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Saturday, 29 September 2018
Friday, 28 September 2018
First 19 Minutes with Carter
Creation vs. Evolution: Article Geocentricity on Creation Wiki · New blog on the kid: First 19 Minutes with Carter
First, why am I posting video link with comments here and not on Assorted Retorts? Well, comments are off, meaning, unlike when I comment one sided under the actual video, I cannot expect reactions even later on. Also, Geocentrism is a subject which I like to defend here.
And, yes, while purporting to attack Flat Earth, he is also attacking Geocentrism.
Flat Earth? The Bible And Science Say No!
Creation Ministries International | 5.IX.2018
I'll start with the PS from an article over here:
PS, I have started watching Robert Carter's speech against Flat Earth.
I am where he is speaking of SOHO - which is gravitationally more or less "anchored" at a Lagrange point.
My earlier take on angelic movers was, with them, really no need at all for gravitation to be playing any role at all.
However, partly bc of SOHO (unless it's held in "place" by an angel or demon), I do think gravitation does exist on those scales. And then, an angel conducting a planet (including Sol or Luna, Sun or Moon) would be fulfilling a role similar to the motors which keep pushing SOHO back to the exact Lagrange point.
Starting at 0:51 of a video:
"... we humans, we have sent a satellite into outer space and we got it between the Sun and the Earth at a place called a Lagrange [point] - it's a point where the gravity from the Sun and the Earth are balanced and so, just with a little bit of finagling of little teeny rocket engines, you can keep a satellite right in one place"
Well, if so, dito for planets in one orbit, except angels of each planet need to handle some more force, which is no problem for angelic beings, and as Sun has a gravitational pull and is moved backwards, West to East, through the "zodiac" or ecliptic as the scientists call it, the gravitational points of exact balance would be moving, and hence Tychonic orbits. Angels and not engineered rockets doing the finagling./HGL
Now, I go on after this PS:
6:27 "you could accuse me of being a geocentric, I talk about sunrise and sunset"
- I while we live in a culturally very specific time, in which we don't say Earth turned down exposing us to the Sun or Earth turned up, hiding the Sun, but many believe this is what happens, most cultural periods we can really account of have no such discrepancy, but are both believers in Sun rising and setting (though even this is actually phenomenal on a Round Earth Geocentric view, since Sun is moving at approx same height above centre of Earth both morning and evening of a day) and therefore of Sun being in movement, while actually also believing this. Some have on top of that been Flat Earth.
- II Carter would hardly be elaborate enough to say "in its orbit" while using what he calls phenomenal language of the Sun, since Carter does not believe either in a yearly or a daily orbit of the Sun around Earth - well, take a look at Habaccuc!
- III Now, suppose JOshua wanted the Earth's rotation to stop, why didn't he say so? If on the other hand he believed Sun and Moon were moving, why didn't God at least potentially for the afterword correct him by delaying the miracle to after he had changed the wording and stopped adressing Sun and Moon, like Christ adressed waves and winds, as the moving agents of the storm?
- IV If you object God had no reason to instruct Israelites in cosmology, let's not forget that God's instructions to Israelites are partly His instructions to us. God had 40 years, God wanted to segregate Israelites from neighbours anyway, like by haircuts and foods and clothing items and so on, so, if Heliocentrism had been the right cosmology, God would have had two reasons to teach it during the 40 years, when He had ample opportunity:
- a) to make sure Joshua adressed the right natural agent when commanding the miracle, in that manner precluding any Geocentric "erroneous" misreadings of Joshua 10:12-13;
- b) to segregate Israelites even a bit more from neighbours.
So much for dismissing the Bible's wording as so much "phenomenal language". Therefore, while Joshua 10:13 might be in Carter's splendid words "non-discriminational", see Joshua 10:12 and Habacuc 3:11:
"The sun and the moon stood still in their habitation, in the light of thy arrows, they shall go in the brightness of thy glittering spear."
Btw, "in their habitation" is not just giving an extraterrestrial reference for the Geocentric nature of the miracle, but also giving another Biblical hint of seven classical planets and also stars not just being lifeless balls of rock or gas, but either animate or moved by angels who can be described in parallel with animate bodily beings.
7:12 Oh, he is going to adress Geocentrism .... fine, I'm not wasting my time!
7:30 While science indeed comes in a paradigm - that is a good one word equivalent for the phrase "interpretative filter of reality" - it is not one paradigm, but historically has come in a lot of different ones.
Some paradigmal shifts are based on very sound evidence. Harvey claimed that veins are not just air pumping through, but blood trasnporting oxygen. Well, since blood is transporting oxygen, everything vital which the older paradigm adressed by claiming veins transported air is still there in the new paradigm, while there is discriminatory information available even beyond what Harvey had. I could think of injections inserting and blood then transporting the liquid which makes X-rays of muscle tissue possible (contrast liquid?)
Also, there is no "Joshua 10" type of theological argument against Harvey's new paradigm, so, theology matches science perfectly.
8:49, I definitely do agree a correct filter will explain more than an incorrect one.
But some explanations are also non-discriminatory, so, while they were made after a paradigm shift, they can be successfully retroactively applied to older paradigm, or within a revived version of it.
9:07 "after centuries of work, it fell apart"
This is very non-specific, and it appeals to a "history of science" type of "summing up" rather than to arguments on which Geocentrism is supposed to have "fallen apart".
9:44 I would NOT classify trolls as falling within the category of James 3:1.
A troll, as internet jargon defines him, is more usually calling out someone else as a false teacher than setting up as a complete teacher.
Since I have been called nearly directly a troll at least once (I was arguing about Neanderthals being original trolls/elves of folklore, remembered through Mrs Japheth who was presumable part Neanderthal herself, on the subject of how their pronunciation of pre-Flood Hebrew would have sounded, and this was not quite appropriate in the view of the managers of that elf-lang group), I can assure you, I am not standing up in a pulpit, I am not showing slides, I am not taking fees from people coming to listen to me, so, I'd be an example of a "troll" but not a "teacher".
Hence, "The risk of being a troll" is a very inappropriate heading for quoting James 3:1.
10:13-14 "I do not see any accuracy coming at me from the Flat Earth comunity"
Technically, since I am not a Flat Earther, this does not concern my own behaviour, but in a way it does, and I don't think this is honest.
If he had said what accuracy he had seen coming at him from Geocentrics like Sungenis and myself, it would have been direct, and the statement would have directly been a lie, unless he is very blinded. But the direct lie about at least myself has been avoided since narrowing this particular statement down to "Flat Earth community".
10:20 "completely misunderstanding, deliberately maligning my words and twisting"
As with the science community's acceptance of Heliocentrism, you are content with a summing up. Then I would have liked an argument. Here I would like the kind of documentation that I give on the blogs on which I am debating someone.
