° / 32 ° N is how long? Call it x.
8x / (360*60*60)
Look it up .... lacks on English, but exists on French wiki:
34 381 km 31°
34 018 km 32°
Do an average which might be accurate for 31 ° 50 '
32° 50 c. (5*34 018 + 34 381)/6 = 34 078.5 km
Calculate the W to E distance:
8*34 078.5 / (360*60*60) = 0.210 361 111 111 111 1 km
N to S and W to E are like cathetes of a triangle, so direct distance would be looking for the hypothenuse, according to Pythagoras' theorem (changing fractions of km to m, now):
210.361 111 111 111 1^2 + 123.456 790 123 456 8^2 = 59 493.376 095 488 490 371 8
sqrt(59 493.376 095 488 490 371 8)= 243.912 640 294 611 403 256 9
So, the distance Jerusalem Imwas is also the distance Jerusalem Emmaus Nicopolis. Yes, I know there is a certain conundrum between this present distance and the one given in standard text of St. Luke. So, I wanted to know if Imwas and Emmaus Nicopolis are two different or same candidate for distance to Jerusalem, they are the same.
Meanwhile, the conundrum can be solved, I was doing this calculation in an attempt to calculate this while asking for an answer from one who was down there, which I want to know for verification of solution.
To do calculations, I used:
Hans Georg Lundahl
Paris XI
St. Augustine of
Hippo Regia*
* Hippone Regio, in Africa, natalis sancti Augustini Episcopi, Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris eximii, qui, beati Ambrosii Episcopi opera ad catholicam fidem conversus et baptizatus, eam adversus Manichaeos aliosque haereticos acerrimus propugnator defendit, multisque aliis pro Ecclesia Dei perfunctus laboribus, ad praemia migravit in caelum. Ejus reliquiae, primo de sua civitate propter barbaros in Sardiniam advectae, et postea a Rege Longobardorum Luitprando Papiam translatae, ibi honorifice conditae sunt.
Tuesday, 27 August 2019
We have a magisterium, but where?
Here is Mark Shea* on a certain topic:
Just to be clear, birds once had teeth because evolution is real and only Fundamentalists, Catholic and Protestant, insist otherwise. Protestants at least have the excuse of ignorance of the Magisterium. Catholic Fundies have nothing. A few years back, Benedict XVI had a conference on Creation and Evolution at the Vatican. Real scientists, not the cranks from the Kolbe Center for Creation Research, were invited. It was not an oversight.
While I differ from the mathematics professor whose chronology** is given on Kolbe Center and while my response was not published, not inviting them was hardly a move worthy of Academic objectivity, any more than Kolbe Center's attitude to me was.
Back when I accepted "Benedict XVI" could be Pope, it was before I was fully aware of his anti-creationist fanaticism.
As long as lines like above statement by Mark Shea are true about the Vatican in Rome, the Vatican in Exile in Topeka is a more credible adress for the magisterium we Catholics have and should obey.
As to birds with teeth, creationists generally do not think all species God created have survived, nor that teeth are uniformly stable features within those that did survive. In fact, created species or kinds are usually considered as broader than Linnaean species. Hedgehogs would be one created species, but are 15 or 16 Linnaean ones, and in more than one Linnaean Genus, even.
Presumably, Munchaks are same created kind as deer, but have a different kind of teeth (they eat meat, or one variety does). It is possible that some of the birds on the video, known by fossils, having teeth as adults, are ancestral to poultry, which has been found as domesticated bird (usually in the form of chicken bones where meal remnants have remained to our times), since carbon dated 6000 BC, i e post-Babel, did have teeth and would not so easily be domesticated. Doesn't make proto-chicken Munchaks or deer Dinosaurs. Nor all of above decendants of LUCA or evolutionary timeline true.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibl. Parmentier
St Joseph Calasanz
* His post is here:
Since folks found Eons to be entertaining and informative
August 24, 2019 by Mark Shea
** My own chronology is that of Roman Martyrology. Not the new one, the one which was already used before the illegal revisions by Antipope JP2.
I have calculated probabilities
I have calculated probabilities · More Probabilities · The Bases of the Probabilities
And that's why I was absent from internet yesterday, spending up to late in the evening doing the calculations on paper, last of them (it has taken some weeks).*
Probabilities about what? About getting sum 666 for a nine letter sequence of letters purely English alphabet and purely upper case.
For any three block letters in sequence, English alphabet only, the added values range from 195 to 270, from AAA to ZZZ.
AAA is only one possibility for 195, AAB, ABA and BAA are three for 196, and the values continue rising as triangle numbers up to triangle number 26, 351. From then on, you add two less than previous time each time, up to 507 coming in 232 after 505 in 231. Now, How do you add two less than 2 to 507? You add nothing, so, 233 is also 507, then it turns down, mirroring the ascent in the descent.
Now, for each value of first three, I checked what values in second and third thirds would add up to 666.
239, with second third at 195, third third must be 232. The values sink for one and rise for other to complete reversal, but I only calculate probabilities (multiplying those for second with those of third) up to middle, like:
239 | (465) | ... | 239 | (465) |
195 | 1 | ... | 213 | 190 |
232 | 507 | ... | 214 | 210 |
[leaving out] | (507) | ... | [leaving out] | (39900) |
Since the second half will mirror the first one. I add possibilities like (507) and (39900) up, then multiply by 2*(465).
If the number of combinations is uneven, which is always the case when first triplet has even value, since at mid point there must be equal value for second and third, I calculate the midpoint separately before multplying it with only 1*(probability value of first triplet's value), and then do as normally for the rest.
For 269 I checked and double checked the multiplications, till I had twice got a value of:
5 429 503 678 976.
For final sum of possibilities with value of 666 among these, I had:
37 231 320 152.
Now 5 429 503 678 976 : 37 231 320 152 =
145.831 618 562 264 082 5.
Oops, my bad, I thought (must have miscalculated sth) that the result was 1/143, when it is 1/146 or very little less frequent.
However, this is not valid for all names. For Jim Huss, to take an example, he vlogs on youtube, so he's known, there are only seven letters, which are too few to get the number we are asking about. 7*90 = 630, and you can't get higher values for seven English alphabet blockletters than seven Z. In others, the known name is too big. Cham-ber-lain, to use a historic example, for instance, has 11 letters (4+3+4). Now, 11*65 = 715, and you can't get lower with 11 upper case or any letters of English alphabet than 11 A. So, with anyone named Chamberlain, no use asking either. Of 8, 9 and 10 letters, 9 is by far easier than 10 (example with ten, writing Kebab as in Welsh with Cebab : CEBABCEBAB would so add up, and as you can see, all letters are very near beginning of alphabet), and with 8 upper case, as with 6 letters, first upper case and then five lower case, it's far easier to get 616 than 666). Similarily, though less markedly, getting 8 letters adding up to 666 without any lower case or space, is closer to end of alphabet.