While a lot of the posts on Assorted Retorts are in fact only my own comments under a video, with appropriate quotes from it to explain what I am arguing against, here is an example of when I was in an actual debate:
... in Defense of the Eucharist (to Another Commenter under Krauss)
and here, also on Catholicism:
... on Church Authority and Saints
and, here, on Creationism:
In Answer to Zack Kopplin, from 2013
Not all of the post, but under the "comment" part of comment I, I come into a debate with one William B - I was just today answering another comment, this morning or yesterday (sorry, I am a bit tired), and this other one has so far not yet given rise to any debate. But the debate with William B is there.
So, my readers can see whether I or William B is the one twisting the other one's position.
This kind of debate is a bit lacking with Carrier.
In the debate under Where was Eden? Part 2, he accuses Daniel P of being ungrammatical, and I think this says more of Carrier's streamlined writing education at science studies (I had the somewhat misfortunate opportunity to overhear a long discussion between a student and a teacher at med school in Nanterre at the computer just beside mine the other day, so I know science teachers give a lot advice on how to write, what words to used and so on - but they are not very well equipped on providing similar tools for reading what is not written in their jargon).
So, here I could see for myself - Carrier is not exactly an expert in judging other people's language skills. And I also failed to see any circulus vitiosus in either definiendo or arguendo on part of Daniel P.
Which one if any I agree with will perhaps be adressed when I answer that paper. But here, on the debate about Heliocentrism vs Geocentrism and more directly Round Earth vs Flat Earth, I only have Carrier's words about the other side.
10:56 Articles enumerated:
- Why the Universe does not revolve around the Earth
- Refuting absolute geocentrism
- A flat earth, and other nonsense
- A direct test of the flat earth model: flight times
- How to think (not what to think)
What is directed against a Flat Earth as such is not my concern, I am not a Flat Earther.
Refuting absolute geocentrism has been answered by me:
And CMI also felt a need to "refute Geocentrism" ...
I don't recall every detail from back in 2015, but I get a feeling Sarfati or Carter or both was or were notified, and so I waited for an answer and did not get one. However, this could also be bad memory on my part.
11:44 Just because Western Latin Christians were not Flat Earthers in Columbus' day doesn't mean nobody was. Jews and Muslims probably were. Of these, Jews have probably included the more conservative groups since. Plus, accepting Geocentrism but not Flat Earth is so obviously like Greek Philosophy, which they have a Hislop like ... near ban ... on.
As I was arguing for LXX superiority at least in chronology the other day, I wondered why Vulgate (which has Masoretic chronology) came to be - well, vulgate, that is vulgarised, put into common circulation. My answer for that one is, precisely as my answer on sudden Flat Earth interest, a lot of Jews have - in recent decades or in centuries between St Jerome and St Peter of Cluny (who discovered the Talmud, which soured relations) - converted. And some Jewish converts tend to bring with them a lot of stuff, as long as it's not seen as overtly in conflict with the Christianity they convert to.
12:59 I note with satisfaction you are giving Michelson Morley as an EITHER / OR result.
Either Earth is not moving or there is no aether.
It's not Michelson Morley alone, but Michelson Morley + Heliocentrism, which disproves aether. Meaning, a Geocentric can use aether in his explanations.
Which I do.
14:02 "For every true postulate that exists, there will eventually be at least one YouTube video claiming it is NOT true"
I did not know postulates could be true or false.
In geometry "divide a circle into two halves" is a postulate (if I recall correctly). After you've done it, you write QEF - quod erat faciendum - not demonstrandum.
And I recall some nightmarish half memory of Kant having pretended God's existence cannot be demonstrated, but it is a "postulate" ... sheesh!
14:31 "It is not possible online to know that person really believes what they are saying or not"
That is like arguing it is not possible from writing to know St Thomas Aquinas thought he had proven God exists. Of course he did.
OK, the fact he was a Dominican put some checks on his capacity to "troll" before the guys whom he wrote among. Some checks which do not exist between me and you - but neither do they exist between ourselves and that Dominican Convent!
The argument is radically anti-philological, antithetic to text based information about, among other things, other people.
And that leaves the arguer with a full freedom to imagine whatever he liked. St Thomas got hit on the head before writing Summa? No source says so, but I'll be happy with that, as long as it means I can deny God - or so some will argue. That is about the value of the idea someone might be trolling.
Then again, it does not matter very much for you. If you are arguing with a stranger, you are not obliged to catch his hints he is leading you on, you should answer in seriousness, even if he's not contesting in seriousness.
Therefore, claiming the internet can have a troll is an alibi for you to be not arguing but spreading disregard against those who are not agreeing with you.
You are doing so at the start also, and you are doing so at the end, when recommending not to engage with .... Flat Earthers (and perhaps also Geocentrics).
A Russian army retreating so Napoleon has neither confrontation nor sufficient food used a similar tactic, translating it to warfare.
If I am what I am claiming to be, perhaps I'll starve to death or die in diabetes or get provoked and put in a mental asylum before you need to catch up and actually engage with me. Because, you are unwilling and not using the strings you pull to keep my texts away from printed paper would land you in some kind of obligation to engage with me. OK, it may be someone else doing the string-pulling, but you are counting on it.
It's not just Flat Earth, but also such tactics that Jewish converts can at times bring into Christian contexts. Which reminds me:
Dishonesty at St Nicolas du Chardonnet?
14:35 "and that's one of the hardest things about this I know"
Bc you are antiphilological in outlook, you do not feel you can judge anyone's position on verbal text, and you are also handicapped imagining a wide variety of outlooks.
Sorry, this says more about you than about the guys you have been up against.
15:15 While the purely scientific stuff at CERN might be innocuous, it seems they did put up a statue to Shiva there, and Krauss is citing CERN recruitment from all over Earth as a new model for international unity.
I think it is a very ... well, Babelic one:
... against Krauss, Ten Answers to his First Six Minutes (see comment IX about CERN)
There is certainly a difference between a cabale and an élite, but some times the latter strikes the former as one, and in certain cultural aspects, this élite is really revolutionising, much like a cabale.
15:54 Those two memes are among things I used myself (and probably came up with without seeing the memes) before I considered the role of the aether.
16:30 "the acceleration, not the velocity"
I am expecting here a reference to how wide the earth is, since in the physics I was taught, a curved trajectory always involves an acceleration, even at same velocity, since same velocity is not same if changing direction ...
Calculation of merry-go-round:
I'm estimating the radius of merry-go-round to 1 m, gives diameter of 2 m, * pi = tau meters.
= > 40 075.017 km / 6.28 m = 24 h / 59 sec
40 075 017 / 6.28 = 6 381 372.133 757 961 783 439 5 24 * 60 * 60 / 59 = 1 464.406 779 661 016 949 2
Hmmm ... no.
I think you have some explanations to do on the factors involved in the calculation?
You will admit that this meme is fairly opaque to a non-physicist. As you can see from my attempt.

17:22 Your explanation actually does show, it is a fairly reasonable one, with, as I predicted, a factor I had not taken into account.
However, your estimate of someone else's veracity is a bit less convincing.
"Flat Earth Mendacity"? Mendacity means lying. And Flat Earth was not the topic.