So, to calculating how many upper case 9 letter combinations give 666, as compared to the rest, the severe reduction of combinations from both words overall and words relating clearly to a person, will leave the remaining probabilities somewhere around 1/146, but then the ones having 9 letters applied to them are only a subset, and so the overall probabilities are probably less likely than the number of world wide known figures. Meaning, any one there is, is overrepresenting this probability.
Hans Georg Lundahl**
Bibl. Parmentier, Paris
St. Joseph Calasanzo***
* Any blog I am still updating, which isn't opus finitum in its own right, like a test on cultural history of Lithuania, or broken off very severely, like my haikus, or a precursor to this blog, I will not be updating every day, so some who saw this one may have thought I was updating another blog, it can otherwise be checked on this blog, where widgets link to what I update:
Latest on Antimodernism
Before I'm posting this one, widget in top field under title features these as last five posts on this blog:
Bonam Vigiliam et Bonum Festum Sancti Bartholomaei Apostoli
Would the harrassment have sth to do with Putin's visit?
About the dubia
De Dacie decapsulatoribus
Le passé comme repoussoir
Update, now it features:
I have calculated probabilities
Bonam Vigiliam et Bonum Festum Sancti Bartholomaei Apostoli
Would the harrassment have sth to do with Putin's visit?
About the dubia
De Dacie decapsulatoribus
Same for other widgets, lower down on the blog. Do some scrolling, if you want to keep up with me.
** The name as a whole is more than 9 letters, but HANSGEORG is nine, giving 670, HGLUNDAHL is 9, giving 663.
*** Sancti Josephi Calasanctii, Presbyteri et Confessoris, qui Ordinis Clericorum Regularium Pauperum Matris Dei Scholarum Piarum exstitit Fundator, atque octavo Kalendas Septembris obdormivit in Domino.
Friday, 23 August 2019
Would the harrassment have sth to do with Putin's visit?
- Re: Account Blocked [YDDX-0014-NWST]
- mail.com Customer Support
- 14:16 (il y a 35 minutes)
- À moi / to me
- Dear mail.com Member,
Thank you for your message – an agent has to personally review and process your request. This takes time but we will respond to you as soon as possible.
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If you receive this message more than once it means that you have opened more than one ticket. We understand the urgency and work on processing your request with the highest priority. We appreciate your patience and again apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you!
Your mail.com Support Team
So, currently, my mail account used for public correspondence is blocked. As in hgl@dr.com
I do have one other suspect though ....
Thursday, 22 August 2019
About the dubia
Mark Shea quoting Where Peter Is:
Take, for instance, Amoris Laetitia‘s (AL) opening of communion to divorced and remarried people who may have mitigating factors diminishing their subjective culpability, so that they are not in mortal sin. The format of the dubia, demanding yes-or-no answers, does not take into account the nuance demanded by this document, and the way the questions are framed tries to force Francis to chose between open heresy or forfeiting his manifest will. In this way, answering the dubia on their own terms would actually cause more harm than good.
In fact, while "affirmative" and "negative" are the most common traditional answers to dubia, one can find things like "if you mean so and so, yes" or "if this is what you mean, no."
Negative, excepto casu in quo, salvis sensu ac iudicio Ecclesiae, solidis argumentis probetur:
1° Hagiographum alterius dicta vel documenta revera citare;
et 2° Eadem nec probare, nec sua facere, ita ut iure censeatur non proprio nomine loqui.
With my personal translation here:
In the negative, except the case in which, saving the sense and judgement of the Church, it be proven with solid arguments:
1° That the Hagiographer (holy author) is really citing the words or documents of someone else;
and 2° That he is neither approving them, nor making them his own, so that he can be rightly considered as not speaking in his own name.
Creation vs. Evolution : When Are Implicit Citations Licit?
So, the dubia, as a form, do not require yes or no answers with automatic gagging of all nuances.
Thank you, Fr. Fleming! You have both shown that dubia can be answered with nuances, and that a perhaps better way of asking if "Pope Francis" is a heretic is asking whether "Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI" were so when back in 90's giving very clear favour to non-creationist readings of the books of Moses.
Now, is the truth humble? Personal virtue in a man on earth usually is. It wasn't quite known back when Moses said "I'm a humble man" but it is still true. However, there is a certain attitude among the liberal Anglicans and for that matter Agnostics of England a few generations ago, when Chesterton commented on it. Some have transferred, he said, humility as being about ambition, to being about certitude. Certitude and truth are not meant to be humble or quiet. Why am I saying this? See this quote within the latter of the articles I quoted from:
“Express how you feel, and then be quiet. Because the truth is humble. The truth is silent. The truth isn’t noisy. It’s not easy, what Jesus did. But the dignity of the Christian is anchored in the power of God. With people lacking good will, with people who only seek scandal, who seek only division, who seek only destruction, even within the family: silence, prayer.”
— Pope Francis, Homily at Casa Santa Marta, Rome, Sept 3rd, 2018
With such a silence, one can so to speak "say" without "actually saying" that one thinks and wants one's faithful to think, that so and so (for instance Cardinal Burke) is only seeking division. As to "within the family" I have seen situations where silence is no help. Also, with certain procedures of psychiatric evaluation, while silence may be a real right, morally, as holy or even holier than Miranda rights, it is not always a very good solution, which some of those tyrants are quick to point out.
Father Brown, a fictitious Jesuit, actually was silent after speaking up to a scandal journalist, who was unaware of who was the husband and who was the adulterer, and that the physical elopement from a hotel was a moral return to home, but he was silent about other journalists repeating the scandal which the first journalist was honourably trying to correct.
"Pope Francis" is more as Father Brown had been if the accusation "you helped her to elope" had been met with dignified silence, so the poor prejudiced Protestant could continue thinking the Jesuit favoured the adultery for some dark Jesuit schemed reason.