When I was refuting a real flat earth meme by Rob Skiba, namely how we could not see even very high stuff due to curvature of Earth, I came up with "oh, you took the formula that is correct for how much you see if you have your eyes where your toes are" - and incorrect for how much you see if your eyes are higher up.
But I did not accuse Rob Skiba of mendacity (perhaps I should now, if he's still promoting the Chicago skyline taken from across Lake Michigan (?) as evidence), I just notified him politely, he had got something wrong (as he also has with regards to Nicean Council - "Hislop squared", so to speak).
The meme is one I was using myself (not on picture as a meme, but verbally in my own words) to when I had kind of a shock a few years ago that I had been arguing basically for Round Earth and Geocentrism in a void, unlike what I believe, namely that we are in an aether which is spinning around Earth along with Sun and Moon, and therefore, an object falling from man high without previously, by being still, having a velocity through the aether, would be flying Westward about 500 meters at equator (or 300, I was nerdy enough to calculate, but don't recall), but really don't, since by being still at man height, they already have a corresponding eastward velocity through the aether.
Now, actually, the line between Hebrew and Greek Geostatic versions were not just on Flat (at least after Babylonian Talmud) vs Round, but also on whether the bodies are carried by angels:
- individually Westward through a void, God not physically moving anything, but just ordering their movements
- or Eastward within some kind of "solid" framework which God is turning Westward.
While I believe the latter, which is St Thomas' version, the merry-go-round meme shown actually is arguing for the former : Earth is still within a void which is if not still at least motionless bc a void cannot move.
18:03 "because you are moving"
OR because you are within an aether that is moving Westward.
19:00 "but the person who put this together probably did, a lot of this information is coming out of sceptical websites just for fun"
I was arguing that precise point in 2001 - 2002, bona fide.
THEN in February 2009 the MSN Group where I had saved lots and lots of my debates, disappeared with all other MSN Groups. Gates pretended one could easily transfer all the content of an MSN Group to the new feature "Multiply". I tried with a very much smaller group, without any other members, with very much less content on it, and all did not correctly transfer. Then I refrained from even trying with Antimodernism.
Now, this sounds a bit as if lots of my actual debates saved on that group had been lost. Perhaps not quite as bad. The debate part, I actually tried to save in priority, it is earliest in Assorted Retorts. But while having the debates on other media (Yahoo Groups, AOL Message Boards) I also had too little time on internet to correctly save what I was doing in debates on my MSN Group. Then a lot of what one could call small talk with short notices and essays and so on did get lost. I asked a FB friend for help in late 2008, he said "sure" and then I found out he hadn't and that he was a freemason.
This means, part of my lost stuff may well be recycled by lodges for fun at me. As well as at you.
Meanwhile, if you like the prospect of seeing stars from above and not from below as now, perhaps you might want to change tactics.
As for me, I nearly lied and by laziness wrote "first 20 minutes", but I stop this one here, at only 19:00.
For now.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Michael's Eve
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Fibonacci profiles of some blogs
For those who are impatient and following this blog, how about looking around for my other blogs' updates on
Latest on Antimodernism
Bc, when I am not writing much on this blog, I usually write on other ones.
For those who want a sketch on what kind of things I write, look here. First message given, then a message with distance one, then another with distance one, then distances two, three, five, eight - as long as there is one.
Creation vs Evolution:
Théologie et philosophie · Karyogrammata · Minor messages on English Crea-vs-Evolu series · What I did not write, and where you can find it · Welcome to Michael! · Pour francophones tendance monoglottes, sur d'autres blogs · Are Creationist Ministries condemned Protestant Bible Societies? (and are they still condemned?) · Why so shy about creationist pov on C14? · Creation vs Evolution series on my main blog · A Letter Arrived from AronRa · Simple logic on the title of this blog · Jonathan Sarfati on Black Holes and Distant Starlight · Is Graham Hancock Right on Göbekli Tepe?
somewhere else:
Some things atheists might find odd if I did not warn you before ... · Laci Green liked strawmen? · Variation on the Scriptoria Game · Answering a message elsewhere · Oh, just how cruel were the Christians? · Seing Miracles does not depend on Serotonin · History vs Hume · Twelve Pieces of a Doherty Puzzle (it's Too Early to Dismiss Historicity) · Douglas Adams Sentient Puddle Answered
Great Bishop of Geneva!
Answers about "The Forbidden Book" · The Royal Inquisition, England, Compared to Others · Good News about Protestants · Makarios · Erroneous Sola Scriptura - known as "Formal Principle" to Reformers Luther & Melanchthon · Sometimes a Lutheran gets it right! Baptism INTO the forgiveness of Sins is a Gift from God · Answering Paul S. Pavao, Part I · Sylvain Romerowski admits Mosaic authorship of Pentateuch, disputes four senses and Baruch. Part I, Chuck Missler versus Reformers · Dwight Makes a Calmer Attack on Catholic Fundies · Answering a Page about "Apocrypha"
Essercizio per Priya X · Essercizii per Priya I - X · Piano Jam Some More · Guitar touchin' blue (-grass?) · Schenker meets Couperin in Hypodoris · Sonatine pour Guitare VIII · Sonate pour piano IV · Sonatine pour violon X · Violin, Viola d'Alto, Cello · Charles Mc Creery · Ce matin, j'ai déjeuné avec un homme qui joue la guitare...
Recipes from Home and Abroad:
Tonfiskröra · glace · Halfår qvar till juni ... (Szaltybarszcziai) · Veg recipe from Live Journal ... (link) · Foie de poulet Le Campement d'Eynesse · Sudoku-construction (steg för steg) · Broken Symmetries in Chinese & Japanese art · Using a lucet för att göra snören · Mouton d'Aneth ... · Décapsulation dangéreuse
Verse drama today · Lloyd Chudley Alexander, mémoire éternelle · versifikation · Le Chocolate ... hein? (prénez-en une cuiller) · "Antigone's flaw" · From Jesus to Coelho · Les Montiliens sont d'où? · Non, Noël ne "coincide pas plus ou moins" avec les Saturnalies! (et Toussaints n'est pas Samhain, voir commentaires) · Rahan linguistics · fika och fika · The Dialogue Cited in Regensburg, Link · Inégalité des mythes payens - ou prétendument tels · Sonnet 18 - Shakspear's Hail Mary (or one of them) · "Cellar door, if it only meant something more interesting" ... but it does!
deretour :
De retour + conditions d'utilisations ultérieures + régistre français · Creationism vs. Evolution, considering Thomism, Biology, Church Fathers · Chromosome numbers (first published on Communities dot com) · Dahlins ordbok (wikipedia-artikel, den enda jag redigerat på svenska) · Παιδόφιλος; Ἐγώ; (only if you know old Greek, at least difference between erân and stergein/phileîn!) · Si vous avez des problèmes avec la psychiatrie ... · acidule ... + myspace + blogs and profiles · Hoy se celebra San Perfecto por los Católicos · Depuis quand est-ce que ... · Disagreeing with TFP · Why do Orthodox eat fish on Wednesdays? · Georges Pompidou, 5 octobre 2009 · À Joseph Sitruk (commentaires peuvent être mis ici) · Il semble qu'il y ait des gens qui me prennent pour ayant mauvais couilles.
Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera:
Why this blog? Pourquoi ce blog? Hvadan denna blogg? · Index III - fr - pour deretour · On pourrait me saluer comme un autre ... · Louis Even l'a déjà écrit, une étudiante ès économies, Nadine, l'a confirmé · Oh my, what a difference! · Renvois ... · Pour expliquer une baffe, qui autrement aurait été regrettable · Lettre Ouverte du père Daniel Ange (avec un leger commantaire de moi) · Si j'avais l'honneur d'être français ... · Honesty of Megacom · Difficile de Garder le Courage, Alors · Rectifying a Grammatical Error with Theological Implications · Ni homofolie, ni homophobie, merci!
New blog on the kid:
Bonum Festum Immaculatae Conceptionis BMV · Three Freemasons - none a good Catholic, but who is most decent? · If someone is holding me excommunicated in his prayers to God ... · The Bible is not very grey! · Proximate causes are not always secondary · Il vous est arrivé de plier un papier? · Quand est-ce que "l'église catholique a abandonné le modèle géocentrique"? · Et achetez les artichauts bretons : ils sont excellents ! · Two possible answers about Aaron Dugmore's death · Comment un militaire peut-il être trompé par des "scientifiques" usant cet argument? · Answering two points raised by Dr Neville Jones PhD et al. · Quand Witty ne l'était pas · Les Chrétiens visées Jeudi Saint même? · Jean-Pierre Petit dérape ... · Index VIII FR - Pentécôte à Assomption 2015 · Over 1000 views
Update 4.X.2018, St. Francis' Day, four more blogs:
Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl
On : Benedict XV, To/From : mhfm1, Dates: 29-VII - 4-VIII-2013 · Quelques importants à PRÉSENT · à Marianne, à propos deux articles en réponse à eux (mis à jour pour un troisième) · Lettres à Alain Sanders · Courte correspondence avec Vincent Reynouard, sur Oradour et Wajsblat · With Bubbaman about "private" discussion on common subjects · With Jonathan Sarfati PhD on Fall and Inquisition · On NY Dailynews · Aftermath of the Quarrel · Half a correspondence on Catholic Church and Bible
HGL's F.B. writings
I have written some lot on Facebook, beside my blogs · I have posted links on Facebook ... · Delar af mina FB-artiklar finnas redan på annat håll · O quanta qualia sunt illa sabbata ... (autore Abaelardo) · Do you believe in God and why? · quizzes/test · Misforstand om Livets Ord · To stop a journey=to mend a day · Three links I took some trouble to find ... · If this is FBI, they are stupid ... · Me and Bogle Mostly ... Aquinas and Bellarmine · On Medical Tyranny · Third time over?
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere
...on Paisley · ...on Paisley's attacks on Consubstantiation/Transubstantiation · ...on Tower of Babel or language evolution · ...on Knowledge · ...on linguistic evolution · Answers to weberhome06 · ...to AbbyLeever on my classical Greek logarithms · ...on Malthusianism and disasters · ... on Mathematics and Semantics · ... on Maria Valtorta and Alexandrina da Costa, Bedridden Miracles and Saints, and on Fact Checking Miracles · ... on Someone Apparently Taking me for a Jew · ... on Kent Hovind's having been in prison (again) - still doesn't change he's nearly genius for a man born XXth C. and also a Prot · ... on should Christians trust NASA? · Race of Adam and Eve (quora)
Répliques Assorties
"Créationnisme - Danger - École" · ... contre deux prêtres (?) néocathos anticréationnistes · ... sur la Wikipédie (à propos un vidéo anglophone, sur la polyglossie) · Et Narnia et ça? · ... à Quelqu'un qui voulait prendre le Catholicisme pour l'Antéchrist · ... petit commentaire à Domnului Iov (aussi connu comme Cyprien) · ... à propos une vidéo sur Mgr Lefebvre · ... et ce débat se corse · L'obligation scolaire (quora) · Créole, Pidgin, John Mc Whorter (quora) · ... détecter les similitudes en musique ...
What Admin is Doing This?
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Is Paul Joseph Watson Right?
Here is what he says:
Nationalism, patriotism, populism, and Christianity are all now being treated as “hateful” by Big Tech.
These companies then engage in a form of legalese where they assert they are not banning people for their personal or political opinions, but because of violations of terms of service.
But the truth is that merely holding and expressing nationalist, populist, patriotic or Christian opinions and beliefs is deemed a “violation” because such beliefs have been subjectively defined as “hateful”.
For example, PayPal announced it was banning Infowars last week because Infowars had “promoted hate and discriminatory intolerance”.
In real terms, this meant that we had opposed the teaching of transgenderism to young children in schools and criticized political Islam.
Here is where he says it:
Big Tech Has Defined Conservatism as “Hate Speech”
Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com - September 24, 2018
And, H/T to Lisa Haven!
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Eight Links from Legally Kidnapped
Trish Regan, do you want to know the real backside of Danish or in general Scandinavian Socialism?
Here are links to its parallels in US and UK:
NM’s foster care system ‘broken,’ advocates say · NJ Family Court Judge Reprimanded for Involvement in Friend's Custody Case · 451: Unavailable due to legal reasons (in European Economic Area (EEA) including the EU) · County Settles Sexual Abuse Claims with Twins in Foster Care · Experts want tough laws on lucrative adoption business · Single mum takes Tusla to court after agency takes away foster baby · Troubled Kansas system for protecting kids was making progress. Then this happened · Report Shows 1/3 of Foster Kids Are Improperly Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs
H/T Legally Kidnapped
I omitted such links as would seems to me "that hasn't happened with us", once or twice./HGL
Wonder Why Certain Recommendations?
Look at this picture:

All of them have in common the text "récommendée pour vous". By now, I know by heart that French has feminine gender for vidéo. It's "la vidéo". But whoever recommended each was perhaps trying to teach me sth other than French grammar?
I wonder who is doing all these recommendations?
- The Causes and Treatment of Male Homosexuality
- I am not a homosexual. I believe homosexuality can cure itself, without the intervention of a shrink.
- The Ark Encounter's Attendance SINKS AGAIN
- While I believe in the Flood of Noah, I most definitely don't base that belief on the Ark Encounter since I believed so well before hearing of them and my respect for the Ark Encounter is also not proportional to their attendance. Insofar as it is a financial worry for them, it is theirs. Not mine.
- Life in Nazi Germany: Part 1
- I am not a Nazi. As for totalitarian régimes, not only am I fed up hearing of Nazism, but I am fed up living in situations very reminiscent of totalitarianism.
- leçon de géographie Suisse
- Without doubt very interesting. But I have a preference for Austria.
- This is what happens when you reply to spam email
- And one time, a spammer did fake how the "from" field looked, so it looked as if spam came from my email, and so probably I have been stamped as a spammer by some.