Because, a church man telling a pope "you spoke heresy" or asking him "were you speaking heresy?" is not to be considered lightly a scandal monger. There was a schism in Illyria who considered Vigilius an antipope (and apparently not a "bad pope" whom one should recognise but resist), and the error of his temporary admissions to an Emperor (Justinian, I think) were partly helped to correction by that schism, and partly by some others still recognising him, but resisting him on this point.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Parmentier library, Paris
Immaculate Heart of Mary of
Octave of Assumption
PS, I think I detected a reference to a Gospel text, when Our Lord was silent in answer to reproaches. Yes, there was at least one such occasion, the night leading to Good Friday. But on that occasion, He very exceedingly well knew that He was up with a rigged trial, and had already said so indicating they could have caught Him earlier in the open, had He really said sth that merited any reproach.
So, they were quoting or rather misquoting him from verbal memory, and even then on one point, there was a clergyman, of the then Jewish Church, whose name was the Hebrew version of Aramaic Kephas, who was in a better position than simple false witnesses to ask, with a question better suited for answering than reference to false witnesses, and Christ answered with a non-nuanced "I am", which is "yes" (see Mark 14).
Burke, whose non-cardinality is more about who named him than about himself, is actually referring to a published and therefore consultable text, available both in paper and on internet./HGL
De Dacie decapsulatoribus
In Dacia, sepe substituunt aliud quid pro decapsulatore in ampulla cerevisie decapsulanda.
Non loquor de finibus a Trajano victis et sub Romam ductis, ubi tardius se dicebant in Wallachia sive Moldova sive Transsylvania, et hodie in Romania quod scribunt ipsi Rumânia. Set potius de finibus qui temporibus Augusti a Frothone rege pacifico recti sunt, qui et dicuntur Dania. Hic Parisius autem ad Sorbonense vel Navarrense collegium vel in genere in studio universali dicebant potius hunc regnum Daciam.
Quare substituunt aliud? Quia volunt scire aptitudinem uniuscuiusque aperiendi quam diversissimomodo ampullas cerevisie.
Dicunt, de quo suam ampullam aperire nequit, nimis iam eum bibisse.
Aperiunt ergo, cochleari, charta ephemeridis apte plicata, incensorio (potius Bic quam Zippo?), capsula alterius ampulle, et ampulla decapsulata cum capsula manu collata.
Daci ergo decapsulatores non adhibent? Certe, qui domi bibit, sive cerevisiam, sive aquam mineralem dulcem, quam vocant "sodavand", sive aliud cuius ampulla habet capsulam, voluntarie utit decapsulatore. Domi, non ita sepe nimis bibunt, et non ita sepe necesse est verificare si quis adhuc potest aperire ampullam.
Alia est et ratio quare decapsulatores domi relinquunt antequam in platea vel alias foras cerevisiam bibunt : sepe habent decapsulatores magni pretii, cum aliquo ioco vel sententia vel imagine que possessorem bene placet. Non volunt huiusmodi decapsulatores perdere. Ita, certatio nationalis vel quasi est, pro decapsulatore aliud substituere.
Ioannes Georgius Lundahl
Bibliotheca Parmentier
Cor Immaculatum Marie
sive Octava Assumptionis
vel die 22 mensis augusti AD 2019
PS Post signaturam correxi uno loco orthographiam./HGL
Tuesday, 20 August 2019
Le passé comme repoussoir
L'autre jour je discutais l'avortement avec une personne qui veut rester anonyme.
Elle disait, avant l'avortement, les femmes avaient pas accès à des bonnes positions, vu que les grossesses empêchaient certains d'être employées.
Un aspect est, et alors, veut-on tuer ses propres pour une bonne position, à moins d'être abjecte?
Mais un autre est, "le passé" en question est très court, ne comprend pas l'époque pré-industrielle. Pourquoi? Comme de nos jours dans les cafés et restaurants, souvent, ou les cirques, le mari et l'épouse partageaient les mêmes choppes, qu'il s'agisse d'une boucherie ou d'une friperie ou d'une couturiérie ou quoi que ce soit.
Ce qui veut dire, quand la femme était enceinte, le mari faisait davantage du boulot. Et à ces époques là, les positions d'employé étaient moins fréquentes dans la population par rapport aux positions de propriétaires, et les positions d'employés qu'il y avait étaient souvent d'hommes célibataire, héritage du Moyen Âge quand le compagnon du devoir était davantage souvent un futur maître. Donc, ça concernait moins les femmes.
Et c'est moins commode pour une femme de commander les dix ou 20 ou 50 ou davantage employés d'un mari industriel, donc, avec l'industrialisme, la femme d'un propriétaire était moins souvent en métier qu'avant, ou encore que maintenant.
Par contre, les féministes qui voudraient défendre l'avortement et pas mal d'autres pareil prennent le passé "en bloc" et font du "passé" un repoussoir des choses qu'ils n'aiment pas, assez souvent pour justifier une chose dans le présent que d'autres n'aiment pas, comme dans cette question ci, pour justifier l'avortement.
Il y a eu d'autres exemples : quand les industriels commencent à produire davantage de savon, on fait pas juste du début de l'industrialisme, mais du Moyen Âge surtout un repoussoir de l'insalubrité. De cette manière, on justifiait le peu de propriétaires par rapport aux masses qui n'étaient qu'employés, on était devenus suffisamment efficaces pour enfin avoir l'hygiène qu'on n'avait pas eu dans "le passé".
En réalité, le début de l'industrialisme n'avait pas encore la production en masse du savon, mais avait un tassement de gens dans les villes, parfois des paysans ruinés, et ça empirait la saleté, et avant ça, on avait eu des époques de guerres avec armées peu lavés après une époque d'épidémies qui avaient donné aux bains publiques une réputation de contagion de peste - et le Moyen Âge avant la grande peste et encore quelque temps, peut-être encore un siècle, avaient des excellents bains publiques, très fréquentés, dans les villes, environ comme au Japon.
Il y a des gens qui ne voudraient pas que ces choses soient dites, qui veulent mordicus garder "le passé" comme un repoussoir. Pour eux, chaque bonne chose qu'on a serait due à une ou autre révolution. Et ces gens défendent en fait des révolutions, comme les Marxistes défendent (souvent) la Révolution Russe, ou les Capitalistes défendaient et les Marxistes les rejoignent à défendre la Révolution industrielle. Et comme les féministes défendent l'avortement.
Les évolutionnistes les rejoignent en prétextant que l'agriculture serait due à une Révolution Néolithique, qui, pour nous Chrétiens (créationnistes) n'est que la reprise de l'agriculture d'avant le Déluge après celui-même.
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Bernard de Clairvaux
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Bonum Festum Assumptionis BVM
Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL
Assumptio sanctissimae Dei Genitricis Virginis Mariae.
Regina Caeli
Index XXVI Français, Pentecôte à Assomption 2019
Cette page fait partie de l'Index Indicum
En arrière | En avant | |
Index XXV FR : Pâques à Pentecôte 2019 | Index XXVII FR - Assomption à l'Immaculée Conception 2019 |
Bonum Festum et Octavam Pentecostes · Bonum Festum Corporis Christi · Bonum Festum Nativitatis Sancti Iohannis Baptistae · Bonum Festum Sanctorum Petri et Pauli Apostolorum · Bonam Vigiliam et Bonum Festum Sancti Iacobi Apostoli · Bonum Festum Transfigurationis Dni Nri Iesu Xti · Bonum Festum Assumptionis BVM
Gérard Joulié comme Biographe de Chesterton · "Distributism" traduire en français · Chesterton vs Joulié sur Miracles et sur l'Église
Quatre évolutionnistes rencontrés · Selon le Martyrologe Romain, nous sommes 7218 après la Création
Quelques trucs d'ici et d'ailleurs
Les T de J, disent-ils la vérité sur la prière?
1 sept, 80 ans depuis le début de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale
Mattias Tannhauser et Petrus Grubenius, ont-ils existé?
J'aurais dû être à l'ESI avant la fermeture de la domiciliation · L'ironie
Rugy et l'histoire? · Renzo De Felice confirme mon instinct sur le fascisme italien · L'ignorance de l'Austrofascisme en France · Parallèle moderne à l'Anschluß
Production & stats : 1 mois / 1 month Ces blogs ont été annoncés en France les derniers jours (dis-je après minuit, 11.VII.2019) · Statistiques à propos mon lectorat et leurs lectures
Pourquoi tellement de blogs (plus qu'un) et comment tu les mets à jour?
New blog on the kid : J'avais une conversation avec un Marocain très sympa! · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Est-ce que la Bible dit que la Terre est plate?
Non, Jimi Hendrix n'est pas Gladstone (et je ne suis pas le Jimi Hendrix de service non plus)
À New York, un agent des services sociaux vient de mettre ses enfants en danger, ils en sont morts
Index XXVI English, Pentecost to Assumption 2019
This page is part of Index Indicum
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Index XXV ENG : Easter to Pentecost 2019 | Index XXVII ENG - Assumption to Immaculate Conception 2019 |
Bonum Festum et Octavam Pentecostes · Bonum Festum Corporis Christi · Bonum Festum Nativitatis Sancti Iohannis Baptistae · Bonum Festum Sanctorum Petri et Pauli Apostolorum · Bonam Vigiliam et Bonum Festum Sancti Iacobi Apostoli · Bonum Festum Transfigurationis Dni Nri Iesu Xti · Bonum Festum Assumptionis BVM
John Horvath Proposed to Solve Abortion Problems (Link) · Emma Wolverton (link) · Barnevernet Has Backgrounds like Eugenicism (link) · Chesterton on St. Thomas More · Mark Shea on Remote Material Cooperation in Evil (link) · Smorodinov and Mamchur (Link, quote) · Russia Persecutes non-Orthodox Christians (link) · What Word by Chesterton is Apt a 4th of July? (Links) · If A N Y O N E so Happens to Think they will Get me over to Pantheism ... · How CMI Celebrate St. James' Day
Should Live Action sue Pinterest?
Production & stats : 1 mois / 1 month Since Last I Counted (27.II this year) - Writing is My Work
US May Have a Right to Build a Wall, But Not to Include a Death Trap in it.
How to Calculate the number of possible Sudokus
Tännsjö - one good Swede
On Maria Goretti as Martyr for Purity Martyr for Purity Revisited
Does Good Omens contain blasphemy?
I was searching for torture pear (previous post)
For Conor and Friends · Apt to Recall?
Is Putin Christian? · Trusting Putin? No
Laun - Schönborn 1-0 · There are two kinds of people who don't like "Pope Francis"
Who Provided Refuge to Jews in Europe?
When Should Evil be Exposed?
Creation vs. Evolution : Answering Mark Shea · HGL's F.B. writings : Mark Shea's Post and My Comments + Debate · New blog on the kid : Mark Hausam on Infallibility
New Suspect : Dalai Lama - Update : No · ASCII Code and Gematria
GJ 357 d - if one light day up · Sad to Note This
Sad to Note This
GJ 357 d - if one light day up · Sad to Note This
Yesterday, I was promoting the URL of this blog and two more, and one conversation landed me in describing last article on this one.
I was asked if I thought the source I was quoting was reliable.
First of all, yes, I think CMI in general are reliable. Their non-reliability comes in when they promote Protestantism, which is a heresy and ultimately anti-Biblical, or when they promote Heliocentrism, or when they consider Catholic opposition to Heliocentrism in Galileo's time was all about defending Aristotle or nothing about believing the Bible.
Many who are not Creationists themselves would disagree both on my general condoning of them and on my reservations.
Second, what I was being asked about was a thing they had cited from a standard science source, Lisa Kaltenegger at Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell University . Because, they, like Kaltenegger, were saying GJ 357 d is 31 light years up or away.
Third, this is what made me sad, they seemed to confuse the reading of my source, as GJ 357 d being 31 light years away, with my recalculation of how big it would be at 1 light day up. And since this was the first time they met me, but I'm known in the area, I think they were set up to question this.
Would someone over here in Paris please note, I am capable of thinking for myself, and if I recalculate the 31 light years I read into one light day, it's because I am precisely critical of a Heliocentric source, not uncritical of a Geocentric one.
General idea behind Geocentrism connecting to Stellar Distances being wrong, with Geocentrism you have no trigonometric proof in "Parallax" which is a misnomer on the Geocentric view.
Here is a diagram I made on this some time ago:

Click to enlarge.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Paris XI
Vigil of Assumption
Monday, 12 August 2019
GJ 357 d - if one light day up
GJ 357 d - if one light day up · Sad to Note This
It's supposed to be 31 light years away.
CMI : Have astrobiologists really found a super-Earth?
by Matthew Cserhati and Jonathan Sarfati Published: 13 August 2019 (GMT+10)
That would make the distance 11 315 times less than supposed.
That in turn would mean the volume is 113153 times smaller than it's supposed to be.
If it is supposed to be about 6 times as massive, it's probably also 6 times the volume - if as far away as it's supposed to be.
Now, 6 / 113153 = 0.000 000 000 004 141 785 234 5 times the volume of Earth.