- Beck & Company Fall For Perfect Atheist Trap
- I am not ready with commenting on the stupidities of the first video from Secular Talk yet ...
Diagonal of the Blog / Le blog en diagonal
Pour le premier index sur index indicum, j'ai pris le premier message, en anglais, pour le deuxième, le deuxième message, en français, et de la suite, au vingtunième index, le vingtunième message en anglais. | For the first index on index indicum, I took the first message, in English, for the second, the second message, in French, and so on, to the twentyfirst index, the twentyfirst message in English. |
1) The Bible is not very grey! · 2) Erreurs de Bruno · 3) Chesterton vs Chisholm · 4) C'est dur ... · 5) Lost Chances · 6) Les menaces sérieux immédiats contre la liberté d'expression · 7) Blogs from Countries Where I have Readers, part I, France to Italy · 8) Quelqu'un à Georges Pompidou Abuse le Système Olféo · 9) Only Three Persons Are Infinite · 10) Un peu de catéchisme pour des bienfaiteurs et des connaissances · 11) I disagree with Vox Cantoris on One Thing · 12) Si les esprits ne viennent pas aux médiums, pourquoi ça marche? · 13) Creation Ministries International and One Critic were Not Clear on Who had been Hateful · 14) Les Cro-Magnons étaient des excellents peintres · 15) Quoran Questions on St Thomas and Other Medieval · 16) Pour honorer ma mère · 17) Not Supporting Canada Herein · 18) Trop peu en entreprise, trop peu d'entre eux en famille · 19) 7 Princes of the Church - Axioi · 20) Y a-t-il des secrets à garder à jamais? · 21) His Grandparents had Warned Him, Right ...
After first above, one move to first below. After second above, two moves to second below. After twentyfirst above, twentyone moves to twentyfirst below: | À partir du premier en haut, je me déplace une fois vers le premier en bas, et ainsi de suite, et à partir, finalement, du vingt-unième en haut, je me déplace vingt-et-une fois vers le vingt-unième en bas: |
1) Un Musulman vient de m'appeler frère, je ne le suis pas · 2) Criticize Judaism, Get Stamped as a Nazi Cook ... · 3) Il y en a qui ME considèrent comme polyglotte? Mais ses neuf langues à lui sont plus polyglottes que les miens! · 4) On a tous ses raisons à choisir l'artisanat · 5) Is Evolution a Great Story? Specifically Theistic Evolution? · 6) Why I asked basically a schoolfriend working in a shop to quit it · 7) Does Thunderf00t make Eric Hovind's point? · 8) A Law Must be Consistent With Right Reason · 9) Bonum Festum Exaltationis Sanctae Crucis · 10) Index IX FR : Assomption à l'Immaculée Conception 2015 · 11) Non, Daniel Hamiche, leur site n'est pas piraté! · 12) Peace, and there is no peace (Ezechiel 13)? · 13) Are there Republicans in an Antichristian Conspiracy? Perhaps not. · 14) Tentative de corruption? · 15) Newtonianly speaking, Can Earth Still Orbit Sun After 4.5 Billion Years? · 16) Chesterton at his best - Linking to Mary and the Convert · 17) Chesterton Adresses Canadian Literary Society (Link) · 18) Hier, j'avais vu une citation un peu incomplète - avant la fin de séance internet · 19) Bonum Festum Purificationis · 20) Deepfake - a Technology Open for Abuse · 21) Twelve and One are Out, One Died For Them
Encore une diagonale, mais celle-ci à prépondérance anglaise. J'ai pris cinq des "messages faisant mouche" et cliqué, et je me suis pour chaque déplacé une fois avant, pris un message, une autre fois avant et pris un autre et encore une fois an arrière, pour le premier, déplacé deux fois en chaque direction pour le second et c. | Yet a diagonal, but this one with less French. I took five of the "most popular posts" and clicked, then for each I took one step forward, took the post, another step forward and took the post and one step backward and took the post, for the first one, two steps in each direction for the second, and so on. |
1) Yesterday Bergoglio seems to have thrown me out of the Church - insofar as he was Pope he did · 2) What did I write while or same day as the Crucifix Fell Down? · 3) Physicality of Heaven · 4) I Heard Trump has been Sworn In as President · 5) A Good (or fairly so, I disagreed on two points) Summing Up of the Hypatia Affair · 6) Management, esclavage, état servil … · 7) Upgrading Episcopal Conferences, is he? · 8) Quand est-ce que "l'église catholique a abandonné le modèle géocentrique"? · 9) Ukrainian Catholic Flee Crimea? · 10) Is Stein Maligning the Poor? · 11)
Friday, 21 September 2018
Bonum Festum Sancti Matthaei
Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL
In Aethiopia natalis sancti Matthaei, Apostoli et Evangelistae; qui, in ea regione praedicans, martyrium passus est. Hujus Evangelium, Hebraeo sermone conscriptum, ipso Matthaeo revelante, inventum est, una cum corpore beati Barnabae Apostoli, tempore Zenonis Imperatoris.
Vive le lectorat!
Entre Sainte Croix et Saint Mathieu, soit 14 sept. 2018 12:00 – 21 sept. 2018 11:00 & sur d'autres 14 sept. 2018 13:00 – 21 sept. 2018 12:00, j'ai eu ces pays en "taupe 10:"
Indonésie 1405 Italie 1084 États-Unis 789 région indéterminée 578 France 492 Ukraine 421 Singapour 401 Canada 346 Allemagne 162 Japon 148 Émirats arabes unis 106 Russie 93 Pologne 76 Espagne 70 Brésil 34 Suède 27 Tchéquie 22 Kenya 20 Arabie saoudite 16 Géorgie 15 Royaume-Uni 12 Mongolie 7 Thaïlande 7 Inde 7 Chine 6 Moldavie 5 Irlande 5 Turquie 4 Philippines 4 Argentine 3 Hong Kong 3 Pays-Bas 3 Corée du Sud 2Mexique 2Irak 2 Afrique du Sud 2 Vietnam 2 Cambodge 1 Danemark 1 Côte d’Ivoire 1 Finlande 1 Colombie 1
6386 / 7 = 912 et quelque par jour.
Bienvenue aux nouveaux!/HGL
PS, ils ont lu quoi, alors?