Meaning diameter is cube root of that as long as diameter of Earth.
0.000 160 593 954 293 573 215 471 3
12 742 km * 0.000 160 593 954 293 573 215 471 3 = 2.046 km./HGL
Thursday, 8 August 2019
ASCII Code and Gematria
I am not sure if you are one of the guys, either "initiate" or having met one, or simply having met one searching it on the internet, or having so yourself, who has heard of "gematria by 1" or "by 6" or "by 9".
I met one who, instead of ASCII, recommended me "gematria by 6". If A = 6, B = 12 etc, obviously, getting 666 in "gematria by 6" is like getting 111 in "gematria by 1". Then you multiply by six, if you apply this to each letter, you automatically apply it to the result.
In "gematria by 9" you multiply each letter by nine, and the result you ask in "gematria by 1" is 74.
Gematria by 6 or by 9 have in common with ASCII to get faster to 666 than gematria by one does. However, unlike gematria by 6 or 9, it does not skip values (you cannot get "665, neighbour of the beast" in gematria by 6 or 9, but you can in ASCII). So, how does the ASCII code speed it up?
By weighting. Since 64 = @, and since upper case letters begin after @, ASCII for upper case letters is 64+n for n=1 to n=26. So, you have "gematria by 1" included in ASCII, and you also have the weighting. Any letter that is lower case instead of upper case adds an extra 32. Signs outside the letters also add weighting, like 32 for space, 46 for full stop, also abbreviation dot, 78 (=N) for dot and space.
I'm here in next table and in two examples considering the simplest case, no lower case and no weighting outside letters, just upper case, comparing to "gematria by 1":
A | 1 | or 64+1 | =65 | N | 14 | or 64+14 | =78 | |||||||
B | 2 | or 64+2 | =66 | O | 15 | or 64+15 | =79 | |||||||
C | 3 | or 64+3 | =67 | P | 16 | or 64+16 | =80 | |||||||
D | 4 | or 64+4 | =68 | Q | 17 | or 64+17 | =81 | |||||||
E | 5 | or 64+5 | =69 | R | 18 | or 64+18 | =82 | |||||||
F | 6 | or 64+6 | =70 | S | 19 | or 64+19 | =83 | |||||||
G | 7 | or 64+7 | =71 | T | 20 | or 64+20 | =84 | |||||||
H | 8 | or 64+8 | =72 | U | 21 | or 64+21 | =85 | |||||||
I | 9 | or 64+9 | =73 | V | 22 | or 64+22 | =86 | |||||||
J | 10 | or 64+10 | =74 | W | 23 | or 64+23 | =87 | |||||||
K | 11 | or 64+11 | =75 | X | 24 | or 64+24 | =88 | |||||||
L | 12 | or 64+12 | =76 | Y | 25 | or 64+25 | =89 | |||||||
M | 13 | or 64+13 | =77 | Z | 26 | or 64+26 | =90 |
Why is this weighting of any consequence? Because, with the weighting, how many letters there are affects the result. Take "gematria by 1", the Z can be divided into two M, each M can be divided into FG, GF or A and FF. Z=MM=MAFF. IA can be added to either, as IZA and as MAFFIA. Now, in gematria by 1, as explained, they are equivalent, in below tables, they are 36 each. Because you have IA in each (adds up to 10) and to that you add 26, whether as Z or as MAFF. However, IZA has only 3 letters, meaning the weighting is 3*64. MAFFIA has 6 letters, so the weighting is 6*64. Therefore, ASCII is more specific than gematria by 1:
I | 9 | 9 | or 73 | 070 | 3 | |||||
Z | 26 | 35 | or 90 | 160 | ||||||
A | 1 | 36 | or 65 | 220 | 8 |
M | 13 | 13 | or 77 | 070 | 07 | |||||
A | 1 | 14 | or 65 | 130 | 12 | |||||
F | 6 | 20 | or 70 | 200 | ||||||
F | 6 | 26 | or 70 | 270 | ||||||
I | 9 | 35 | or 73 | 340 | 15 | |||||
A | 1 | 36 | or 65 | 400 | 20 |
IZA and MAFFIA are 228 versus 420, very different sums.
In gematria by 1, the letter Z could be streched to four letters MAFF, the 3 letter word to a 6 letter word, but it is still 36. In ASCII, there are limits to the stretching. In upper case, you can get 666 only by 8, 9 or 10 letters. And in 10 letters, it is hard to get very specific words. CEBABCEBAB would be one example (Welsh spelling for Kebab, upper case, repeated without space).
This leaves basically 8 or 9 letters, plus combinations involving one or more 32's, normally either space, or normal capitalisation or lower case only or lower case only and space. For one space, you could have 8 or 9 letters giving 634. For the rest, it is normally 6 letters, but as they are lower case, it seems less significant.
Anyone who thinks I counted wrong is free to count for himself. Don't bother totally private persons about their letter sum, since "false prophet" is in the market of ideas and "beast" is in the market of politics. Had Nero stuck to the lyre, leaving politics alone, he would have been honorarily Neron Kaisar, but not a pre-figuring of the beast, since a musician isn't.
I have posted news on this or that person, real or fiction or historic, adding up to 666, but I have counted many more gematrias with ASCII than I posted. Most are immediately "declared innocent" (not of every anti-Christian crime, but of being, under that name, either false prophet or beast, supposing both entities have this sum). I did miscount on Tenzin Gyatso, and therefore posted, but then did not withdraw but correct the post when it added up to something else.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibl. Audoux
St. Severus of Vienne*
Not first saint, but French and shorter: Sanctorum Martyrum Cyriaci Diaconi, Largi et Smaragdi, qui, cum aliis viginti Sociis, passi sunt decimo septimo Kalendas Aprilis. Eorum corpora, via Salaria a Joanne Presbytero sepulta, sanctus Marcellus Papa in praedium Lucinae, via Ostiensi, hoc die transtulit; quae postea, in Urbem delata, in Diaconia sanctae Mariae in via Lata fuerunt recondita. ... Viennae, in Gallia, sancti Severi, Presbyteri et Confessoris; qui ex India, Evangelii praedicandi causa, laboriosam peregrinationem suscepit, et, cum ad praefatam urbem devenisset, ingentem Paganorum multitudinem verbo et miraculis ad Christi fidem convertit.