FR : Réponses à "aimerjesus" / "islam christianisme" · Chants de Salon et défence du moyen age · 9.0 Richter? et Allemagne moins riche en BD originales que la Suède · Un - contre ennemis et Goût sexuel? Fille. (contenu adulte) · Mi aniversario: 6-IX-2004, Del pueblo a Mansilla de Las Mulas et Navidad de Nuestra Señora, 8-IX-2004, León - Ayto. de Villadangos del Páramo et 10-IX-2004, Hospital de Órbigo - Base de Acampada, Astorga · Je suis intégriste aussi ... · Correctitude et archaïsme dans la grammaire · Ceux qui étaient hippies à l'époque, ont-ils qqc à regretter? · Historiographe Musulman : Ibn al Athir
ENG: Susan has a bad fright. · Answering a Meme About Catholic and Orthodox · On Young Marriages VS Abortions (initials only) · Dúnadan's Vigil · Oxalaia quilombensis and Procolophon trigoniceps and Cearadactylus atrox (a backup blog) · From Blog Posts or Notebook to Book : Part I, up to reproducible originals and Part II, from reproducible originals to books you can turn the pages of and How does one use diagrams for webs or similar anyway? · No, true enough Acharya, Varro did not write about Jesus ... · Theology, Pro-life, Christ King, Saints et c (bibliography) · In Answer to Zack Kopplin, from 2013 · With Richard Carrier and Carrier carries on the obtusity on a key point ... and Continuing Previous : XXI to XXXIII - getting to Troy (as we Tend to Do) (Update to XXXIX) · A Difficulty with the Chronology of St Jerome?
SV: Prolog: Litavens kulturhistoria, uppsats - intro & innehåll · En treflig man, ett JV
LAT : Quid est scientia septem artium et quur hic non omnes tracto?
DE: Euler als "Astronom"
musica : Schenker and Couperin in Hypodoris (new scan)
Mise à jour : 753 vues entre 23 sept. 2018 19:00 et 24 sept. 2018 18:00
États-Unis 183 région indéterminée 39 Brésil 17 France 146 Japon 2Chine 2Royaume-Uni 4 Pays-Bas 1 Philippines 1 Portugal 1 Suisse 2 Estonie 4 Italie 287 Indonésie 4 Kazakhstan 2 Turkménistan 2 Russie 19 Suède 2 Canada 4 Tchéquie 2 Ukraine 5 Pologne 2 Malaisie 1 Singapour 1 Algérie 3 Espagne 6 Autriche 1 Colombie 1 Allemagne 4 Grèce 1 Pérou 1 Irlande 3
Et pour les posts, entre 24 sept. 2018 11:00 et 25 sept. 2018 10:00 ...
ENG : ... against Krauss, Ten Answers to his First Six Minutes and ... to Krauss, Three More Comments in Six More Minutes · With Erik Høg on Parallax in New Catalogues and Other Check on Carbon Buildup · Masoretic and Carbon 14 NOT Counting Göbekli Tepe in Advance First Time · Christine O'Donnell is right of course · Debating Göbekli Tepe as Tower of Babel · Inanimate Balls of Fire are Not Fighting and Once Again : Austrofascist and Nazi is NOT the Same Thing. · Folding quiers - plier les cahiers d'imprimérie (ou de photocopies) · Is God THE Necessary Being? Part III
FR : Ben Cohen, Jerry Greenfield ... et Hezekiel 16:49-50 et Mélange des populations et débat sur l'identité nationale ... et Tolkien ésotérique? Je pense que non. et Feu d'artifice, vue par dessous le Pont d'Alma · le guide de la Trentaine · 24-VII-2004, Heide et avant Hamburg et Dimanche le 25-VII-2004, Hamburg, Jour de St Jacques! et 26-VII-2004, Hamburg Hodenhagen Hannover · Et Tolkien inventa des langues · Folding quiers - plier les cahiers d'imprimérie (ou de photocopies) · Jeans de PRÉSENT: Madiran oui, Cochet non ... · Je n'ai pas lu ni entendu le propos entier d'un Macron sur Gaulois et Danois
LAT : Index in stephani tempier condempnationes
SV : Ost till Påsk?
ESP :Paleoceno de California La Baja - Bocadillo
musica : Sonata Nemetodurica
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Comment traduire moyboy en français?
Comment traduire moyboy en français? · Ah, merci beaucoup, fsspx.news! · Vous avez lu 100 infos insolites sur Les Sciences? · Commençons la revue de "100 infos insolites ..." · "La science c'est quoi?"
Parmi les Créationnistes, "moyboy" est un acronyme un tantinnet dérogatoire et en même temps assez bien (il me semble) ciblé.
- M
- illions
- O
- f
- Y
- ears,
- B
- illions
- O
- f
- Y
- ears.
Puisque "billion" est ici dans le sens de "deuxième multiplication par mille d'un mille initial", donc "le compte court", il se traduit avec un autre mot en français ou la plupart des langues pour lesquelles "billion" serait plutôt ("compte long") "deuxième million à entrer en multiplication avec un premier million". Alors, on dit "milliard" pour ce que les Américains et pas mal d'Anglais appellent "billion".
- M
- illions
- D'
- A
- nnées,
- M
- illiards
- D'
- A
- nnées.
À prononcer "mdamda" après voyelle et de prendre soin de ne pas placer la phrase après consonne, comme pour pas mal de mots de certains langues africaines./HGL
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Comment dit-on "suspicious" en français? Certains français le sont sur le seul fait que j'utilise internet!
En langue courante, on dit souvent "parano" mais hélas ça renvoie à une de ces diagnoses pseudoscientifiques des psychiatres.
J'ai dû l'utiliser quand même dans une situation comme celle-ci, l'autre personne étant une veuve:
- Autre
- Oui oui tu as déjà fais connaissance d autres personnes sur le site comme sur le net ?
- Moi
- oui, j'en ai assez beaucoup
la plupart ou au moins bonne moitié catholiques
(moins en France qu'ailleurs)
- Autre
- Ok mais dis moi depuis combien de tempes es ce que tu utilise le net ?
- Moi
- Depuis 2001.
Depuis Carême de 2001.
- Autre
- Quelle es le bute de votre presence ici
- Moi
- LE but?
Comme UN seul?
Non, il n'y en a pas.
J'en ai plusieurs, dont un est de suivre des discussions intéressantes (en parallèle avec notre correspo, j'ai suivi et contribué à un débat avec des protestants, comme apologète, et un autre, qui pourra être élargi, est déjà sur mon blog:
HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS : Celtic Christianity
Mais ces débats ne sont pas du tout le SEUL ou UNIQUE but de ma présence sur FB. De loin.
- Autre
- Que recherches tu exactement sur le net
- Moi
- Cette question n'a pas de sens, elle présuppose que j'ai juste UN but.
- Autre
- Moi je recherche tout d'abord a entamer une relation amicale je veux dire par la que je veux mieux connaitre et apprendre a connaitre la personne avec laquelle je discute avant d'aller plus loin !
- Moi
- En plus, elle ressemble un peu à une forme de "paranoïe" - je ne parle pas de la pseudo-diagnose, mais je cherche le mot français pour "Mißtrauischkeit" ou "suspiciousness".
Je vous souhaite bonne chance.
En d'autres mots, qu'elle était sympa ou pas, en termes d'amour elle n'était pas mon idéal. Ce qu'elle semble avoir compris, puisque l'amitié a cessé. Je lui laisse l'anonymat./HGL
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Blogs from Countries Where I Have Readers, V, 2018
Blogs from Countries Where I have Readers : part I, France to Italy · part II, Lebanon to Puerto Rico · part III, Romania to Turkey · part IV, Ukraine to United States · Part V, 2018
When it comes to East Asian countries, I have tried to find content with either some English or mainly non-verbal. This year, I made no effort to grade countries with different numbers of blogs from each. But Canada has two blogs, one from Québec, one from English speaking parts. And, sorry, the country names are in French ....