Tuesday, 6 August 2019
Bonum Festum Transfigurationis Dni Nri Iesu Xti
in monte Thabor, Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL
Saturday, 3 August 2019
New Suspect : Dalai Lama - Update : No
I was counting something wrong, will check what. Bc "tenzin" seems to be "664" and "gyatso" to be "663" |
Why? Tenzin Gyatso
On what count? Because "tenzin" adds up to "666" and "gyatso" to 665.
A bit of a stretch, since lower case only is not normal capitalisation (could be used in internet sites or email adresses, though), and one of the values is not "beast" but "neighbour of the beast."
Here is why, given that each upper case adds 32 when going lower case, and that 6*32=192, see addition to the right:
T | 84 | 080 | G | 71 | 070 | |||||||||||
E | 69 | 140 | 13 | Y | 89 | 150 | 10 | 192 192 | ||||||||
N | 78 | 210 | 21 | A | 65 | 210 | 15 | |||||||||
Z | 90 | 300 | T | 84 | 290 | 19 | ||||||||||
I | 73 | 370 | S | 83 | 370 | |||||||||||
N | 78 | 440 | O | 79 | 440 |
However, that in his case it's lower case, and one of the values is 665 suggests he is an upcoming possible accessory. Again, the more suspects, the less one of them could claim an excuse in predestination - God predestines no one to evil, and this is brought out by two evil foreseen "posts" in a Satanic hiererchy opening to several more than two people having a gematric qualification as it is for one or for both of them.
Let's not forget the more Classic gematria of Hebrew (Prince Harry as, inter alia, "Hari Spenser") and "Benedict" (XVI).
Prince Harry seems in Vogue to have promoted "max two children" heresy and Ratzinger antipope has promoted evolution./HGL
PS: correct maths:
T | 84 | 080 | 04 | G | 71 | 070 | 01 | 472 471 | ||||||||
E | 69 | 140 | 13 | Y | 89 | 150 | 10 | 192 192 | ||||||||
N | 78 | 210 | 21 | A | 65 | 210 | 15 | 664 663 | ||||||||
Z | 90 | 300 | 21 | T | 84 | 290 | 19 | |||||||||
I | 73 | 370 | 24 | S | 83 | 370 | 22 | |||||||||
N | 78 | 440 | 32=472 | O | 79 | 440 | 31=471 |
Trusting Putin? No
Nearly 90 protesters reported held in Moscow
As a Fascist, I do not think protests are always right or putting them down is always wrong.
However, it seems that Russia sees lots of corruption, and that the protesters are concerned with eliminating that.
Also, he has had some kind of power over Russia since 1999. And he seems to have antagonised people, though not the great masses, all over the trip./HGL
Statistiques à propos mon lectorat et leurs lectures
D'abord la partie qui est drôle pour vous : les liens vers les messages qu'ils ont lu - pendant deux heures qui se déplacent par les blogs entre 12:43 premier début et 16:35 dernière fin selon mon accès de vérification. Hier.
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere
2 août 2019 12:43 – 2 août 2019 14:42
With Crawford on Nature of Language Groups · Same Debate Uncensored, One Step Further · Time for a Good Old Mark Shea Rant! · Sola Scriptura non in Scriptura · ... on "Evolution - Evidence and 'Gaps' " (Cristina Rad) · Me and Zarella on "qui loquutus est per prophetas" · Was Molière on Index Librorum Prohibitorum? It Seems to be Not the Case! (quora) · ... on should Christians trust NASA? · Continuing Previous · ... on "Pope Francis" quote, Quora
(Two blogs in English, same minute)
2 août 2019 12:47 – 2 août 2019 14:46
Blog 37, on Auto Hypnosis Experience (and perhaps some other adult content too) (à partir de 13)
XIX Personal Hypno Dictionary
Creation vs. Evolution
Dawkins NOT Strident? · Karl Keating Out of His Depth? · Perceived Needs · Feynman approach to YEC concepts? · Mixed or Unspecified (according to Wikipedia, List of Fossil Sites) · Went to "My" Topic, Ignored My Work · Pääbo and Habermehl
En lengua romance en Antimodernism y de mis caminaciones
2 août 2019 12:50 – 2 août 2019 14:49
Great Bishop of Geneva!
2 août 2019 12:51 – 2 août 2019 14:50
How is Chick erroneous about where we got the Bible from? · Dealing with "Trail of Blood" Claims
HGL's F.B. writings
2 août 2019 14:29 – 2 août 2019 16:28
A "Biblical" Heliocentric Misciting Holy Scripture
MSN Group Antimodernism in memoriam
2 août 2019 14:31 – 2 août 2019 16:30
Överföringen av Hel Stefans reliker · to the adjunct moderators of Antimodernism, they did not do it · Dúnadan's Vigil · Legal Status of Feeneyism (link)
New blog on the kid
2 août 2019 14:33 – 2 août 2019 16:32
Bad Logic from Sharon Levin, Pro-Abortionist · Mark Hausam on Infallibility · Another Voice on US Election : Hillary and Partial Birth Murder
Répliques Assorties
2 août 2019 14:34 – 2 août 2019 16:33
Marion Sigaut, à propos Wikipédie et Calas, mes réponses
somewhere else
2 août 2019 14:35 – 2 août 2019 16:34
Two rebuttals of Kalaam rebutted · Correcting Theodore Gracyk's analysis
2 août 2019 14:36 – 2 août 2019 16:35
Essayons de comprendre · Medieval women married when? · Sindarin or Swahili? Which SOUNDS more quenya? · In case anyone missed this · I was Given Advice …
Et maintenant une chose qui est drôle pour moi, les lecteurs par pays ... en fonction du temps qui me manquait, l'exemple d'une semaine comme l'exemple d'une journée sont divisés en sections.
14 juil. 2019 16:00 – 21 juil. 2019 15:00
Antworten nach Sorte à musicalia:
Total, ce côté : 2203 + 465 + 421 + 348 + 280 + 66 + 65 + 33 + 21 + 19 + 12 + 12 + 8 + 18 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 7 = 3997
États-Unis 238 + 744 + 22 +1 + 8 + 805 + 19 + 2 + 2 + 28 + 1 + 6 + 53 + 154 + 1 + 1 + 114 + 4 = 2203
Russie 82 +19 +16 +60 +105 + 1 +7 + 58 + 100 + 12 + 5 = 465
Italie 140 + 216 + 65 = 421
Ukraine 10 + 63 + 11 + 26 + 50 + 8 +119 +50 + 4 +7 = 348
Pays-Bas 24 + 36 + 211 + 1 + 6 + 2 = 280
France 1 + 16 + 3 + 7 + 20 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 2 = 66
Allemagne 8 + 1 + 13 + 27 + 1 + 3 + 6 + 2 + 4 = 65
Royaume-Uni 2 +1 + 2 + 4 + 24 = 33
Brésil 11 + 2 + 7 + 1 = 21
région indéterminée 9 + 1 + 3 + 6 = 19
Canada 4 + 3 + 2+ 3 = 12
Irlande 12
Corée du Sud 3 + 3 + 2 = 8
Inde 1 + 1 + 4 = 6
Équateur 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
Nigéria 6
Cambodge 5
Espagne 4
Autriche 3
Roumanie 1 + 2 = 3
Pérou 2
Argentine 1 + 1 = 2
Indonésie 1
Suisse 1
Japon 1
Émirats arabes unis 1
Thaïlande 1
Maroc 1
Égypte 1
New blog on the kid à Φιλολoγικά/Philologica:
Total : 955 + 795+ 501 + 371 + 114 + 42 + 38 + 19 + 16 + 13 + 13 + 12 + 8 + 7 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 6 = 2917
Russie 707 + 2 + 42 + 4 + 1 + 7 + 29 + 1 + 162 = 955
Ukraine 561 + 5 + 86 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 133 = 795
États-Unis 144 + 10 + 1 + 2 + 62 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 270 = 501
Italie 144 + 226 + 1 = 371
France 69 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 16 + 15 = 114
Pays-Bas 42
Royaume-Uni 23 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 9 = 38
Irlande 19
Inde 8 + 8 = 16
région indéterminée 11 + 1 + 1 = 13
Allemagne 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 13
Suède 3 + 9 = 12
Roumanie 8
Autriche 7
Égypte 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
Pologne 1 + 1 = 2
Indonésie 2
Singapour 1
Arménie 1
Belgique 1
Israël 1
Canada 1
Brésil 1
Et les deux sections ensemble:
Total : 2917 + 3997 = 6914 Total : 2704 + 1420 + 1143 + 792 + 322 + 180 + 78 + 71 + 32 + 31 + 22 + 22 + 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 8 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 9 = 6914
États-Unis 501 + 2203 = 2704
Russie 955 + 465 = 1420
Ukraine 348 + 795 = 1143
Italie 371 + 421 = 792
Pays-Bas 42 + 280 = 322
France 114 + 66 = 180
Allemagne 13 + 65 = 78
Royaume-Uni 38 + 33 = 71
région indéterminée 13 + 19 = 32
Irlande 19 + 12 = 31
Brésil 21 + 1 = 22
Inde 16 + 6 = 22
Canada 1 + 12 = 13
Suède 12
Roumanie 11
Autriche 7 + 3 = 10
Corée du Sud 8
Équateur 6
Nigéria 6
Cambodge 5
Espagne 4
Égypte 3 + 1 = 4
Indonésie 2 + 1 = 3
Pologne 2
Pérou 2
Argentine 2
Singapour 1
Arménie 1
Belgique 1
Israël 1
Suisse 1
Japon 1
Émirats arabes unis 1
Thaïlande 1
Maroc 1
Ainsi une semaine, quid d'un jour?
Antworten nach Sorte à Fort de Villeneuve-St-Georges
23 juil. 2019 16:00 – 24 juil. 2019 15:00
Total 157 + 73 + 53 + 7 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 311
États-Unis 1 + 54 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 71 + 11 + 3 + 8 + 1 = 157
Russie 6 + 1 + 26 + 8 + 32 = 73
Ukraine 12 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 23 + 2 + 2 = 53
France 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 7
Roumanie 1 + 2 = 3
Espagne 3
Pays-Bas 3
Italie 3
Pologne 2
Indonésie 1
région indéterminée 1
Australie 1
Inde 1
Royaume-Uni 1
Pakistan 1
Portugal 1
gm b1 lou à La cinquième cinquième du pélérinage
23 juil. 2019 17:00 – 24 juil. 2019 16:00
Total 127 + 45 + 13 + 6 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 206
Pays-Bas 127
États-Unis 2 + 4 + 1 + 29 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 45
Pologne 7 + 6 = 13
Ukraine 4 + 2 = 6
France 1 + 2 + 1 = 4
région indéterminée 2
Corée du Sud 1 + 1 = 2
Allemagne 2
Russie 2
Canada 1
Brésil 1
Suède 1
MSN Group Antimodernism in memoriam to Φιλολoγικά/Philologica
30 juil. 2019 16:00 – 31 juil. 2019 15:00
Total 144 + 98 + 68 + 43 + 33 + 11 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 412
Italie 72 + 72 = 144
États-Unis 18 + 21 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 44 = 98
Russie 1 + 40 + 1 + 1 + 25 = 68
Ukraine 36 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 43
Pays-Bas 7 + 26 = 33
France 6 + 1 + 4 = 11
Allemagne 1 + 1 = 2
Irlande 2
Portugal 2
Suède 2
région indéterminée 1
Australie 1
Bulgarie 1
Japon 1
Indonésie 1
Roumanie 1
Kosovo 1
Total 311 + 206 + 412 = 929 - conférez, 6914 / 7 = 988
Les quatre ou cinq grands, et la France:
États-Unis 157 + 45 + 98 = 300
Pays-Bas 3 + 127 + 33 = 163 (463)
Russie 73 + 2 + 68 = 143 (606)
Ukraine 53 + 6 + 43 = 102 (708)
J'oubliais l'Italie 147 (855)
929 - 855 = 74 pour le reste du monde. Dont:
France 7 + 4 + 11 = 22
Friday, 2 August 2019
Mark Hausam on Infallibility
Creation vs. Evolution : Answering Mark Shea · HGL's F.B. writings : Mark Shea's Post and My Comments + Debate · New blog on the kid : Mark Hausam on Infallibility
Here is a fairly great article:
How the Infallibility of the Church Works
by Mark Hausam · July 31, 2019
How it is true can be exposed by an example: When a man who has followed Baius, Jansenius and Quesnel is confronted with something like the bull Unigenitus, he has no right to just shut up but still in his interior believe Jansenism.
He is obliged to believe Jansenism false, at least as to the condemnations included in the bull he is seeing (for instance Unigenitus).
This means, whoever is Pope has a real right to interior obedience of the faith of the faithful, not just an external obedience of silence.