Italie Le pagine di Lo' · Ukraine Bulding Your World · États-Unis Lily Valley · France L'OEIL SUR LE VIN · Russie Aimez-vous le français autant que je l'aime moi? · Indonésie The Peace of Mind... · Allemagne UP AND DOWN ON THE PAVEMENT · Canada FR La cuisine de Messidor · Canada ENG She Who Seeks · Émirats arabes unis Media & Information Literacy · Pologne Rosy Owl · Suède Boklysten · Brésil Dona House · Espagne Quiero ser director de cine · Chine Generally lost and disheveled · Irlande Nesta's blog · Belgique Hawaii 2018 · Portugal CRESCER SAUDÁVEL · Roumanie Florin Caragiu - English Corner · Inde Reader's Muse · Japon フランスピアノの魅力~Le charme du piano français~ · Royaume-Uni Growing up with TJ Campbell · Vietnam Happy-life · Pakistan PAKISTAN CULTURE : History OF Pashtoon · Honduras El segundo texto · Autriche Alles außer Arbeit · Afrique du Sud Kommetjie Kitchen · Singapour SingaCookie · Andorre INFORMATIVO G24 · Australie My Little Creative Nook! · Équateur blogdepequeñazuzana · Corée du Sud Wet Casements · Pays-Bas Josés Scrapboat · Arménie jazzbluesnews
Monday, 17 September 2018
I was Going to Make Another Post with Blogs From Countries Where I Have Readers
I feel a bit stuck here at Eire:
[jpeg lacking]
I also feel a bit stuck about documenting this.
I took a screenshot, made a paint document, put it in jpeg.
I then try to open it so I can show it here.
No, that specific part of the computer where that went is suddenly inaccessible ..../HGL
(Oh, by the way, we are Nanterre University Library, which you may have guessed)
Relevant factors:
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So the value EI (Eire) is not authorised?
.... except, my bad, the correct code for Ireland was IE ...
BUT, when I try BE for Belgium:
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Days later, uploading images works again, and here is a comment section which is slow in upload (see circle):

Friday, 14 September 2018
Bonum Festum Exaltationis Sanctae Crucis
Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL
Exaltatio sanctae Crucis, quando Heraclius Imperator, Chosroa Rege devicto, eam de Perside Hierosolymam reportavit.
Les articles les plus lus le mois dernier / most read articles last month
DE : Zum Kreationismus-Reportage Vanessa Meisingers · Pfirti' oder B'förd' di'?
ENG : When is Hislop Wrong? Everytime! · IX quora : If one practises self hypnosis, is it easier to be hypnotised by a stranger? (adult content blog) · Correspondence With Richard Carrier · Two Observations, Carrier! What if logically necessary means God? · Neanderthal - speculations and certainty · (and we sang:) Kum ba ya, ma Lor, kum ba ya! · Whom did Christ call "that fox"? · Creationism and Geocentrism are sometimes used as metaphors for "outdated because disproven inexact science" · Answering Yahya Snow · A Problem with Ivugi Community, as Portrayed by John Davis · clarifications à propos donativo (Eng/fr) · Less than complete skull (with or without some of the rest) (while the site I am mirroring on the blog is not mine, this post is, since part of my begun work to classify according to state of preservation for best specimen) · Filioque far older than III Council of Toledo (while the blog started to compare, side by side, two catechisms, this page is mine) · If Tower of Babel was a Rocket Project - What Else Can We Expect?
FR : Correspondance âge du monde avec Gabriel Audisio · Merci, Eric Wenzel! · Fort de Villeneuve-St-Georges : Le bâtiment · Impressionisme à la japonaise · Un - contre ennemis (contenu adulte sur le blog) · pélérinage de 2004 : 15-VII-2004, Svallerup, Kalundborg, AArhus · Dimanche, 1-VIII-2004, Deutschland - Nederlande · 18-VIII-2004, le pélerinage a pied recommence: Pamplune - Puente La Reina · 4-IX-2004, Ledigos - Alb. Municipal La Trinidad, Sahagún · 21-IX-2004, Cacabelos - Ave Fenix, Villafranca del Bierzo · clarifications à propos donativo (Eng/fr) · "En France, nous sommes 67 millions de victimes de l'évasion fiscale" · Astro Renaissance, Architecture Médiévale, Maths Modernes (à leur mieux) · Un escroqueur vient de me contacter (c'est amusant en plus)
LAT : Collectio errorum in Anglia et Parisius Condempnatorum · Index morphologiae uerbalis
SV : MAJORITETSBESLUTETS PROBLEM & LÖSNING · Litavens kulturhistoria, problem 2 · En treflig man, ett JV
diagrammata et scriptura musicalis : Schenker and Couperin in Hypodoris (new scan) · impressa in octavo
6 sept. 2018 19:00 – 13 sept. 2018 18:00
1) Italie
77 + 223 + 72 + 214 + 218 = 804
2) Ukraine
49 + 14 + 4 + 13 + 2 + 511 + 4 + 66 + 38 + 42 + 4 + 21 + 23 + 4 + 3 = 798
3) États-Unis
109 + 12 + 2 + 19 + 2 + 17 + 60 + 15 + 85 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 14 + 234 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 11 + 1 + 20 + 23 + 11 + 20 + 3 + 2 + 88 + 1 + 7 + 2 + 8 = 790
4) France
121 + 3 + 43 + 9 + 2 + 61 + 3 + 24 + 5 + 28 + 9 + 170 + 113 + 3 + 29 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 2 + 20 + 50 + 4 + 7 + 1 = 718
5) Russie
13 + 4 + 10 + 21 + 2 + 395 + 2 + 21 + 1 + 1 + 32 + 2 + 44 + 2 + 40 + 10 + 4 + 14 = 618
6) région indéterminée
27 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 26 + 23 + 64 + 19 + 23 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 96 + 1 + 111 + 3 + 8 = 418
7) Indonésie 19 + 9 + 6 + 12 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 14 + 15 + 6 + 9 + 6 + 6 + 7 + 6 + 9 + 6 + 5 + 7 + 16 + 7 + 9 + 12 + 7 + 5 + 12 + 6 + 9 + 10 + 6 + 6 + 13 + 2 + 7 + 7 + 9 + 13 + 6 + 7 = 329
8) Allemagne
71 + 2 + 6 + 5 + 41 + 1 + 15 + 6 + 32 + 24 + 3 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 19 = 240
9) Canada
4 + 1 + 4 + 85 + 2 + 1 + 112 = 209
10) Émirats arabes unis
1 + 61 = 62
11) Pologne
20 + 2 + 2 + 17 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 9 + 1 = 56
12) Suède
2 + 2 + 4 + 15 + 10 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 6 = 46
13) Brésil
3 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 2 = 37
14) Espagne
1 + 1 + 3 + 23 + 5 + 1 = 34
15) Chine
14 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 9 = 30
16) Irlande
21 + 8 = 29
17) Belgique
1 + 11 + 1 + 4 + 2 = 19
18) Portugal
1 + 7 = 8
19) Roumanie
7 + 1 = 8
20) Inde
2 + 2 = 4
21 - 27 ex aequo) Japon 2
1 + 1 = 2
Vietnam 2
Pakistan 2
Honduras 2
Autriche 2
Afrique du Sud 2
28 - 34 ex aequo) Singapour 1
Andorre 1
Australie 1
Équateur 1
Corée du Sud 1
Pays-Bas 1
Arménie 1
804 + 798 + 790 + 718 + 618+ 418 + 329+ 240 + 209 + 62 + 56 + 46 + 37 + 34 + 30 + 29 + 19 + 16 + 27 = 5280, 754 par jour
184 580 04 (ici j'ajoute pour éliminer
177 650 11 les stats pour cinq messages
176 720 17 bonus, une méthode d'addition
171 790 18 pour grands chiffres)
170 860 18 878
5280 - 878 = 4402, 629 par jour
14 sept. 2018 10:00 Pages vues hier
15 + 39 + 21 + 1 + 15 + 99 + 37 + 85 + 8 + 75 + 31 + 20 + 25 + 23 + 13 + 111 + 17 + 15 + 11 + 18 + 17 + 16 + 38 + 11 + 16 + 21 + 53 + 91 + 15 + 28 + 27 + 27 + 18 + 2 + 26 + 26 + 17 + 12 + 91 = 1231
14 sept. 2018 10:00, Pages vues le mois dernier
56 + 1283 + 464 + 95 + 543 + 2439 + 1119 + 267 + 322 + 601 + 42 + 367 + 387 + 263 + 2363 + 46 + 41 + 36 + 59 + 50 + 42 + 89 + 45 + 178 + 110 + 244 + 780 + 6222 + 480 + 396 + 842 + 765 + 29 + 674 + 51 + 129 + 3242 = 25 161 839 par jour
Pas comptés : 52 6 188 261
En ne pas comptants ces cinq messages ici non plus:
25161 - (622+592+579+560+558) = 22250 ; 22250 / 30 = 742
Saturday, 8 September 2018
Bonum Festum Nativitatis Beatae Mariae Virginis
Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL
Nativitas beatissimae semper Virginis Genitricis Dei Mariae.
Citing Mark Shea on the Prejudice of Certain People he Considers as Racist
New blog on the kid : Citing Mark Shea on the Prejudice of Certain People he Considers as Racist · HGL's F.B. writings : Mark Shea : For Kaepernick AND For Tebow
Attentive readers of the blog may know, I often read Mark Shea. So I did today.
When white people* do well in this country, it’s because of their hard work and pluck. When the black president reminded them that the infrastructure of this country was not their doing, but was the fruit of immense state efforts to, for instance, create the colossal interstate system under Eisenhower or electrical grid under Roosevelt, he famously told them “you didn’t build that”. The ginned up Right Wing Lie Machine outrage over that supposed insult to hard-working white individuals resounded for weeks. How dare the black guy suggest we owe a thing to our country? We hard-working independent white people did it all with no help from anybody.
And when those white people march under the banners of the two regimes–Confederate and Nazi–who spilled more American blood on the Stars and Stripes than any other, our Traitor -in-Chief calls the marchers “very fine people” and pretends he gives a crap about the American flag while he calls the black protester Kaepernick a son of a bitch.
But when black people do well in this country, they are instructed to be “grateful”. They are where they are because we white people allowed them to get there and they would be nothing without our generous patronage and support. They didn’t build that. We did. And we might just take it away if they get too uppity.
Don’t ever forget that double standard. It’s one of the reasons people like Kaepernick kneel.
Indeed, there is a double standard about gratitude here.
One could of course say that the people Mark Shea refers to as Christianist have one standard - and one prejudice.
That prejudice being : white men contribute as tax payers, black men live off the dole, live off the tax payers.
And, sure, that prejudice forgets highways and policemen, army and judges are as much paid for by taxes as the doles of poor people.
It also involves some kind of "statistical likelihood" prejudice. Now, black people are perhaps statistically likelier to live off the dole and white people less likely, in US. But there are many blacks who do not live off the dole, and there are many whites who do.
So, a black man who doesn't needs to be solidaric with the black men who do, a white man who doesn't needs no such solidarity to white men who do?
Obviously false.
This kind of double standards I have once referred to as "bourgeois prejudice" to one Anthony Zarrella (I hope I got his last name right this time : memory technics, his family being Italian, and Italian language is generous in double consonants) and I got lectured on bourgeois not being more erroneous in erroneous prejudices than proletarians and no less right in right prejudices.
That was not the point. Erroneous prejudice is, first of all, diverse among diverse groups, and this one is of the type you can label bourgeois (except the bourgeoisie tends to be anti-racist, so uses it on other divisians than racial ones), and on that occasion I was simply saying what type of erroneous prejudice I was momentarily annoyed at.
Also, such bourgeois prejudice is far from absent from the proletariate - and is part of what fuels more "proletarian" prejudice. I spoke to a man who had a prejudice about "kissing cousins" erroneously thinking genetic conditions leading to lower intelligence are more a genes mutation problem (where you need same gene from two parents) than a karyogrammatic one. He put this into a Proletarian rant about monarchy being kissing cousins (somewhat true in Victorian times) and this having led to fall of monarchy in France (when there were under pre-Revolutionary Europe so many principalities and high noble fiefs that kissing cousins was mostly not a thing).
I saw Mark Shea lable the post "racism is a sin" ... I am not sure that is adequate. Chesterton once said "capitalism is a sin, socialism is a heresy" - and I think he would have labelled racialism as a heresy, not just a sin.
There may be on some non-Christian blacks a curse of Ham - since a prayer of the Church asks God to lift that curse from their hearts. Meaning, it is not a genetic curse, it is a moral one, which definitely can be lifted by Grace.
And it is not the same thing as living off the dole, anyway.
Some of my readers might know I like Mussolini, but some of the more attentive ones may also know I like him better for 1935 (when he told Chesterton he despised racialism) and for 1936 (when he helped Schuschnigg against Hitler) than for 1938 (true, he was helping Franco, BUT he was also giving Hitler free space to gobble Austria - and sign ...), Carta della Razza.
Some of my readers may also know, I am concerned about "le grand remplacement" - fewer babies from our own countries and more immigrants to replace them - but some of the more attentive ones may also know, I have not argued being mean or stupid to the immigrants already here is a solution. I have argued making more babies is a solution. And with or withut immigrants, a necessary one, you know old age pensions don't get automatic value (despite some Proletarian prejudice) just by being paid in advance when the pensioners were still working and laying aside. Real value has to be produced for real value to be consumed. An old man may occasionally drink a Burgundy from when he was working, but he is not likely to eat crackers from when he was working.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
* Citing : On the Dumb Nike Flap
September 6, 2018 by Mark Shea
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