Now, here is a point:
The fact that non-definitive teaching is not necessarily irreformable is not contrary to its reliability, for the reformable nature of such teaching does not come from any unreliability in the teaching but in the non-definitiveness of the magisterial intention. If the Pope teaches us that X is the best position to hold right now and that we ought to hold position X, but that this is not necessarily the final word on the subject, if later on we find that X is false we cannot be said to have been led astray by the Pope’s teaching, for that teaching did not teach us that X would never be overturned. But the reliability of the Pope’s ordinary teaching obviously precludes that teaching from including ideas that contradict what the Church has previously affirmed definitively–so, for example, heresy cannot occur in papal teaching (or any magisterial teaching), since “heresy” involves the denial of previously definitively taught dogmas–for we already know that such teachings cannot be true and that we should not hold them.
So, suppose "Pope Francis" were Pope. He has presumably taught that accepting evolution and long ages is the best position to hold. Suppose this is not intended to be definitive, in that case even so a Catholic were obliged to believe them, though perhaps in a non-definitive way.
But suppose again these positions are in and of themselves heretic. In that case we have a conundrum:
- do we conclude that, "as Francis is Pope," evolution (of clearly different kinds, like cat and dog from common ancestor) and millions of years and billions of years and a universe billions of lightyears across is to be believed?
- or do we conclude that, as common ancestry of cat and dog, as millions of years, directly or implied by seen distances, are contrary to the Bible and to the constant teaching of the Church, we must conclude "Francis" is not Pope?
I conclude the latter. A logical rule saying two things are incompatible (of themselves, or given a third, like "Pope Francis" words on "magician with omnipotent wand"*) does not of itself tell us which is to be discarded. However, one can look beyond the two, on some third.
St Augustine considered that Genesis 5 and 11 are straightforward history, to be taken as such. While St Jerome seems to have envisaged a possibility of the spirit world, the heaven of angels, being around for a long while before Earth was created, this cannot be applied either to Earth or anything on it or to celestial bodies. No Church Father envisaged in an endorsing way a long history of earth or of any material thing before the creation days. St Thomas Aquinas may or may not have written in his youth (I think he did, before getting to Paris or even Dominican order) Postilla in libros Geneseos** but he did swear an oath on upholding three texts. These are Historia Scholastica (by Peter the Eater), Sentences of Peter the Lombard, and Decree of Gratian. The one I mentioned first is a Biblical history, with sneak views on non-Hebrew history. Christ is born 5199 after Creation and Troy is taken when Eli was judge in Israel.
In other words, Fathers and Scholastics are all of them Young Earth Creationists.
So was Fr. George Leo Haydock, as can be seen from his last words in comment on Genesis chapter III:
Concerning the transactions of these early times, parents would no doubt be careful to instruct their children, by word of mouth, before any of the Scriptures were written; and Moses might derive much information from the same source, as a very few persons formed the chain of tradition, when they lived so many hundred years. Adam would converse with Mathusalem, who knew Sem, as the latter lived in the days of Abram. Isaac, Joseph, and Amram, the father of Moses, were contemporaries: so that seven persons might keep up the memory of things which had happened 2500 years before. But to entitle these accounts to absolute authority, the inspiration of God intervenes; and thus we are convinced, that no word of sacred writers can be questioned. H.
And bishop Challoner (cited just before) seems to leave no room for considering the sufferings of Cro-Magnon attributable to their being pre-Adamites rather than descendants of fallen Adam:
Thus we have seen how rapidly Moses describes the creation of all things, the fall of man, and the promised redemption. But in these few lines, we discover a solution of the many difficulties which have perplexed the learned, respecting these most important subjects. We know that the world is not the effect of chance, but created and governed by divine Providence. We are no longer at the loss to explain the surprising contrast of good and evil, observable in the same man. When we have attentively considered the Old Adam and the New, we find a clue to lead us through all the labyrinths of our Holy Religion. We could wish, perhaps, for a greater detail in Moses, but he left the rest to be supplied by tradition. He has thrown light enough upon the subjects, to guide the well-disposed, and has left sufficient darkness to humble and to confound the self-conceited and wicked, who loved darkness rather than the light. C.
In other words, if a Neanderthal was both a great technician, mastering glue, and a great sinner, in Belgium if not in Spain, doing cannibalism, while another Neanderthal in Shanidar was a sign of non-utilitarian care-taking, it is because he descends from Adam who both was created in God's image and ate the forbidden fruit.
One could of course imagine, all of them were so in a non-definitive way. Actually, if we go from Mark Hausam to the sources, I don't think there is room for that. For one thing, the mention by Pope St Gregory IX on "per se irreformabiles" has the qualification "nisi quid subreptum sit" (if my memory serves, I do not have Denzinger or Hefele before the eyes right now on the right page). But a teaching which is so constant and geographically universal cannot be "subreptum".
Indeed, when something is so ingrained into the fabric of dogma as original sin and of credibility of faith as a relatively short generational distance between first human sin by Adam and Moses writing it down, one cannot imagine anything like it could be "subreptum".
So, the rule of Mark Hausam is per se good and it should make us discard the papacy of "Pope Francis". Why?
It would be contrary to the justice and truth of God for legitimate authority appointed by him to legitimately bind us to teaching that it would be wrong to hold.
Thank you! However, this poses the problem where the Church is, if not in communion with "Pope Francis" - and the not too popular solution I endorse is, it was saved by the emergency conclave of David Bawden in 1990, from which he emerged elected and having accepted election as Pope Michael.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Audoux Library, Paris
St. Alphons Maria Liguori
* Or, more seriously, "Catechism of the Catholic Church" endorsed by "Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Francis" in paragraph 283 treating modern "discoveries" on the "age and dimensions of the cosmos, the development of life-forms and the appearance of man" as precisely discoveries, as enrichments of the faith, and even attributing to the "discovering" experts a right to use the words of King Solomon in Wis 7: 17-22 - verses actually referring to inerring knowledge of Bible writers, which the modern scientists are not.
** It's latinity is clearly different from that of mature St. Thomas, but that could be because he had learned Latin first less classically with Benedictines, later more nearly classical with Dominicans.
Thursday, 1 August 2019
Parallèle moderne à l'Anschluß
Renzo De Felice confirme mon instinct sur le fascisme italien · L'ignorance de l'Austrofascisme en France · Parallèle moderne à l'Anschluß
La Chine semble préparée d’envahir Hong Kong.
You’re Being Distracted! China Launched An Invasion—New Terrifying Developments = GLOBAL WAR
Lisa Haven | Ajoutée le 31 juil. 2019
Un peu comme l'Einmarsch en 1938 par le pays dominé par national-socialisme mit fin à l'austrofascisme en Autriche?/HGL
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